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Bacteria is the very first unlocked plague type in the game; it is the most common cause of plagues and has unlimited potential. It has standard transmissions and symptoms available on most plague types but has a unique ability which allows it to resist tough climates. Beating Bacteria on Brutal Mode can be challenging, but if you manage your symptoms and ensure the bacteria spreads, you shouldn't encounter too much difficulty. This wikiHow teaches you a few strategies to beat Bacteria Brutal Mode in Plague Inc.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Creating Your Bacterium

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  1. When starting the game, you will be able to choose a few upgrades for your virus. These are unlocked by beating the game multiple times, and you may not have access to all of them. This mode is still beatable if you don't choose any upgrades. [1] The following are some suggestions if you have them available: [2]
    • DNA Gene - Metabolic Jump. This gives you bonus DNA for popping bubbles.
    • Travel Gene - Native Biome. Gives you bonus infectivity in your starting country.
    • Evolution Gene - Sympto-Stasis. Keeps symptom costs from increasing.
    • Mutation Gene - Genetic Mimic - Slows down cure research.
    • Environment Gene - Extremophile - Gives a bonus to all environments.
  2. Your starting country is very important, as this will determine how quickly the virus starts spreading. Start in China, India or South Africa. China and India have the largest population in the world, which hasten the spread rate of the infection. South Africa has a lack of healthcare, which allows for fast growth.
    • Both nations have warm climates, which automatically gives your plague the ability to withstand warm weather.
    • China and India can quickly infect neighboring countries, and since both have seaports and airports, it won't take too long for the infected citizens to migrate on planes and boats and infect other parts of the world. [3]
  3. Your bacteria will randomly evolve symptoms as the game progresses. Make sure to devolve every single one. Otherwise too much work will start on the cure. To devolve, tap the DNA button at the bottom left of the screen and then choose Symptoms . Tap on the gene that has generated and then choose Devolve. This can be found at the lower-right of the menu.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Infecting the World

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  1. Once you start earning some DNA, you can work on increasing the transmission capabilities of the virus. Start by unlocking Water 1 and Air 1 . These will increase your bacteria's ability to spread over boats and airplanes. [4]
  2. Bacterial Resilience is an ability unique to bacteria. This will thicken the Bacteria's shell, making it more comfortable in all climates. Drug Resistance allows the bacteria to spread in more developed countries. Improve the transmission and evolve the following upgrades:
    • Bacterial Resilience 1
    • Drug Resistance 1
    • Water 2
    • Air 2
    • Extreme Bioaerosol - This becomes available after maxing out Air and Water transmission. It gives a boost to both.
    • Bacterial Resilience 2 and 3
  3. This will probably take a while, so set the game speed to the fastest setting. Make sure to keep popping bubbles and devolving symptoms when they mutate.
    • Once the entire population is infected, you will receive a message letting you know that there are no healthy people left. Time to unleash the symptoms!
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Destroying the Population

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  1. With everyone infected, it's time to hit the population hard and fast so that they start dying before the cure is finished. [5] Evolve the following symptoms, preferably in order:
    • Rash
    • Sweating
    • Fever
    • Immune Suppression
    • Total Organ Failure
    • Coma
    • Paralysis
  2. Once people start dying off, hit them with another round of deadly symptoms. These have the added benefit of slowing down cure research as well:
    • Insomnia
    • Paranoia
    • Seizures
    • Insanity
  3. Most of the world should be dead or dying, but you may still have the cure to worry about. Evolve Genetic Hardening and Genetic ReShuffle to slow down the cure's progress. If your Cure percentage reaches above 60%, use Genetic Reshuffle. This will make your disease harder to analyze in the lab and slows future cure research.
    • Evolving this ability will also decrease the cure percentage to 15–20% percent.
    • If the cure rate increases beyond 60% again, use Reshuffle once more, upgrading it to level 2 then level 3 if it reaches 60% again.
    • Genetic Hardening is useful as well since this increases the time before the cure is finished. Use this to your advantage until the population in the world declines and no one is left.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do you get more points?
    Community Answer
    Have a lower percent of the cure complete when you finish, play on harder difficulty and wipe everyone out in less time. These are the ways in which you will earn more points.
  • Question
    Do I need double speed?
    Community Answer
    No, but it is recommended although it will not affect cure research or the bacteria.
  • Question
    Do I have to to get the genes for modifying the bacteria, or is that just recommended? If so, how would I get these genes?
    Community Answer
    No. You can just play bacteria on casual over and over and you get more genes.
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      • Practice a few games on normal before playing on Brutal mode.
      • Avoid spending DNA on transmission upgrades such as Livestock and Bird. You're better off saving the DNA for better symptoms to help kill everyone at the end.

      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • Avoid any other Abilities and Transmission traits that you are available to evolve. Devolve your transmission and ability traits except for drug resistance right before you make the bacteria deadly. Save the rest of your points for Genetic Reshuffle and Genetic Hardening.
      • Once everyone is infected, you can devolve transmissions and things like heat resistance. If everyone is already infected you won't need them because you can't infect someone if they already are. You can use the extra DNA for the last few symptoms that kill everyone off.
      • Take extra care to make sure that the hard island countries, like Iceland, Greenland, Madagascar, and the Caribbean are infected before you start adding symptoms.
      • Don't get symptoms when it says scientists understand that symptom more. The cure percentage will shoot up and make it tougher to win.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To beat Bacteria Brutal Mode in Plague, Inc., choose the genes you want and select China, India, or South Africa as your starting country. Devolve each new symptom as it appears by tapping the DNA button, choosing Symptoms, and clicking Devolve. Then, unlock Water 1 and Air 1 to increase your bacteria's ability to spread. You can also unlock Bacterial Resilience 1 and Drug Resistance 1 to increase resistance. Once the world is infected, evolve the following symptoms: Rash, Sweating, Fever, Immune Suppression, Total Organ Failure, Coma, and Paralysis. After more people die, evolve the symptoms Insomnia, Paranoia, Seizures, and Insanity. Finally, evolve Genetic Hardening and Genetic ReShuffle to slow down the cure. To learn more about evolving symptoms, read on!

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