Marissa Levis
English Teacher
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Co-authored Articles (18)
How to
Write a Movie Review
Whether a movie is a rotten tomato or a brilliant work of art, if people are watching it, it's worth critiquing. A decent movie review should entertain, persuade and inform, providing an original opinion without giving a...
What Does Ibid Mean? How to Use It & Citation Examples
Your complete guide to including Ibid in your works cited & moreIbid is an abbreviation of the Latin word ibidem, which literally means “in the same place.” Practically speaking, it means that a citation in a works c...
Tips & Tricks for Writing a High-Quality Review
Advice for reviewing restaurants, movies, services, & moreFrom books and movies to plumbers and hotels, reviewing a product or service can be a useful skill. Reviews allow a consumer to share their opinion of a product o...
How to
Write a Sports Article
For many aspiring journalists and writers, as well as seasoned veterans, sporting events provide a fruitful ground for practicing their craft. Sports are exciting, familiar, popular, unpredictable, and always happening ...
What Does the Expression “Pun Intended” Mean?
Learn all about puns and how to make a clever joke out of themEnglish is full of words and sounds that are so similar to each other, you might misinterpret what you’re reading or hearing. When someone intentionally exp...
How to
Write Hotel Reviews
Based on your trip experience, you may want to praise or tear apart the hotel location where you stayed. Knowing how to write hotel reviews will help you give an unbiased consumer opinion that may help others make well-i...
How to
Do Inâtext Citations in MLA
The Modern Language Association (MLA) citation style calls for a Works Cited page at the end of your paper along with parenthetical citations in-text.. 09 February 2024. Place an in-text citation at the end of every sent...
Examples & Exceptions to the “I Before E Except After C” Rule
Plus, where the saying came from and its variationsYou probably learned “I before E except after C” in grade school...and you likely know that there are a ton of exceptions to this rule—so many that it can be hard ...
How to Cite Images and Paintings in APA, MLA, and Chicago
Your expert guide to crediting a painting, drawing, or other artwork in your research and writingYou may need to use a painting as a source for a research paper, particularly if you're writing about art history or a rela...
How to Quote a Song in a Paper (with Formatting & Examples)
Learn to correctly cite a song in your written work Depending on the type of paper you're writing, you may need to use a song as a reference – either a specific recording, or the composition of the song itself. The fo...
How to
Cite Short Stories in MLA
Short stories can be great resources for a literary essay or a paper for an English class. To cite a short story, you have to include an in-text citation, which will take the form of "(O'Connor 10)" and then create a cit...
How to
Cite Shakespeare in MLA
Citing Shakespeare in MLA style can be tricky, as you may not be sure how to cite the act, verse, and line numbers, rather than page numbers. To follow MLA style, you will need to properly format any quotes from Shakespe...
How to
Write Objectives in a Research Proposal
A research proposal is a detailed outline for a significant research project. They’re common for class assignments, capstone papers, grant applications, and even job applications in some fields, so it's possible you'll...
How to
Cite Half a Sentence
Most common citation styles, including Modern Language Association (MLA), American Psychological Association (APA), and Chicago style, favor placing in-text citations at the end of a sentence in which a source is quoted,...
How to
Cite an Article Inside of a Book
Generally, when you use an article or essay published in a book as a source, you list the author and title of the article first. The title and editor of the book, along with publishing information, will make up the rest ...
How to Properly Cite an Email in MLA, APA, and Chicago Styles
Use an email message as a source in your essay, paper, or projectWhen writing a research paper or report, you may want to interview an expert on the topic or ask questions using email. If you use information from that em...
How to
Write a Smartphone Review
In an age where consumers are increasingly relying on each other for honest and straightforward recommendations of new products, writing or recording a smartphone review is a great way to help potential buyers get a feel...
How to
Use an Encyclopedia
So, you've decided to go old school and use an encyclopedia? Good for you! An encyclopedia is an alphabetical collection of reference information. It is divided into many books (volumes) because of the large number of su...