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Learn how to represent breasts with emojis and texting symbols
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Looking for the perfect emoji to represent boobs? Well, look no further! Whether you’re texting your lover or being goofy with a pal, these emojis and emoticons are sure to get your point across. Here are the most common emojis and emoticons used to symbolize breasts while texting or using social media.

Boob Emojis & Emoticons 101

“🍈🍈,” “🍒,” and “🏀🏀” are the most common emojis used to symbolize boobs or breasts while texting. Similarly, emoticons like “( * )( * ),” “( • )( • ),” and “( . Y . )” can also be used.

Section 1 of 5:

What emojis represent boobs?

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  1. When texting, these fruit emojis can mean more than meets the eye. In the right context, these emojis symbolize breasts and are often used while sexting. Using two 🍈, 🍐, or 🥥 emojis indicates that someone is talking about breasts or big boobs.
    • A “🍈🍈,” “🍐🍐,” or “🥥🥥” is often paired with a sexual text, innuendo, or other sexy emoji like “😏,” “👀,” or “💦.” [1]
    • Know that “🥥🥥” can also represent male genitalia.
  2. The 🌰 (chestnut) emoji is relatively new to the sexting game. Like its fruit emoji counterparts, the 🌰 (chestnut) emoji symbolizes big breasts when doubled up.
    • If someone sends you “🌰🌰” along with a sensual text or innuendo, chances are, they’re talking about boobs.
  3. The design of the 🍒 ( cherries ) emoji looks very similar to breasts or buttocks, so it’s often used interchangeably when sexting. [2]
    • More often than not, this emoji is paired with a 🍌 (banana) emoji to allude to boobs: “🍌🍒.” [3]
  4. Doubling up on a 🏀 (basketball) emoji or ⚽ (soccer ball) emoji likely symbolizes big or “perky” breasts. This combination is often used while sexting or trying to get someone’s attention sexually. [4]
    • These emojis are often paired with other sexting emojis—most commonly a 📱 (mobile phone) emoji, which can represent a booty call.
  5. Before fruit emojis became the most popular depiction of breasts online, “🍳🍳” was the go-to. This pair of emojis is often used to symbolize “old” or “sagging” breasts.
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Section 2 of 5:

What emoticons represent boobs?

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  1. These emoticons “draw” images of breasts in a chat, making intentions that much more obvious. Here are the most common emoticons we’ve seen for breasts on the internet:
    • ( * )( * )
    • ( • )( • )
    • (. | .)
    • ( . Y . )
    • ( ͜•人 ͜•)
    • (。ㅅ 。)
    • (⊙)(⊙)
    • (‿∣‿)
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Other Emojis for Female Parts

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  1. Breasts aren’t the only thing represented by emojis while sexting. These emojis are commonly used to represent a woman’s vagina while texting: [5]
    • 🌮 ( taco )
    • 🍩 (doughnut)
    • 🌺 (hibiscus)
    • 🐅 (tiger)
    • 🍣 (sushi)
    • 🌷 (tulip)
    • 🐱 (cat face)
    • 🍯 (honey pot)
    • ✌️ (victory hand)
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Other Sexy Emojis

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  1. Sexters have gotten incredibly clever throughout the years and have given specific emojis hidden sensual meanings. Here are some other common emojis and their sexting meanings: [6]
    • ​​🍑 ( peach ) = buttocks
    • 🌵 ( cactus ) = penis
    • 🍭 (lollipop) = oral sex
    • 🌝 (full moon face) = buttocks
    • 💓 (beating heart) = twerking
    • 🍎 ( red apple ) = big buttocks
    • 🌭 (hot dog) = penis
    • 🌽 (ear of corn) = penis
Section 5 of 5:

Sexy Emoji Combinations

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  1. Pairing sexy emojis creates a secret sensual code. Sexting is all about obvious discretion—you want the person you’re texting to know what you’re talking about, but not anyone else. Because of this, sexters have come up with common emoji pairings to relay certain messages. Here are the most popular:
    • “🍆🍑” = sex
    • “👉👌” = sex [7]
    • “🍌🍩” = sex
    • “🚿🍆🍑” = shower sex
    • “🐍🌺” = bad sex [8]
    • “🍿❄️” = Netflix and chill [9]
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      • Remember to be respectful, even when you’re texting. [10] While texting emojis and emoticons that look like boobs may seem funny, know that it can come across as insensitive and may be offensive to some people, especially women.
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