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Short and simple guide to create your own search engine
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Building your own search engine using Google CSE (Custom Search Engine). If you are looking to build a simple search engine, the best place to start would be with the Google CSE (Custom Search Engine), which allows you to build a search engine quickly and easily. There are also advanced features for advanced users.

  1. Go to the Google CSE (Custom Search Engine) site. Create an account by following the instructions there.
  2. Advertisement
  3. You can use the code on your own webpage if you buy a domain and build a custom search site. Many others have done this.
  4. Advertisement

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  • Question
    Do I have to pay if I make my own search engine?
    Community Answer
    No, it's completely free of charge. Some other services might require you pay, but this method should be free.
  • Question
    How do I develop a search engine that has not been done before?
    Community Answer
    Modify the search engine by clicking "control panel," and link it to your own paid domain using the code.
  • Question
    How can I make money by developing my own search engine? And can I get help from a software engineer?
    Community Answer
    To make money, you can display ads on your engine (just make sure they're unobtrusive). Also, I'm sure you won't need a software engineer if you use CSE.
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      • Google Custom Search Engines let you earn money on clicks. When people click on the advertisements which appear on your search engine's results page, you share the income with Google.
      • Yahoo! has discontinued their custom search engine.
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