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It is entirely possible to (legitimately) build a riot free, low danger, functioning high capacity prison in less than 20 (game) days, it just takes patience, and following a few simple rules.

    • Although there is no punishment for using the funds for reasons other than as intended or for not completing grant related tasks in a given time, having all of the cash available right off the bat makes you reckless.
    • Plan your prison first in planning mode, and take grants only as you need them to complete the phases of your project. If you only have 10 prisoners, there is relatively little benefit in building a massive cell block. You can easily extend buildings, so start small, and build only as much foundation as you actually need. Extend the foundations as your capacity requires.
    • By not taking all grants as soon as they are available, it will force you to think twice before starting a major building project. There is nothing worse than building a massive foundation, and having no money left to fill it out with.
  1. Holding cells are much cheaper than individual cells, and can allow you to raise your prisoner numbers (and therefore daily income) quickly.
    • Put beds, TVs and phones in the holding cell. They are not requirements, but will keep your prisoners much more happy early on. Without them, prisoners' sleep, family and recreation needs will spiral out of control before you know it, and riots will ensue.
    • Ensure that there is one bed per prisoner in a holding cell, one phone and TV to every 3-5 prisoners and one toilet to every 10 or so prisoners sharing the cell. One bench is sufficient regardless of prisoner numbers, as they will be much more inclined to use benches in the canteen, yard or other areas during their free time.
    • Holding cell doors close even during the day (when regular cell doors remain open). Ensure that there is one guard stationed in each holding cell to avoid prisoners getting locked in for extended periods of time.
    • Do not rush to build individual cells for prisoners, (except possibly getting your capacity up to 15, to receive the $10,000 grant completion bonus). As long as there are beds, TVs and phones, prisoners will happily remain in a holding cell for several days or weeks, allowing you to work on other things like laundry and workshops as an initial priority. Holding cells can easily be torn down and the space converted into standard cells later (where you will already have beds for them).
    • Prisoners also do not attempt to tunnel out of holding cells, so use this to your advantage early until you are ready to tackle potential prisoner escapes.
  2. You should aim to install TVs, phones, toilets and benches in the yard (if you intend to keep yard time scheduled on the regime) and canteen (especially if you have multiple "Eating" times each day).
    • Prisoners who have already eaten earlier in the day and no longer have a hunger need, or who do not have an exercise need, will still visit either the canteen or yard during defined eating or yard times. They will not, however eat or exercise, and will therefore just stop when they get into the area, and get in the way. Phones, TVs and toilets will allow them to attend to other needs during these times of day when they can't go elsewhere. It also keeps them out of the way of prisoners who do need to attend to these needs.
  3. Hungry prisoners are riotous prisoners, well fed prisoners are content prisoners. If they are well fed, they will put up with a lot of other issues, especially early on.
  4. Set your kitchen, storerooms etc as staff only as early as possible, this will prevent prisoners from getting hold of the worst kinds of weapons.
  5. White space is essentially lockdown your prisoners will be forced to return to their cells with no way of fulfilling needs like entertainment, family or freedom, which prisoners really dislike.
    • Replace all empty space with "Free time" initially, and they will attend to their own needs quite happily.
  6. It is the only chance you have of making a prison profitable, and riot free.
    • Once you have researched Prison Labour, convert some of this free time into work, but still ensure that there is sufficient free time available for prisoners to attend to their other needs.
    • Dirty uniforms and surroundings do not make prisoners happy, and will result in serious complaints. Ensure that laundry rooms and cleaning cupboards are installed and staffed as soon as Prison Labour is available. Prisoners can later be replaced by janitors to keep the prison clean if you prefer, but these can be researched later.
    • Split the working day up. You lose a little efficiency—depending on the layout of your prison, it can take as much as 30 in game minutes for prisoners to get to the workshop and begin work—but your prisoners are much happier for it. Two 4 hour work shifts broken up by a couple of hours of free time is much better for prisoner morale than one 7 or 8 hour shift, and the financial losses are fairly minimal.
    • Several smaller (but interconnected) workshops are better than one large one. Although for efficiency's sake, they should all be in the same room or complex, share an entrance and exits, and prisoners should be able to freely move from one workshop to another, breaking it it up into smaller units using fence and (locked open) doors will allow you to assign many more prisoners to work in PI, greatly increasing your daily profits.
  7. Typically aim for 1 guard per enclosed area (cell block, canteen, workshop, laundry etc) which prisoners have access to, plus around 5-10% of your prisoner capacity as unassigned guards, with a minimum of 4 unassigned guards at all times.
  8. Detecting contraband is imperative.
    • Although expensive, metal detectors are imperative in ensuring your prison runs smoothly. At minimum, ensure that prisoners need to pass through one when entering and leaving the canteen, workshop, visiting area and kitchen (if you intend to use prisoners to work the kitchens - be careful if you do this as kitchens are contraband goldmines). Ideally, also make them pass through one before returning to their cells, or any area with a toilet or TV, where they can stash contraband, but this can be a longer term goal.
    • Dog patrols help detect smelly, non metallic contraband. However in current versions of the game, this is not so important, as it has no real value to prisoners. Only tools or weapons can be used, and all of these are metal.
      • However dogs are very useful in detecting possible tunnels, though currently seem to throw up a lot of false positives.
    • Search every cell block at least once every day.The best time to do this is during meal or yard times, as all prisoners will be out of the cell block (and will therefore not be searched unnecessarily, which is a serious complaint that increases the danger level in the prison). Click on one bed or toilet in each cell block and choose "Search Cell Block". This will search every possible hiding place in the cell block, like a shakedown, but without angering the prisoners. Ensure at least one guard is assigned to the canteen (not just to patrol it) during this, as all available guards, including those on patrol will leave their posts to carry out the search.
  9. In current versions of the game, it is much better to spend the money on additional guards, rather than lots of dogs or CCTV cameras. though this will undoubtedly change.
  10. Turn off all intake for a few days if you feel yourself getting overwhelmed, do not run out of money building huge new cell blocks until you are at or over your capacity (remember to add any additional capacity you have from holding cells as this is not included in the number displayed on screen). Patience is key. Trying to get too big too quickly will inevitably lead to even longer periods of waiting while you slowly build up cash reserves to complete your current project. It is best not to start a project until you can fully fund it to completion, and keep the money in reserve for unforeseen emergencies like repairs and tunnel removal.
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  • Question
    How do I reduce meal quantity and variation?
    Community Answer
    You need to research the Prison Policy. Pull up the Policy tab on your report icon. At the bottom of that page, you will see the meal quantity and variety drop-downs.
  • Question
    Why does exploiting the game break immersion?
    Community Answer
    Exploiting the game distances it from reality even further.
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      • Never forget, fence is free, so building a double fence around the prison is a great way to secure it, until you can afford a prison wall.
      • Pay close attention to room requirements. If it doesn't say indoors, it doesn't need to be indoors, at least initially (though you may choose to move it indoors later for aesthetic or security reasons). Unless it says "enclosed" it can be completely out in the open.
        • For example, Offices do not need to be indoors, or enclosed, so feel free to stick them out in the open on the other side of the road.
        • Showers need to be indoors, but do not need to be enclosed, so there is no reason for them to have doors—open showers are much easier to deal with than ones with doors, especially jail doors which require a guard to open.
        • Workshops on the other hand need to be enclosed, but not indoors, so feel free to surround them with (free) fences instead of expensive walls. This also means your prisoners "Freedom" need seems to go down while working in the workshops.
      • Once your prison is running smoothly, do not fear maximum security prisoners. In a well run prison, they are unlikely to cause any problems. They also serve longer sentences than normal and minimum security prisoners. This allows you to continue to increase the capacity of your prison past around 200 (when the number of minimum or normal security prisoners being released each day can be greater than the intake).
        • If your prisoner numbers seem to be dropping each day, rather than increasing, turn off minimum and normal security intake for a while and accept only maximum security. This will ensure that you have a good number of prisoners who will be with you for a while.
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      • Certain room types (e.g. laundry, workshops, cleaning cupboards) work perfectly when you have more than one, others (e.g, canteens, kitchens) do not function correctly at all. It is always safer to leave room to expand a room when you need additional capacity, than to count on being able to build another one later.
      • Lockdown, bang-up and shakedown should be used sparingly, if at all. They really infuriate prisoners, and are more likely to increase the chances of a full scale riot than prevent or bring one to an end. It is much safer to micro-manage the situation, manually sending guards to deal with problem prisoners and break up fights (though these should be rare to nonexistent after the earliest phases of the game if you follow these tips) than to indiscriminately annoy prisoners who aren't causing issues.
      • Remember, the game is still in alpha. There are still bugs and incomplete features.
        • If prisoners and staff get stuck in the terrain, you will manually need to free them. For staff, it is usually easier to fire and replace them. For prisoners, you will need to remove the item or items they are stuck on and rebuild. Searching the prisoner can also unstick them, but this runs the risk of making an already unhappy prisoner (who has likely not been able to eat, sleep, shower, change, use the bathroom and have any kind of entertainment or family interaction for days by the time you find them) into a prisoner ready to snap.
        • Workmen can build in a very haphazard manner at times. This can be particularly frustrating when you need them to do just one simple task before you can move on (like installing an entrance to a building, or installing required items in a room). Hiring a new workman and placing him on top of the job you want doing will usually trigger him to start it, and he will usually finish related jobs in the same area before moving on to anything else. This can increase their efficiency, but can be a very expensive way to build, especially early on in the game. Saving and reloading the game can also trigger workmen to move on to different jobs, but don't count on the jobs they move to being any more helpful.
        • There is currently no reason to research legal in bureaucracy, or build an execution room, as they serve no purpose in the main game. Building a security room serves no official purpose, and CCTV monitors do not need to be placed in them however, unassigned guards do tend to congregate in security rooms, so they can be a good way of keeping CCTV rooms staffed and ensuring that unassigned guards are stationed in areas where they are needed (eg, placing a security room near the main entrance to the prison will ensure that there are usually guards on hand to let people into and out of the prison).

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