Jamie Corroon, ND, MPH
Medical Director of the Center for Medical Cannabis Education
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Co-authored Articles (20)
How to Make Marijuana Tea
Add weed to your tea for an herbal twist on a classic beverage Marijuana tea is a simple and soothing way to enjoy the effects of cannabis. Like any other form of edible, its effects are strong and will take some time to...
How to
Make Cannabis Oil for Vape Pens
If you’re a cannabis enthusiast, you may have wondered if you can make your own vape juice with THC. The answer is yes—and there are several ways to do it. When you make your own e-liquid, you get to control what ing...
How to
Clone Cannabis
What are cannabis clones? Clones are just cuttings from established cannabis plants, which are called “mother plants." For beginners and experienced growers alike, growing from clones offers a variety of benefits. You ...
How to Grow Cannabis Outdoors: A Step-by-Step Guide
Everything you need to know to about growing weed safely Growing marijuana outdoors produces a higher yield, gives your buds a unique flavor, and it’s far less energy-intensive than using indoor grow lights. Outdoor c...
How to
Charge a Vape Pen
In the past few years, vaping has become increasingly popular as an alternative to smoking cigarettes. Almost all vape pens and e-cigarettes are battery-powered (the batteries heat the liquid, turning it into a vapor), w...
How to
Tell the Difference Between Indica and Sativa
If marijuana is legal where you live and you've ever stepped inside a dispensary, you might've been overwhelmed by the sheer number of different strains available. All these strains can be split into 2 main types: ''indi...
How to Vape Weed (Flower Vapes and Cannabis Oil Vapes)
Whether you’ve been ingesting marijuana for years or you’re new to the scene, vaping marijuana is a great way to consume it quickly and discreetly. There are 2 main options for vaping marijuana: a flower vape, which...
How to
Make Cannabis Tincture
If you use marijuana for pain management or stress relief, you’ve probably come across marijuana tinctures before. These highly concentrated herbal extracts are great for quickly and discreetly ingesting marijuana, esp...
How to Get Your Disposable Vape to Work (& Why It Isn't)
''Simple ways to troubleshoot your vape and get it working again'' Vape products have come a long way since the first commercially successful e-cigarette created in 2003. they come in different styles, colors, and flav...
How to Use CBD Oil
A complete guide to using CBD oil to soothe pain, anxiety, and other ailments center If you’re dealing with issues like pain, anxiety, insomnia, or seizures, you might be interested in using cannabidiol (CBD) oil to fi...
How to
Fix Vape Pen Wires
Wire issues are a common reason good vape pens stop working. Before tossing your pen, try a few simple repairs. First, clear all debris out of the heating chamber. If the chamber looks clean, use a paperclip to adjust th...
How to Use an Electronic Cigarette (Vape)
A beginner’s guide to smoothly vaping an e cigarette '''This article is for adults only. No one under 18 should be vaping as it is harmful to the developing brain'''. E-cigarettes, also known as e-pens, e-pipes, and e-...
How to
Make Marijuana Smell Stronger
Growing marijuana is a labor of love, so it's frustrating if you get buds that smell like hay or nothing at all. Choosing a strain with a smell you love is one of the easiest ways to make your marijuana smell stronger. T...
How Does Being High Affect Your Sleep?
Exploring how weed impacts your sleep quality Many claim that marijuana helps them fall asleep and stay asleep. But research into the effects of cannabis on sleep patterns and sleep quality is still ongoing, and there’...
How to
Grow Medical Marijuana
More and more countries are allowing the use and cultivation of marijuana for medicinal purposes. If you have a prescription for medical marijuana but cannot find a source, or if you simply want to save money, you may wa...
How to
Tell Your Parents You Smoke Marijuana
Openness with your family is important. If you want to inform your parents that you smoke marijuana you should consider several things first, like why you want to talk to them, why marijuana is important to you, and how ...
Can You Vape as a Christian? An Informed Guide
A biblical look at sinfulness and nicotine Wondering what God says about vaping and nicotine? Whether you’re thinking about vaping for the first time or looking for another reason to quit, this is a good question to be...
How to
Enjoy Vaping (E Cigarettes)
Vaping, or inhaling nicotine through the vapor of a carrier liquid, allows e-cigarette users to cut down on tobacco and instead customize their smoking experience with flavored vapors and different e-cigarettes. Many peo...
How to
Take CBD Oil for Cough
A cough can be super annoying, especially when it won’t go away. If you have a chronic cough, you might try cannabidiol (CBD) oil to help you get relief. CBD can reduce inflammation in your respiratory system, so it ma...
How Long Weed Carts Last and How to Prolong Their Life
''Get to know the most effective tips for cannabis products'' Whether you're an occasional or heavy vaper, you're probably wondering how long your cartridge will last before it needs to be replaced or refilled. To determ...