Kirsten Thompson, MD
Board Certified Psychiatrist
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Co-authored Articles (23)
How to
Get Prescribed Xanax
You may have heard Xanax is a good drug to use for anxiety and other disorders. That much is true. However, most doctors will not readily hand out prescriptions for this drug because it does come with some problems. Ther...
How to Get an Adrenaline Rush: At-Home Ideas
Get your blood pumping no matter where you areBungee jumping. Sky-diving. Paragliding. All of these activities are great ways to get an adrenaline rush, or an experience where you develop an increased heart rate and a sp...
Get Closer with Your Cousins: Gaining Trust, Building Relationships & More
Family psychology experts weigh in on how to build a friendship with your cousin For some people, a cousin is like a cross between a sibling and a friend, and the relationship can be very deep and close. Others are more ...
How to
Identify a Pedophile
All parents want to protect their children from predators, but how do you keep your kids safe when you don't know how to spot one? Anyone can be a child molester, so identifying one can be difficult — especially becaus...
14 House Rules for Teenagers & Young Adults Living at Home
Setting boundaries when your adult child lives at home For 18-year-olds, living at home is a sensible way to weather a tough economy and build up to a more independent life. But living with a young adult is different tha...
Maladaptive Daydreaming Test
You have an active imagination. Your fantasies feature an exciting cast of characters, with complex storylines fit for the screen. You could spend the whole day lost in reveries. But are you just a dreamer—or are you l...
What to Do If You Pee Yourself in Public: Immediate Steps + Prevention Tips
Insight from an expert on dealing with urinary incontinenceWetting yourself in public is far more common than people realize, whether due to situational or medical reasons. That being said, bathroom accidents can still l...
Why You Can't Get Over Your Ex (Even If It Was a Bad Relationship)
A comprehensive guide to all the reasons moving on can be difficult, with tips to help you let go and move forward Breakups are never easy, and getting over them takes time, but make no mistake: you can do it. If you’r...
How to
Control an Adrenaline Rush
An adrenaline rush is when your adrenal glands pump an excess amount of adrenaline into your body in response to high amounts of stress or anxiety. You may experience a wide range of symptoms that are similar to panic at...
How to
Keep From Excessively Daydreaming
If your daydreaming is interfering with your day-to-day activities, it may be a sign that you need to improve your concentration and save your dreaming for nighttime. In order to reduce your daydreaming, it may help to f...
How to
Get a Sick Note
A sick note, sometimes called a doctor’s note or a medical certificate, is a recommendation from your doctor about your medical condition and how it affects your ability to attend school or work. Sick notes can be for ...
11 Important Rules for Adult Children Living at Home
''Use these rules to create a contract that works for everyone in your home''Once your child leaves the nest, you don’t expect them to fly back home to roost. This change in plans isn’t necessarily a bad thing; in fa...
How to
Comfort Your Sister when She Is Crying
When your sister is upset, she might turn to you for comfort. No matter what’s upsetting her, you can be supportive and helpful. Offer her a shoulder to cry on and be a good listener. If she wants it, you can offer to...
How to
Write a Letter Asking for Advice
The need to ask for advice arises periodically throughout life. Looking for a job, navigating the world of relationships, dealing with bullies, or figuring out what to do about your first crush are just a few of the life...
How to
Get Through Tough Times
Life changes can leave you reeling and feeling unsure of what to do next. Whether it’s coping with financial problems, dealing with death or trying to heal from a divorce, it’s not always easy to figure out what your...
How to Maintain Your Independence While Living at Home
Make living with your parents a better experience for everyone If you're a young adult who's recently moved back in with your parents, you're not alone. Studies show that around half of all 18- to 29-year-old Americans a...
How to
Deal With a Difficult Cousin
Having a difficult cousin can be frustrating, especially if you have to spend time with them often. You can make it easier on yourself by learning to handle conflicts with your cousin, communicating with them more effect...
How to
Increase Dopamine Sensitivity
Dopamine is the brain's pleasure, motivation, and reward chemical. Improving dopamine sensitivity can have profound effects on many day-to-day functions, including motivation, memory, behavior, cognition, attention, slee...
How to
Survive a Riot
As dramatic as it sounds, an angry mob can be just as dangerous and unpredictable as just about any natural disaster. Thousands of people are killed in riots all over the world each year, and these riots erupt from a nu...
How to
Stop Trintellix
If you’re dealing with depression, your doctor may prescribe an antidepressant medication like Trintellix to help treat and manage your symptoms. If you and your doctor decide that this isn't the right medication for y...