Sarah Gehrke, RN, MS
Registered Nurse
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Co-authored Articles (177)
How to
Read Syringes
You may think all you've got to do to read a syringe is look at the lines on the tube. But different syringes measure volume in different increments, and sometimes they don’t use the standard unit, milliliters (mL). Th...
How to
Tell if Vaginal Discharge Is Normal
Vaginal discharge, also known as cervical fluid, is normal and necessary for the proper function of your vagina. It keeps your vagina lubricated and maintains a normal pH balance, which is slightly acidic. However, somet...
How to
Get Rid of Ingrown Toenails
An ingrown toenail can be painful and unpleasant. However, there are things you can do to stop your toenail from growing into your skin. Doing so may even prevent you from having to get surgery to remove the ingrown toen...
How to Get Rid of & Prevent Hemorrhoids
Dealing with hemorrhoids (or piles) is no fun. Although painful, hemorrhoids usually aren’t serious and tend to go away on their own, but a few simple treatments can help them fade even faster. We’ve got the best tip...
How to
Read an Ultrasound Picture
An ultrasound may be performed for a variety of reasons, but looking at a baby in the womb is the most common reason. If you have recently had an ultrasound and you want to know how to interpret the images on your ultra...
How to
End an Erection
Having an erection is a natural physical experience, but it can be uncomfortable if you get one at an inopportune time. While simply waiting it out is often the best option, you may be able to ease your discomfort by foc...
How to
Get Taller Fast
Unfortunately, there is no way of putting inches on your frame instantly. Growing taller is mostly about genetics. Between 60% and 80% of your height is determined by the DNA that your parents passed down to you, whereas...
How to Get Nicotine Out of Your System: Easy Ways to Prep for a Drug Test
Clear nicotine from your body as fast as possible after you've smoked your last cigarette Contrary to popular belief, nicotine doesn't actually stay in your system for very long. Since it only has a half-life of about 2 ...
How to
Get Rid of a Sore Throat Quickly
A sore throat is a horrible feeling, but luckily, it doesn’t have to last! Given that you are past the prevention routine, you can get rid of a sore throat quickly with home remedies and certain foods. However, if your...
Clearing a Blocked Tear Duct: Treatment, Causes, & Prevention
Medically-verified treatment options for a clogged tear ductDoes your eye feel watery, inflamed, or swollen? Or maybe you’ve noticed that your baby’s eye looks infected or irritated. These symptoms could be caused by...
How to
Check for a Hernia
A hernia happens when an area of the muscle wall holding your internal organs in place becomes weakened. Once the weakened area becomes large enough, a part of the internal organ starts poking out. Fortunately, there are...
The Quickest Methods for Mole Removal
Get a mole removed by a medical professional, or do it yourself with some simple home remediesMoles—pigmented cells on the skin—are incredibly common. They may be tan, dark brown, black, or even have a yellow tint or...
Treating Paronychia at Home: Self-Care, Causes, & More
Your guide to treating a throbbing nail infection at homeWhether you picked a hangnail or pushed back your cuticles, paronychia causes redness, pain, and swelling around a nail that can make completing your normal tasks ...
How to Get Rid of a Nair Rash or Burn (Plus Preventative Tips!)
Soothe and heal irritated skin after using a hair removal cream Depilatory creams like Nair are a popular method of hair removal because they’re easy to use, can remove hair from awkward spots you can't reach with your...
How to Cure Mouth Ulcers Quickly & Naturally
Tired of canker sores? Learn how to get rid of them at home (and when you should see a doctor)Ouch! Is that a canker sore you just noticed in your mouth? Despite their small size, mouth ulcers can cause some serious pai...
How to
Tell if a Piercing Is Infected
You just got a new piercing and you’re not sure whether what you’re experiencing is a normal part of the healing process, or worse – an infection. Learn to recognize signs that your piercing is infected so that you...
7 Easy Ways to Figure Out Your Blood Type (With or Without a Test)
Painless ways to tell your blood type for medical or personal reasons Can’t figure out your blood type? You’re not alone! It’s estimated that about one-third of people don’t know their own blood type. Maybe you�...
Ears Won’t Pop? How to Find Instant Relief
Safe and easy ways to get your ears feeling normal againFrom time to time, especially when you’re dealing with a sudden change in air pressure (like when you’re in an airplane), your ears may start to feel stuffed, ...
How to
Feel Your Cervix
Did you know the cervix changes position and texture depending on where you are in your ovulation cycle? Feeling your cervix can help you determine whether or not you are ovulating, and it's a great way to better underst...
How to
Use Cialis
The drug Cialis can be used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) or an enlarged prostate. To purchase this drug, you'll need a prescription from your doctor. Make sure you take the correct dosage so it works when you need ...