Sellenee Sich
Crochet & Knitting Expert
Professional Achievements
- Holds a review average of 5 stars on both Google and Shopify
- Featured Instructor for 2023's Knit Happy Summit
Certifications & Organizations
- Member, Fiber Business Collective
- Member, Wyoming Women's Business Center
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Co-authored Articles (4)
How to
Make Loom Bands
Loom bands are the hottest new craze! Everyone's wearing accessories made from these colorful little rubber bands. They might be called loom bands, but you don't actually need a loom to create fun crafts. You'll find sev...
How to
Card Wool
A simple guide to carding wool for knitting or art Wool carding involves separating and straightening sheep’s wool with two brushes so that it can be used to make fiber art or yarn for knitting. These brushes closely r...
How to
Iron Wool
Wool requires regular maintenance, including ironing. To iron wool, you will need to use a low heat setting and have a pressing cloth between the wool and the fabric.. 05 December 2024. Iron slowly and in straight lines...
How to
Iron a Picture on a Shirt
Making your own custom T-shirts is a fun way to express both your creativity and your personality. If you have a die cutting machine, using heat transfer vinyl is one of the easiest and most popular ways to iron a design...