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Expert tips to improve your technique, skills, & sportsmanship
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Soccer is a fun sport for all ages to enjoy. Whether you are playing for a school team or just for the fun of it, you can always work to improve your skill. From setting a practice schedule to being a great team player, you can become a better player. [1] With practice, learning, and communication you'll gain the skills to advance.

Things You Should Know

  • Make a practice schedule for yourself and stick to it. Set aside chunks of time to hone in on certain moves and techniques.
  • Practice basic drills and passes to improve your skills. Then, stay in shape by doing cardio, lifting weights, and eating a balanced diet.
  • Focus on your role and staying where you’re supposed to be on the field. Then, support and encourage your teammates to boost your morale.
Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Devoting Time to Practice and Training

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  1. Some players have more natural talent than others. But everyone needs to practice efficiently and train properly to become better at soccer. [2] Set a detailed schedule for practicing that you can follow. [3]
    • Plan out what you will work on before you practice. If your practice is unorganized and you just shoot the ball around or pass and dribble you won’t improve. Think about what specifically you need to improve.
    • Set a dedicated time for training. You might allow yourself one hour every day to train. During that hour block out specific time to work on a specific skill. For example, you may decide to spend 20 minutes on ball control with your off foot.
    • Being specific and setting goals will allow you to advance at a faster pace than when you just play around.
  2. Advanced dribbling and finesse shots are fun. But you will never be able to perform these advanced moves if you haven’t mastered the basics. [4]
    • Messi wouldn’t be able to weave in and out of defenders with ease if he never mastered basic dribbling and passing. Ronaldo wouldn’t be able to curve the ball just under the crossbar if he never mastered proper shooting technique.
    • To be a better soccer player you have to first become a great player when it comes to the basics. The building blocks may not be as fun to learn or practice, but without these tools, you’ll never develop the ability to perform the advanced moves. [5]
    • Practice simple passing, receiving, shooting, dribbling, etc. Many players never effectively master these basic skills and, therefore, don’t even know how to defend against the simplest attack. Once you can perform basic skills without even thinking, you’ll be ready to advance your training and skill. You’ll also be amazed at how many other players who skipped over the basics can’t keep up with you.
  3. Look at professional soccer players and you’ll notice the incredible shape these players are in. The shape these players is in isn’t solely due to practicing, playing, and running up and down a field. It’s due to strict diet and exercise that benefits the whole body. [6]
    • While your legs are doing a lot of work you need to exercise and train your whole body so that you can support your legs. Proper exercise will also help you prevent injury.
    • An elite soccer player will typically run 6-10 miles during a match. So you need to be able to run without getting winded. But, you will notice that much of your running is in shorter bursts and sprints. You won’t train for soccer the same way you would for a marathon. Instead of just running long distances, do interval training.
    • Do sprint workouts that get your body used to working hard for shorter periods of time. You may be able to run 10 miles at a steady pace, but during a game, find yourself winded after a few minutes of bursts and sprints. That’s because your body isn’t used to this kind of running.
    • You also need to strengthen your muscles. Lifting weights to build muscles in your legs, back, and abdominal region will benefit you and allow you to improve. Start with higher reps at lower weights to build lean muscle. Squats, deadlifts, and ab workouts are going to help you on the field. [7]
    • High-intensity interval training will help you with strength, endurance, and agility. This kind of training involves working your body hard for shorter periods of time, taking short rests, and then working another area of the body.
    • For example, to improve your explosive speed and endurance you may train in intervals for 17 minutes. Alternate between sprinting for 15 seconds and then walking for 45 seconds. This kind of training will help your body perform during a game without getting as fatigued. [8]
  4. Elite players may burn between 1500-3000 calories in a 90-minute game. That means that you not only need a proper diet to keep you energized for a game. You also need it to help your strength and endurance training as well.
    • You won’t become a better player if you don’t take care of your body and mind. A proper diet will allow you to stay energized, focused, and will reduce the risk of injury.
    • Some basic tips for a soccer player diet include eating the least processed foods you can get. Such foods as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and high-fiber carbohydrates will provide you with proper nutrients to stay in great shape.
    • Eat fruits and vegetables that are colorful. Foods with natural colors provide plenty of nutrients. Lean proteins like fish, chicken, and even a little pork will build lean muscle. Healthy fats in olive oil, nuts, fish, and avocados are great for restoring your body after intense activity. [9]
    • Additionally, eating breakfast and smaller meals throughout the day will get your metabolism going and keep you energized and focused. After training or working out eat a post-workout recovery meal full of healthy carbs and protein.
    • After a match or intense workout, eat a healthy post-game meal to ensure your body recovers properly. Try eating three cups of whole grain pasta with one cup of tomato sauce with mushrooms. You can also add a bit of parmesan cheese for flavor. Greek yogurt with strawberries or other fruits can be a great dessert too.
    • Stay hydrated. All that running around and training makes you sweat a lot. The more dehydrated you are, the worse you perform. Drink plenty of water. Finally, get enough rest. Your mind and body need time to relax and recover. If you aren’t getting an average of eight hours a night, your body won’t regenerate and perform as well.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Being a Team Player

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  1. Often at lower levels players will clump together and not play the correct positions. But if you want to be a better player you will have to learn how to best play in your assigned position. [10]
    • Learn the roles of your position, where your imaginary limits are on the field. [11] For example, if you are a right forward, your zone is the right side of the attacking third. You need to stay in this area of the field so that you can receive passes and loose balls. When you are on offense you will be responsible for using your position to advance the ball and possibly score. On defense, you will fall back to the center circle or near the center line.
  2. Having a great sense of where the action is happening on the field and where the ball will go next is a necessary skill.
    • When playing and practicing you should learn to not only know where each player is but also the most likely path of the ball. Even when you’re not close to it.
    • When you don’t have the ball you still need to be active. Don’t just watch the game as if you were a spectator. Practice predicting what kind of passes will happen, which players will get the ball next, and how those players will move into a new position.
    • Being able to predict the next action and placement of the ball and players will give you a great vision of the game. It will allow you to position yourself in the right spot to get the ball, block an attacker, and support. Being a great soccer player isn’t only about scoring goals. It’s about being ready at all times to help your team.
    Lionel Messi, Professional Soccer Player

    If an opportunity comes up in a game, take it. "I never think about the play or visualize anything. I do what comes to me at that moment. Instinct. It has always been that way."

  3. Supporting your teammates means more than just giving encouragement. You need to physically support your team as well. [12]
    • As you progress you will discover that you excel at certain skills more than others. Recognize where you’re most valuable and use your skills to help the team, not yourself.
    • If you are skilled at dribbling and moving the ball up the field but lack shooting ability, you can easily support your team. You’ll best support your team by getting the ball near the goal and passing it to a striker.
    • Talk to your teammates on and off the field to build a rapport. During a game, you should be helping your teammates by giving encouragement as well as alerting players to open passes or shots, even if you aren’t sending the ball to yourself. Call for the ball loudly and use your hands to signal. [13]
    • Don’t hog the ball. Your teammates won’t pass you the ball if you never pass it back. Your teammates also won't give you the ball if you always miss a shot or lose it on a run. Remember that you’re not a star and can’t win alone. Make smart passes and learn to get rid of the ball when you need to. If you don't hog the ball, and instead to learn to pass, you'll probably end up getting it back more often.
  4. Depending on your level you may play many positions or just a few. But you should be able to play effectively anywhere. Knowing what to do in any position will inform you how the game works and help you in your primary position.
    • You need to be able to react quickly and switch your mindset during a game. For example, if you’re an attacker and loose the ball, you become the first defender. Your job is now to defend and get the ball back.
    • Playing any role goes beyond your position. You will also have to be a leader, supporter, cheerleader, and coach during your matches. Sometimes your role will be to cheer on your team as the ball advances toward the opponent’s goal. Other times it will be your job to dictate a set of moves and guide the players and ball into the best positions to advance.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Advancing Your Skill and Knowledge

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  1. Watching soccer matches is a great way to get better. It’s like studying for a school test. You need to learn how the game works on the whole so that when on the field you know what to do. [14]
    • Watch how the players move and take notes. Notice how professionals don’t always drive the ball forward toward the opponent’s goal but take time passing the ball. Oftentimes the players will pass the ball laterally and backward to find an open player before advancing.
    • Pay attention to how the players move around one another and where the imaginary boundaries for each position are. If you watch closely enough you’ll start to see passing and moving patterns.
    • A lot of times players move in a triangle formation, passing the ball as a unit back and forth. When the ball gets to an area near the goal, players on the wings typically cross the ball to the center for a header. Take notes on how the players get into scoring positions. [15]
  2. Most likely you have one dominant foot that you pass and shoot with. But to advance your skill you’ll need to be able to handle the ball with both. [16]
    • Being able to handle the ball with both feet will greatly open up your ability to pass, move, and score. A lot of players are right-footed, being able to use your opposite foot well will throw off the opponent.
    • You may also find yourself in a position where using your off foot is the only way to keep the ball, pass, or even shoot and score. Being comfortable with both feet will give you confidence and allow you to succeed in any situation.
  3. Soccer is not unlike a game of chess. Pieces move across the board in several different ways. Always be thinking three steps ahead.
    • When you watch matches notice the patterns in movements and formations. Learn the different kinds of formations and know which one your coach typically puts your team in.
    • Being able to predict the next moves is important for field vision and being a great player. If you see that your teammate is going to need to pass the ball, you can get into position to receive it. At the same time knowing where you can then pass the ball will help you be a great team player.
    • Watch for the patterns and put yourself in the right position. For example, if you see a player moving the ball up and near a corner you know that the player will most likely cross the ball to the center. If you’re a forward, it’s your job to be there when the ball is passed.
  4. Passing effectively is the best way to move the ball forward. But passing forward isn’t always the best way to get closer to your opponent’s goal. Additionally, when done correctly, finesse moves will allow you to beat your opponent and press on.
    • Lean the different kinds of passes and when to use each one. You’ll also need to learn how to effectively receive each type of pass.
    • Run drills where you practice passing and receiving. Pay attention to your foot placement and which parts of your foot touch the ball. As a general rule, you should pass and receive with the inside of your foot, not with your toes. The inside gives you greater control.
    • Learn to use the correct passes to achieve the best result. You may do a short pass to make your teammate rush to the ball to create space. Or, you’ll need to do a long through ball so your teammate who is running forward can meet the ball without stopping.
    • Finesse moves are fun but hard to pull off. However, learning a few once you’ve gotten good at dribbling and passing can put you leagues ahead of other players. You have to learn to sell the move. You’re not only moving your feet, but you have to use your body to trick the defender as well. Practice cutting and chopping while keeping your body up and square so as not to give away your move. [17]
  5. Playing against people that are more skilled than you will make you work harder to win. You’ll also be able to see how moves, passing, shooting, etc., are done correctly.
    • If you’re only playing against people at your skill level or a lower skill, you’ll have a hard time progressing and getting better. When you play against superior players you won’t have any opportunity to get lazy.
    • Better opponents will also be able to show you how to achieve the results you want. Treat better players like a teacher or coach and use the opportunity to learn.
  6. Being a great team player is not only the right way to be, but it will make you valuable to the team.
    • Even if you’re losing, always be encouraging and supportive. Don’t check out just because you think the game is over. Offer support and keep trying until the actual end of the game. Be a courteous loser and a graceful winner.
    • The more support you offer on and off the field the more people will want you around. If you’re not the best player but always do your best and offer support you’ll have more opportunity to play and practice.
    • Lastly, have fun! Don’t get too caught up on winning. Soccer should be a fun sport. You play because you love the game. So remember that you’re supposed to be having fun. And that even if you lose, you are still getting better because you paid attention and learned from the game.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How can I improve my soccer skills?
    Bernat Franquesa
    Licensed Soccer Coach & Head of Methodology at APFC
    Bernat Franquesa is the Co-Founder and Head of Methodology at APFC (Albert Puig Football Concepts), a youth development program for players and coaches with headquarters in San Diego, California. APFC provides soccer training for youth and educational content and consulting services for coaches, academies, and clubs. At APFC, Bernat is responsible for co-developing and applying technical guidelines for player development programs. He has been coaching soccer in Catalunya and the US since he was 15 years old.
    Licensed Soccer Coach & Head of Methodology at APFC
    Expert Answer
    The best instructor is playing the game. It's definitely great to know the concepts, but you have to play. Make sure to get hours and hours of practice and touches on the ball. Another thing that I recommend is watching videos of your soccer playing to get a different perspective. When you watch your playing on video, you can pause it and dissect the movements or the game. This can really help you understand the game as well.
  • Question
    What are the best stamina drills?
    Community Answer
    Go on a treadmill or outside and jog for 30 seconds, run for 30 seconds, and sprint for 30 seconds. This helps because during a soccer game, you are never at one speed the whole game.
  • Question
    What type of exercise is best for soccer?
    Community Answer
    Cardio exercise is best. Soccer is a non-stop sport, so you need to improve endurance.
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      • Watch soccer or even play games like FIFA. You can see how to move on the field and when certain tactics can be valuable to you.
      • Practice every day, even if it's for ten minutes. The consistency will help you improve.
      • Always be a team player. You are more likely to get better if you are liked. People will want you around and value your abilities.
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      • Leave the trash talk at home. Trash talking is bad practice and if a ref sees it, he may give you a yellow card.
      • Never argue with the referee. This will make him less likely to be on your side. And you could even get kicked out of the match.
      • Don't foul anyone purposefully. This could result in free kicks and penalty kicks which could result in the other team scoring.


      1. Bernat Franquesa. Licensed Soccer Coach & Head of Methodology at APFC. Expert Interview. 3 March 2020.
      2. Bernat Franquesa. Licensed Soccer Coach & Head of Methodology at APFC. Expert Interview. 3 March 2020.
      3. http://www.completesoccerguide.com/how-to-become-a-great-soccer-player/
      4. Bernat Franquesa. Licensed Soccer Coach & Head of Methodology at APFC. Expert Interview. 3 March 2020.
      5. Bernat Franquesa. Licensed Soccer Coach & Head of Methodology at APFC. Expert Interview. 3 March 2020.
      6. http://www.muscleandfitness.com/workouts/workout-routines/world-cup-workout
      7. http://www.muscleandfitness.com/workouts/workout-routines/world-cup-workout?page=2
      8. http://www.muscleandfitness.com/workouts/workout-routines/strength-and-speed-workout
      9. http://www.ussoccer.com/stories/2014/03/17/12/34/10-nutrition-rules

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To be a better soccer player, set aside time to practice regularly, and plan out what to work on each session. When you practice, make sure to spend time on the basics, like dribbling and passing, since it’s critical to master the fundamentals before moving on to more advanced techniques. Besides practicing soccer skills, you should work to improve your overall fitness by doing high-intensity interval training that includes sprints. Additionally, do your best to eat a healthy diet and stay hydrated, because that can help fuel better on-field performance. To learn how to develop field vision and be a better team player, read on!

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      • N. K.

        Dec 12, 2023

        "I was a person who loved soccer but could not play it well. This article improved my skills a lot."
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