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Learn how to make French, side, waterfall, and halo braids
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If you have short hair, braiding may seem impossible—but we’re here to show you it’s not! You can do plenty of braided hairstyles with short hair, whether you have a bob or shoulder-length locks. Braiding shorter hair isn’t impossible—it just takes a little extra practice and a few more bobby pins. Check out these fun and cute hairdos that will keep your hair back all day long.

What are the best braids for short hair?

The best braids for short hair are French, waterfall, and side braids. These braids can pull your short hair back and only need a few bobby pins to pin back loose or shorter strands. For natural hair, you can also do braided twists and mohawk styles.

Method 1
Method 1 of 5:

French Braiding Short Hair

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  1. Brush your hair before you begin to remove any tangles. Then, use your fingers or a comb to section off a 3-inch portion of hair near the front top of your head.
  2. Use your fingers to divide the section into 3 more sections. Make sure they’re roughly the same size, as this will help your braid be even.
  3. Start your French braid as you would a classic 3-stranded braid. Cross the left piece over the middle piece so the middle piece becomes the left-most piece and the left piece becomes the middle piece.
  4. Complete one section of the simple braid by bringing the right piece over the middle piece. Now, the right piece is the middle piece, and the middle piece is the right piece.
  5. Now that the traditional start of the braid is done, it’s time to start adding hair to make it a French braid. Pull a small strand of hair next to the left-most section and add it to the section before crossing the section into the middle (as you did before). The section will now be slightly larger than the rest.
    • Because you have short hair, it’ll be easiest to grab hair closest to the braid rather than hair closer to your hairline.
  6. Add the same amount of hair you did on the left side to the right side, pulling hair into the right-most section before crossing it into the middle of the braid.
  7. Because your hair is shorter, you may run out of hair to add quicker, and that’s okay! Keep adding and braiding the hair until there’s nothing left to add. Then, tie off the braid with an elastic.
    • Use bobby pins and hairspray to pin back any stragglers. Stray hairs can also be tucked back into the braid.
    • Try tucking the tail of your braid up into the back of the braid at the base of your neck.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 5:

Pulled-Back Side Braid for Short Hair

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  1. Part your hair down the center. Use a comb to draw a part down the center of your hairline. Brush the hair flat on either side of the part. [1]
    • For this style, you'll need to create two standard braids along the front sides of your head. These braids should roughly mirror one another in position, width, and length.
    • This style is good for very short hair, as you can decide to braid only a portion of your short hair if you don’t have enough hair to pull all the way back.

    Ndeye Anta Niang

    Professional Hair Stylist & Master Braider
    Ndeye Anta Niang is a Hair Stylist, Master Braider, and Founder of AntaBraids, a traveling braiding service based in New York City. Ndeye has over 20 years of experience in African hair including braiding box braids, Senegalese twists, crochet braids, faux dread locs, goddess locs, kinky twists, and lakhass braids. Ndeye was the first female of her tribe in Africa to move to America and is now sharing her knowledge of African braids passed on from generation to generation.
    Ndeye Anta Niang
    Professional Hair Stylist & Master Braider

    Expert Trick: Start by washing, deep conditioning, and detangling your hair. Once it's dry, section your hair for the braids. If your hair is kinky and it tangles quickly, put the sections in small ponytails, or you can just leave them down if it usually stays detangled.

  2. Gather approximately 3 inches (7.6 cm) of hair toward the front of your face, working to the right of the part.
    • If you have short bangs that you wish to keep out of the braid, begin the section immediately behind your bangs.
    • If you have long bangs that you want to include in the braid, split the bangs with your part and pull each side into the corresponding section.
  3. Split the gathered hair into 3 more sections. Try to make each portion equal in length and width. [2]
  4. Braid the portions together. Braid the 3 separated portions into a standard 3-stranded braid. Bring the right strand over the middle section, then the left strand over the middle section, and repeat. Direct the braid so that it points down and toward the back of your ear. [3]
    • Continue braiding until the braid reaches your desired length.
  5. Tie off the end of the braid with a small hair elastic, then use a bobby pin to tuck the loose end to the unbraided hair at the side of your head. Drape unbraided hair over the bobby pin to hide the end of the braid. [4]
  6. Create an identical braid on the left side of your part by following the same steps used to create the first braid: separate the section into 3 portions, then braid those portions down toward the back of your ear.
    • Note that the two braids don't need to be identical, but they should look very similar to one another.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 5:

Waterfall Braid for Short Hair

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  1. Use a comb to draw your part along either side of your head. Brush the hair on both sides of this part to keep it smooth. [5]
    • For this look, you'll create a partial French braid that drapes down along one side of your head. As you form the braid, some hair will be left hanging down from beneath it, creating a “waterfall” effect.
    • This style may be better for individuals with hair that comes to at least their shoulders or just above them.
  2. Gather approximately 2 inches (5 cm) of hair toward the front of your face. This section of hair should be taken from the wider side of your part. [6]
    • If you have long, side-swept bangs, your first section of hair will mostly consist of your bangs. If not, draw the section from the hair closest to your part and at the front of your face.
  3. Split the section of hair into 3 equal portions, then braid those portions together 2 to 3 times. This will add security to the start of your waterfall braid, helping it stay in place. [7]
    • To form a single braid, cross the left portion of hair over the middle portion, then cross the right portion of hair over the new middle portion (previous left portion).
  4. Add a new portion of hair into the braid by drawing it from the top of your head. Pick up a section of hair directly next to the topmost section of your braid. The section should be roughly one-third as thick as the overall braid. Draw the new portion together with the current topmost piece, essentially forming one large portion. Then, do one round of braiding, bringing the left piece into the middle and then the right.
  5. Gather a new portion of hair into the braid from beneath. Instead of incorporating it into a standard French braid, you'll use this new section as a substitute for an old section. [8]
    • Pick up the second new portion directly beneath and behind the braid. Draw together a portion of hair roughly one-third as thick as the overall braid.
    • Drop the current bottom portion of the braid and allow it to hang loose down the side of your head.
    • Create one new braid using the new bottom portion. Leave the previous bottom portion alone.
  6. Continue drawing new hair into the braid using the same technique as before. Braid the hair in this manner until you reach the back of your head.
    • Each new portion of hair taken from above the braid is woven into the braid with the previous top portion, while each new portion of hair taken from beneath the braid is woven into the braid instead of the previous bottom portion.
  7. Tie the loose end of the braid off with a small elastic hair band. Allow the loose ends to hang down naturally off the back of your head.
    • Carefully brush the loose hair hanging from beneath your braid to remove any tangles and smooth out any frizz.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 5:

Halo Braid for Short Hair

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  1. Draw your desired part using a comb. This style works with both center and side parts alike. Regardless of which part you choose, brush your hair flat on either side of the part after defining it. [9]
    • To make a halo braid , you'll create one French braid on either side of the part along the lower hairline. Afterward, you secure the 2 braids together, forming the shape of a crown. This style is also known as an “around the world” braid.
    • This style is best for those with hair that’s at least to their shoulders.
  2. Gather together 3 sections of hair along one side of your part. These sections should be roughly equal in length and width. [10]
    • Aim for each section to be around 1 inch (5 cm) wide for the most uniform braid.
    • If you have long bangs, the front section will include hair from your bangs.
  3. Start a traditional 3-stranded braid to begin the halo braid. Cross the back section of hair over the middle, turning the previous back portion into the new middle in the process. Complete the braid by crossing the front portion over the new middle, turning the front into the newest middle. Do this once or twice. [11]
    • To mix things up, you can also cross the sections of hair under each other for a Dutch-style halo braid. [12]
  4. Transition from a 3-stranded braid into a French braid by pulling hair into the braid periodically. Before moving a section into the middle, add more hair to that section. Continue doing this till there’s no more hair on this side of the part to incorporate. [13]
    • Continue French braiding down the side of your head. Work around the entire lower hairline, drawing in all of the hair from beneath your braid as you do.
    • Pay special attention to the hair around your ear. This hair will need to be braided tightly to create the most flattering appearance possible.
  5. Once you reach the center back of your head, braid any remaining loose hair on that side into a standard braid. Tie off the end with a small hair elastic.
  6. Repeat the braiding process on the other side of your head, starting with a 3-stranded braid and moving into a French braid. Braid as many loose ends as possible into a standard braid, then secure the end with an elastic hair tie. [14]
  7. Once both braids are complete, take both ends and crisscross them around the back of your head. Tuck the loose ends into the braids and bobby pin them in place. This creates a halo effect. [15]
  8. Use your fingers or the handle of a rat-tail comb to carefully pick up and loosen each individual braid. This can help your braid look fuller and messier. [16]
    • Only pull on each braid enough to give it more body. Do not pull hard enough to completely undo the braid.
    • If the top of your head looks too flat or slick, carefully swipe your hand over the hair, working it back and forth several times. Doing so should gently loosen and volumize the hair, making it messy and natural without destroying the braid.
    • Skip over the sides and focus on the front and back of the braid. Doing so will add volume to the braid without sacrificing an appealing face shape.
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Method 5
Method 5 of 5:

Braiding Natural Short Hair

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  1. Apply hair oil before you braid. To make styling easier, put natural hair oil on your scalp and massage it into your hair. A hair serum or jojoba or coconut oil can help soften your hair and make it easier to braid.
  2. It will be easier to work with your hair if you divide it into sections using a rat-tail comb . Divide your hair into 2 sections and clip each section with a hair clip. Now, you can focus on one section at a time.
  3. This is an easy option for afro-textured or natural hair, as it only requires you to know how to do simple braids. Because afro-textured hair can be very thick and tricky to work with, many people do small side braids in a row rather than 2 larger side braids.
    • Start with one section and do a small braid with 1/4 of the hair on one side. Start the braid just above your ear, at the top of your hairline. Collect hair as you braid, forming a small braid that lies flat against your scalp. Pull the hair so it is taunt. Once the braid is done, use a bobby pin to secure it.
    • Then, make another small braid above the braid you just created. Make sure the braid starts right at your hairline and is parallel to the first braid. Secure this braid with a bobby pin.
    • Finish with one more small braid above the second braid. Start at your hairline and move parallel to the second braid. There should now be 3 braids on one side of your hair, forming diagonal lines.
    • Repeat these steps on the other side of your head.
  4. This option is a more elaborate braided hairstyle and may require a second set of hands or help from a professional. If you’re experienced with braiding, you may be able to do this one at home following these steps:
    • Divide your hair into 4 sections and pin each section back with a hair clip.
    • Unclip the section at the front end of your hair, right above your ear. Then, braid a small section of the hair above your ear, moving upward. Pull the hair taunt as you braid upward. You want the braids to be as vertical as possible. When you reach the top of your head, pin the braid and then let the rest of your hair sit on your head.
    • Move on to braid the next small section of the front section of your hair. Make the braid vertical and tight, leaving the remaining hair from the braid loose once you reach the top of your head.
    • Repeat these steps, moving from section to section of your hair. The braids should all be vertical and in line with each other. Keep the hair at the end of the braids loose and let it sit on your head. This hair will act as the top mohawk.
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    What if my hand gets tired and I have to stop, but I want to keep going?
    Community Answer
    Pause and hold the hair and wait a few seconds. Then keep going and repeat if necessary.
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    Can the hair be oily or slightly below the shoulders?
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    Can I dampen my hair first when I want to braid it?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but you don't want it too wet unless you want really fizzy hair when you take your braid out.
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      • Tie or clip back the section or portion of hair you’re not currently braiding to keep it out of the way.
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      Article Summary X

      To make side braids, start by parting your hair down the center with a comb. Once you’ve separated your hair, take about 3 inches of hair from the front-right side of your face. Divide the section into 3 equal portions. To braid the 3 portions together, cross the left portion over the middle one so it becomes the new middle portion. Then, cross the right portion over the new middle. Repeat this process, crossing the left and right portions into the middle, until you run out of hair. Tie the braid with a hair elastic, pin it to the side of your head, and tuck it behind your ear. Do the same with the left section of your hair to give you 2 side braids. For more tips, including how to do a waterfall or halo braid, read on!

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