Sellenee Sich

Sellenee Sich is a Crochet & Knitting Expert based in Gillette, Wyoming. She is the owner of Swanky Mountain, a small business that sells yarn and a variety of knitting and crochet materials. They also offer classes and events for knitting and craft enthusiasts. Through their busy calendar of activities and tutorials, Swanky Mountain has built a thriving community of makers. Sellenee has been working with yarn for over a decade and loves to help people develop their crafting and fiber skills.

Professional Achievements

  • Holds a review average of 5 stars on both Google and Shopify
  • Featured Instructor for 2023's Knit Happy Summit

Certifications & Organizations

  • Member, Fiber Business Collective
  • Member, Wyoming Women's Business Center

Favorite Piece of Advice

There are no fiber police so be brave, try new things, and don't be afraid to fail.

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Co-authored Articles (4)