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Being a singer songwriter is a dual craft - you must be both a good lyricist and an excellent performer to be successful. Having a strong background in music is key, but you must also be willing to put in the work to improve your singing and writing skills. If you're thinking of going down this career path, it's also important to understand how competitive the field is and realize that you may need to do it on a part-time basis.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Developing Your Musical Skills

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  1. Before you can sing or write songs successfully, you must learn how to read music. That will allow you to understand the pitch, speed, and rhythm of a song, so you can see how other songwriters have put their songs together and eventually craft songs of your own. [1]
    • If you’re already a student, see if your school offers a music theory class that can help you pick up all of the basics, including how to read specific notes and decipher the beat.
    • If you’re not in school, your local community college or continuing education program may offer an introductory music course.
    • There are a variety of online programs that can help you learn to read music. Many are free, but you can also pay for courses that provide more personal instruction.
    • Some singer songwriters receive a more formal education by attending an arts college or performing arts conservatory with dedicated music programs, such as The Juilliard School or the Berklee College of Music. It isn’t necessary, but a formal degree may open other career paths to you if songwriting doesn’t work out, such as teaching music.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 204 wikiHow readers to tell us the number of instruments that they play, and only 5% of them said that they played 5 or more . [Take Poll] So if you play more than 4 instruments, you’re a rare person—and we’re impressed!
  2. Most songwriters play an instrument, which they use to help them develop melodies and chords when they’re writing songs. In most cases, they use either a guitar or a piano to accompany them, which gives them more flexibility as a performer. [2] You can technically use any instrument to help you write a song though! Choose an instrument that you have an interest in, so you’ll be motivated to put the work in to master it. [3]
    • If you have the opportunity to learn an instrument as part of your school’s band or orchestra program, go for it. It’s a chance to get hands on instruction without having to pay for it.
    • You can take private lessons to learn how to play the guitar, piano, or another instrument. Visit your local music store to ask about learning -- the store may offer classes or have a bulletin board where teachers can provide their contact details.
    • It’s possible to learn an instrument without a teacher. There are online programs and videos that can provide effective instruction if you’re willing to make an effort.
  3. If you plan to sing your own songs, you want to ensure that your voice is as strong as possible. While practice can help you get better, working with a vocal teacher or coach can provide valuable feedback that improves your singing. A teacher can help correct pitch problems, vocal fatigue issues during performances or rehearsals, poor breath control, and even a lack of confidence.
    • Private vocal lessons can be fairly expensive, so it’s important to set a budget and shop around until you find a teacher who you can afford.
    • If you want to be sure to find a qualified vocal teacher, visit the National Association of Teachers of Singing website. They provide a search engine that allows you to find vocal teachers in your area who meet the association’s standards.
    • If you’re on a budget, your local music store is an ideal place to look for a vocal teacher. You may find graduate students and instructors who only teach part-time, so they don’t charge as much as full-time teachers.
  4. When you’re trying to become a singer songwriter, your goal is eventually performing in front of large audiences. Before you start pursuing the career, it’s important to know that you’re comfortable singing and performing in front of a crowd. If you're a student, you might join your school chorus or glee club. You can also participate in your church’s choir or find another singing group in your area that you can join. Look for any opportunity to gain experience singing in front of others. [4]
    • If you don’t have any opportunities to join a singing group, find ways to perform on your own. Sign up for a local talent show or gather some friends and family that you can perform for. Even participating in karaoke night at your favorite restaurant or bar can help you become more comfortable in front of a crowd.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Writing Your Own Songs

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  1. Before you start to write your songs, it helps to listen other songwriters’ work so you can get a feel for what makes a successful song. Don’t just listen to songs in the genre that you enjoy, though. You can learn something from every type of song, so analyze pop, rock, country, rap, folk, dance, and other types of music and see what you like about each song.
    • Pay close attention to the lyrics of the songs that you listen to. See which ones move you emotionally, so you can try to figure out how to create a similar effect with your own music.
  2. When you listen to music, pay attention to the composition of the songs. Composition refers to how the songs are put together. Most songs typically feature two to three verses and two to three choruses. The verses tell the story or set the scene for your song, while the chorus is a simple, repetitive section that usually draws the listener in. As you listen to a song, try to break it down into these components. [5]
    • Some songs contain a bridge in addition to the verses and chorus. A bridge is usually a section that helps take the song in a new direction. In many cases, it’s instrumental and may feature changes in key, tempo, chords, or instrumentation. The common layout for a song with a bridge is: verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus. [6]
    • In some cases, a song may contain a pre-chorus, which serves a transition between the verses and the chorus.
    • Some songs features intros and outros, which help establish and expand the song’s main theme. It can be comprised solely of instrumentals or feature a combination of vocals and instruments.
    • It may help to print out the lyrics or purchase the sheet music for some songs. That way, you can diagram the songs and label each section as what it is.
  3. The best songs are ones that are rooted in personal observations and emotions. You’ll find inspiration for your songs in the things that you see around you and the experiences in your life, so it helps to write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal. Your entries don’t have to be fully formed lyrics -- just get your feelings down and you can develop them into catchy lyrics later. [7]
    • Carry your journal with you all the time. You never know when an idea for a song or specific lyric will hit you.
    • Sometimes, it’s easier to sing an idea that comes to you. Use a recording app on your phone to hum a chorus or melody line that you come up with suddenly.
  4. There is no right way to compose a song. Some songwriters start with the lyrics and then put a melody or chords to the words. Others start with a melody or chord progression and then add the lyrics later. See which approach feels most natural for you, and go to work writing your song. [8]
    • If you have a specific story or idea that you want to convey in your song, it may be best to start with the lyrics.
    • If you want to capture a certain mood, starting with the melody or chords may be a better approach.
    • When you’re trying to figure out a chord progression for your song, just play chords that you think sound good together. In music theory, there are certain chords that are commonly played together, but you’ll never know if a progression will work until you play it.
    • When you’re having trouble coming up with lyrics, it’s okay to hum nonsense words or syllables until you establish a basic melody for the song.
  5. Once you’ve finished writing the song and you’ve practiced it, it’s time to make a recorded version of it. By recording it, you’ll be able to listen back to it to see if there’s any room for improvement, but you’ll also have a version that you can post online for exposure, or send to record companies as a demo. [9]
    • If you have the money to book a session at a professional recording studio, that is definitely the best option. Do an online search for studios in your area.
    • If you don’t have the budget for a professional recording session or don’t have any studio nearby, don’t worry. You can make a strong recording with a good quality microphone and the right computer software at home.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Getting Exposure as a Singer Songwriter

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  1. Once you write some songs that you’re proud of, it’s important to protect them before you start performing or sharing them with the public. As soon as you’ve produced the final written version of your song, you can register your song with the U.S. Copyright Office to ensure that no one else can claim ownership of it. [10]
    • You’ll also need a recorded version of the song. It doesn’t have to be a professional recording from a studio, though. You can use a rough demo version.
  2. After you’ve written at least one song that you’re happy with, it’s time to start singing it in front of an audience. Look for open mike nights at clubs, bars, and coffee shops in your area where you can test out your new songs, and gain more experience performing your material in front of a crowd. [11]
    • In addition to open mike nights, keep an eye out for talent shows and music festivals in your area that might allow you to perform your songs.
  3. If you want to get more exposure and see how your songwriting compares to other artists’ work, you may want to enter a songwriting contest. Not only may you win money or other prizes that can help fund your singer songwriter career, you may also make contacts in the music industry that can help you advance.
    • There are a variety of different contests for songwriting, such as the John Lennon Songwriting Contest and the International Songwriting Competition. Some may be geared toward specific genres, though, so be sure to find one that’s a good fit for your song(s).
    • Do an online search to find songwriting competitions that you may want to enter. In some cases, you may be better off entering local contests because you won’t be competing against as many other songwriters.
  4. Another way to get more visibility as a singer songwriter is to share your music via social media apps, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. YouTube is probably the best tool -- create an account and make videos of yourself singing your original songs. Through the other social media apps, you can share them with friends, family, and potential fans, who will hopefully share them with more people so you can create a larger following. [12]
    • You can also use social media to advertise performances. The more people that you help bring to an open mike night, festival, or other venue, the more of a commodity you’ll seem to booking agents and music industry executives.
    • It’s also a good idea to create a website for yourself and your music. There are a variety of website building sites that make it easy to create a site even if you’re not a computer expert. A fee may be required, though.
  5. When TV shows, commercial companies, and other business need music, they often consult online music catalogs. You can submit your songs to these catalogs so companies can listen to your music and see if it’s a fit for what they need. It’s a good way to break into the industry because it will be cheaper to use an aspiring songwriter’s music than to use a successful, popular musician. [13]
    • Some online catalogs charge a fee to list your songs, so be sure to read the fine print to know what you’re in for.
  6. Some record companies accept unsolicited demos from aspiring singer songwriters, so you can send them recordings of your songs to see if they’re interested. The best way to identify companies that you should contact is to consider the labels that represent sing songwriters with a similar style to yours. Do an online search for the company, and see what their submission policy is.
    • If you’re going to be sending a demo to a record label, you should have a professional recording of your music. Wait until you have the money to buy studio time and produce a high quality demo before contacting a record company.
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Become a Song Writer with this Expert Series

Have you ever wanted to write or sing a hit song? It might look like other people are overnight successes, but truthfully they've been working at it for a long time. These expert articles will help you build your skills and become an accomplished song wri

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How can I get over my stage fright and get inspired for songwriting?
    Community Answer
    Stage fright should not impact your ability to write a song. To work on it, though, perform in front of your family and friends, and take part in shows. Find inspiration in every day things you'd otherwise take for granted, and write about those things.
  • Question
    Can I really become a good song writer?
    Community Answer
    If you're willing to put the work in, you can definitely improve your song writing skills. However, remember that there's a lot of competition in the music industry, so you may not be able to may a successful career at it. Make sure that you have a fallback plan just in case.
  • Question
    How can we know if our song is a good or bad?
    Community Answer
    It's important to get feedback on your songs as you write them. If you know fellow songwriters, perform for them and see what they think. Your music or vocal teacher can also provide valuable criticism.If you don't know any fellow musicians, ask your friends and family what they think of your work.
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      • Patience is a virtue for a singer songwriter. It can take a long time to build a successful career, so be sure that you have another way to earn money while you’re trying to establish yourself.
      • Get as much feedback as possible on your songs and singing style from your friends, family members, music teachers, and fellow musicians, so you can continually improve. Be receptive to constructive criticism too -- it takes a thick skin to make it in the music business.
      • To keep your songwriting skills sharp, you should always be working on new songs. Keep an eye out for inspiration whenever it may strike.
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      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • When you've finished writing a song, play it for someone you trust and ask for their input. They could help you make it even better!
      • Write about something you really care about. If you write with honesty and passion, this will resonate with your audience.
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      • The music industry is a very competitive business, so making it as a successful singer songwriter is difficult. It’s important to be realistic about your chances of making a decent living at it, and to have a backup plan in case it doesn’t work out. For example, you might train to become a music teacher as well.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To be a singer songwriter, start by learning to read music so you can understand the pitch, speed, and rhythm of a song. Next, learn how to play an instrument, such as the guitar or piano, to develop melodies and chords for your songs. Additionally, work with a singing teacher to strengthen your voice. As you prepare to write your own songs, listen to a variety of genres to get a feel for what makes a song successful. You can also keep a journal of thoughts and ideas for inspiration. To learn how to get exposure as a singer songwriter, keep reading!

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