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When you think of the extroverted, emotional Libra and the introverted, logical Capricorn, you might not think of a perfect pairing right away. In astrology, these signs are total opposites—but will that attract them to each other? Or will they butt heads and ultimately part ways? Read this article to learn everything you need to know about this pairing and just how compatible they really are.

This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.

Section 1 of 6:

Libra and Capricorn Relationship at a Glance

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  1. Libra is an air sign, meaning they're a social butterfly who loves talking about their emotions. On the flip side, Capricorn is a logical and stoic sign who sticks to a small circle of friends. Their traits complement each other nicely, and the pair might just find that they balance out each other’s lives well.
    • These two signs match each other’s intensity when it comes to a relationship. Neither sign is really set up for anything casual—when they meet someone they like, they want to pursue things to the fullest extent.
    • Libras are attracted to intellect, which is great for the naturally intelligent Capricorn. [1]
    • Libra and Capricorn make a “square aspect,” which means that their signs are exactly 90 degrees apart in the zodiac wheel.
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Section 2 of 6:

Libra and Capricorn Sexual Compatibility

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  1. In the bedroom, these two aren’t quite matched up—Libra loves to be romantic and “make love,” while Capricorn would rather save the fancy stuff for special occasions. Both signs need to communicate their needs and talk to each other about what they want. [2]
    • Capricorns tend to see sex as a stress-reliever, while Libra views sex as a way to grow closer together.
    • In general, Capricorns aren’t very romantic signs. They don’t love the mushy side of sex—even when they’re in love, they’re very practical. [3]
Section 3 of 6:

Libra and Capricorn Emotional Compatibility

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  1. Libra is the sign of partnerships, meaning they’re no stranger to leading the emotional side of things in a relationship. [4] On the flip side, the more reserved Capricorn isn’t used to sharing their feelings, and they may need some time to get closer to their partner. [5]
    • The Libra in this pairing might find themselves asking the Capricorn prodding questions about their feelings. “How did that make you feel?” “Are you feeling upset?” and “Can you explain why you did that?” are common questions that may arise in their relationship.
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Section 4 of 6:

Libra and Capricorn Goals Compatibility

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  1. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of hard work and determination. Libra is ruled by Venus, which values deep commitment and partnership. You’ll never see a Libra-Capricorn couple that isn’t thinking about the big picture. They will lift each other up and strive toward their shared goals together. [6]
    • Capricorns in particular need someone who will push them to achieve their goals. [7] If the Libra can’t do that for them, they may move on to someone else.
    • If the two can work through their differences and focus on this aspect of their relationship, they have the potential to be a very powerful couple.

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Section 5 of 6:

Libra and Capricorn Communication Compatibility

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  1. Capricorn is very set in their ways, while Libra is very passionate about the things that are important to them. Partners in this relationship need to remember to compromise with each other and put the relationship first—otherwise, they might come to a stalemate. [8]
    • Air signs and earth signs sometimes have trouble understanding where the other is coming from because these elements are exact opposites. Air signs are more emotional, whereas earth signs are more grounded and logical.
  2. These two signs can clash over the way they say things, even if they’re talking about the same thing. Capricorn likes to be straightforward and honest, while Libra will give you a harsh truth while still being kind. [9] Both signs value honesty, but Libra might get their feelings hurt by Capricorn’s communication style.
    • Each sign needs to work toward understanding the other’s way of talking. The Cap may need to soften their words a bit, while the Libra might need to learn to speak their mind more.
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Section 6 of 6:

Libra and Capricorn: The Bottom Line

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  1. Libras value emotion, while Capricorn is more logical. In order for this pairing to work, Libra really needs to give Capricorn the time to open up. Similarly, Capricorn needs to work hard at expressing their emotions and valuing what Libra says to them. If they can connect on an emotional level, this pairing will be set up for success.
    • Capricorn can also be fairly judgemental, which can scare the more sensitive Libra. Accepting each other, flaws and all, will help this relationship blossom.

Join the Discussion...

How can the scales of Libra be compatible with the Capricorn goat? Is there any hope that this pair can have a wonderful, long-lasting relationship?
Libras and Capricorns definitely have some contrasting traits, but they can still work well together if you give them some time. Since they're both cardinal signs, they have a lot of drive and ambition towards their goals. Even though Caps are more reserved, Libras can help them be more outgoing. Capricorns also help give some much-needed structure to a Libra's life.

Just be aware that Libras don't like a lot of conflict or confrontation, so that may be a problem point when a Cap is more blunt or direct. Capricorns are also a little more controlling while Libras are more flexible, so working together and compromising on decisions is key to make the relationship successful.
Stina Garbis
Psychic Astrologer
Capricorns do not socialize well outside of their few close companions, and they have a lot of love for these people. However, do know that Capricorns are not really “mushy," but they're more practical about the people they love. They care about life’s necessities, and they are concerned if you are prepared for emergencies.

To get a Cap's attention, ask them for help with something small, like a tiny household “emergency." If they're quick to respond and jump up to help you quickly, it's a sign that they're interested.

Learn How to Attract a Capricorn Man with this Expert Series

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      1. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      2. https://astrologybay.com/compatibility-for-capricorn-libra
      3. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.
      4. https://www.instyle.com/lifestyle/astrology/capricorn-compatibility
      5. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.
      6. https://www.instyle.com/lifestyle/astrology/capricorn-compatibility
      7. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      8. https://astrologybay.com/compatibility-for-capricorn-libra
      9. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 23 December 2021.

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