Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Filing Your Application

  1. In most states, the main requirement for GALs is a strong concern for the well-being of children. If your application is approved, you'll complete a rigorous training program. [2]
    • Education or experience in law, social work, or childhood development may help you as a GAL, but it typically isn't required for you to volunteer.
    • Some states only allow licensed attorneys to become GALs. [3]
  2. Becoming a GAL is a serious commitment that requires a lot of time and effort, and can be emotionally draining. Look at your state's specific requirements and make sure you have the flexibility to devote to the project. [4]
    • If your application is approved, you must complete the required training courses, which typically take between 20 and 30 hours.
    • After training, you can expect GAL duties to take approximately 8 to 10 hours of your time each month. Most states require a minimum year commitment to the program.
    • You'll need a driver's license and reliable transportation to go to court hearings and meet with the child and others. You also need the flexibility to be able to attend court hearings when necessary, which will take place during business hours.
  3. If you've decided you want to make the commitment to becoming a GAL, the written application is your first step. You can typically pick up an application at your local courthouse. You also might stop by the local GAL office. [5]
    • On your application, you must provide detail about your employment over the past 5 years, as well as information about any volunteer activities.
    • The application also includes a section on your background information, including whether you've ever been a party in a dependency, child abuse, or domestic violence court case.
    • You are expected to be honest on your application. Only provide details to the extent you're comfortable, since your application may become a public record if you are approved to be a GAL.
    • It usually won't take more than a week for your initial application to be reviewed. If you submit in person, you may found out immediately whether you can proceed to the next step in the approval process.
  4. To complete your application, you must submit a government-issued photo ID. You also may be required to present other proof of identity or residency, depending on your state's rules. [6]
    • Proof of residency might include a utility bill in your name or a copy of your lease. You may be asked to provide your Social Security number.
    • You also may have to submit proof of any education, licenses, or certifications you listed on your application.
  5. Typically you must have a clean criminal record to become a GAL. Most states will not permit you to volunteer as a GAL if you've committed a felony, or if you're on any state child abuse or domestic abuse registry. [7]
    • You may have to pay a fee for your background check, or go to the police station to get fingerprinted.
  6. Most states require at least 2 personal references to accompany your application. If forms aren't included, ask at the courthouse or your local GAL office. Choose references who aren't related to you and can vouch for your character and how well you relate to children. [8]
    • For example, if you teach Sunday School at your church, you may ask your preacher or the Sunday School director for a reference.
  7. If your application is preliminarily approved, you'll be called in for a screening interview. Your interview may be with the director of the local GAL program or with a juvenile or family court judge. [9]
    • When you go to your interview, dress as though you're going to a job interview. Wear conservative clothing that's neat and clean.
    • The interviewer will ask you questions about the information in your application. They will probably also ask you why you're interested in becoming a GAL, and what you think you would add to the program.
    • At the end of your interview, your interviewer will let you know when you can expect to hear a response, or what your next steps will be.
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Completing Your Training

  1. In some states, GAL training is only offered once or twice a year. You may have to wait several months after your application is approved before you can sign up for classes. [10]
    • The GAL office should give you information on the courses available and when you need to sign up for them. Training courses are free in many states, but in others you'll have to pay a small fee. The fee typically is designed to cover the cost of materials.
    • You may need to make arrangements ahead of time to fit course attendance into your personal schedule, especially if courses are only available at limited times. You may be able to take some courses online, but many of them you must attend in person.
  2. Most states require you to take between 20 and 30 hours of intense training before you are certified as a GAL. These courses will teach you about your responsibilities as a GAL, the legal standards used, and the rules and procedures you must follow. [11]
    • Courses also cover issues that affect many of the children you represent, such as alcohol and drug abuse, domestic abuse, and child neglect and abuse. Some of these topics may be upsetting or painful to discuss.
    • These courses typically aren't graded, although you may have to take an evaluation at the end of the course. The point of these courses aren't for you to memorize information, but rather to teach you what questions to ask and how to find the tools and resources you need.
  3. When you've finished all the required training, you'll be issued a certificate. Keep it in a safe place as you may have to produce it when you register with the court to become a GAL. [12]
    • You may have to take an exam before your certificate is issued. Exams are designed to ensure that you understand the rules and procedures that govern your service as a GAL.
  4. In many states, your final step to becoming a GAL is a swearing-in ceremony before a judge. Typically several people will be sworn in at once, and you take an oath to uphold the rules of the court and represent the best interests of the child to the best of your ability. [13]
    • The swearing-in ceremony typically is a fairly formal occasion that takes place in open court. While you don't necessarily have to wear a suit, you should dress in clean, conservative attire.
  5. Some states automatically register you as a GAL after you are sworn in. In others, you'll take your certificate of completion to the clerk's office along with photo ID and register as a GAL. [14]
    • Once you're registered, you will be listed on the court's GAL roster. A judge will appoint you to be a GAL when there is a case before them where a child needs a representative.
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Serving as a GAL

  1. A judge will appoint you as a GAL for your first case within a few weeks of your registration. Typically you'll have assistance from an experienced GAL for your first case. [15]
    • Some courts may have you shadow an experienced GAL for your first case, so you can get a handle on the rules and procedures and a better understanding of how to evaluate a case.
    • Your local GAL office also will have staff and resources available for you to use. Your first case will include a lot of "learning on the job," so be sure to ask questions if you're unsure about something. Even though experienced GALs may not be as active in cases beyond your first one, they will still be there if you have questions or need advice.
    • Typically, you'll only be handling one case at a time. After you've handled several cases, you may encounter situations in which an older case overlaps with a new one, such as if the court schedules a follow-up hearing.
  2. When you're appointed as a GAL, you'll be given a written case file with information about the child you'll be representing and the case currently before the court. Read the case carefully, taking notes on key issues. [16]
    • Your first case may take some time to read through, especially if you're not familiar with legal terms. Ask someone at your local GAL office if you don't understand something.
  3. Once you have an understanding of what's going on with the child and their case, you'll have your first visit with the child. Typically this first visit simply involves sitting down and talking to them about the court case. [17]
    • It can be helpful to make a list of questions before you go, but keep in mind that children often will be skeptical if you're reading questions from a list. Many of these children have been questioned extensively by adults, so expect some resistance.
    • Explain to the child that you're going to make sure their interests are heard in the court case, and that you'll let them know what's going on in the case and how it affects them.
  4. As a GAL, you will likely have to interview other people who are involved in the court case, such as parents, foster parents, and other family members. These interviews will help you determine whether the child's needs are being met and what other services are needed. [18]
    • In some situations, you may have an experienced GAL attend these interviews with you. This is usually if you anticipate the interview may get heated or antagonistic. For example, you may have someone with you if you go to interview a child's uncle who has been accused of abusing the child.
  5. As part of your training, you likely learned about all the government services available for children who are at-risk, or who are identified as having special needs. [19]
    • As a GAL, you will apply that knowledge to each individual case to determine if the child you're representing could benefit from services offered.
    • If you believe the child should be signed up for a particular service or program, you can make a recommendation to the child's social worker, or to the judge in the case.
  6. As the child's GAL, you are expected to discuss your interviews and other assessments with the professionals involved in the court case. Attorneys and social workers may take action based on your recommendations.
    • You will be expected to explain the facts that justify your recommendations, and how your recommendations would serve the best interests of the child.
    • With the assistance of attorneys and social workers, you may produce lengthy written reports that will be submitted to the court.
  7. GALs generally are expected to attend any court hearing where the child will be present, or where the proceedings will directly affect the child's life or well-being. While some cases may be more intense than others, you should generally expect at least 1 or 2 hearings a month.
    • At the hearing, you may be asked to answer questions based on the contents of any report you filed. When appearing as a witness in this way, you may be cross-examined by one of the attorneys.
    • You also may be asked by the judge for your recommendations regarding the child. You typically will have the opportunity to justify your recommendations. While many judges are inclined to go along with the GAL's recommendation, there's no guarantee that the judge will order exactly what you recommend.
  8. In most states, you are required to attend around 6 hours of training classes each year to keep your GAL training up to date. You may take refresher classes on rules and procedures, or more in-depth classes on topics of interest, such as domestic violence or drug abuse. [20]
    • Before you sign up for a course, make sure it's approved to go towards your GAL re-certification.
    • Keep any receipts or completion certificates for these courses so you can submit them to the GAL office or to the court as required.
    • As with your initial training, these courses typically aren't graded. The focus is on completion of the courses and having a general understanding of the material presented.

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        Aug 27, 2022

        "I am blown away! This is step by step (no teeth pulling) information on how to become a GAL. Step one, Monday ..." more

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