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Everything you need to know about Cancer's flaws and how to overcome them
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Like all the zodiac signs, Cancer (June 21 - July 22) has its strengths and weaknesses. Ruled by the moon, Cancerians are some of the most caring, empathetic, and intuitive people around. With these positive traits, however, come a few flaws. These include being overly emotional, people-pleasing, taking on others’ problems, and holding grudges. If you’re curious about Cancer’s negative traits and how to overcome them, you’ve come to the right place! We’ll take you through Cancer’s potential flaws and weaknesses and provide tips on how to manage them.

Things You Should Know

  • Cancers are prone to moodiness, and they can be easily offended or hurt.
  • Empathetic Cancers often struggle with taking on others’ problems and negative emotions, which can leave them feeling drained.
  • Cancer can overcome their weaknesses by learning to manage their emotions, practicing self-care, and setting healthy boundaries with loved ones.

Cancers can be overly emotional.

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  1. Cancers are known for their strong feelings. For a Cancer, happiness easily turns into intense joy, but on the flip side, sadness quickly turns into overpowering melancholy. Like the other water signs, they can get swept up in their intense emotions, and it can be difficult for their loved ones to deal with these highs and lows. [1]
    • Cancer’s ability to feel things deeply can definitely be a strength—it’s a quality that can make them a talented artist, poet, or performer!
    • It’s important, however, for Cancers to learn to manage their emotions so they don’t completely take over.
    • Try starting a journal to process and release your intense feelings. This will help you get in control of your emotions, rather than letting them control you.
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They can be moody.

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  1. It’s fitting that Cancer’s symbol is The Crab, as they can be a bit crabby. Cancers can get irritated easily, and they are often passive-aggressive when they’re frustrated. [2] This can cause tensions in relationships with friends, family members, or significant others.
    • Performing deep breathing exercises may help Cancers manage their emotions when they’re feeling irritated.
    • Start by taking a slow, deep breath through your nose, letting the air flow all the way down into your belly. Next, let the air slowly flow out through your mouth.
    • Repeat for 5 minutes. Mentally count to 5 as you inhale and exhale in order to keep a steady pace. [3]

They can be easily offended or hurt.

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  1. Sensitive Cancers tend to take things personally, and they don’t respond well to criticism. It’s easy for blunt people to unintentionally hurt Cancer’s feelings. [4] Sincere Cancers may also have a hard time recognizing sarcasm, and even good-intentioned jokes can upset them. Cancer’s loved ones may feel like they need to walk on eggshells to avoid accidentally upsetting Cancer.
    • Sensitivity is one of Cancer’s superpowers, but it’s also important for Cancer to learn not to let the little things get to them.
    • If you’re a Cancer who’s extra sensitive to criticism, try reciting positive affirmations to show yourself some self-love and build up self confidence.
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They take on others’ emotions and problems.

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  1. Cancer is perhaps the most caring and empathetic sign out there. This makes them an incredible friend, but it also makes them susceptible to absorbing others' negative energies and emotions. They struggle to set boundaries and often take care of others before taking care of themselves. [5] This makes Cancer particularly vulnerable to people who are trying to take advantage of their kindness. [6]
    • If you’re a cancer struggling with toxic empathy , take time to prioritize self-care .
    • Set boundaries with loved ones to avoid overextending yourself. You can’t be there for everyone at all times, and that’s okay!
    • Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup, and taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of others.

They tend to hold grudges.

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  1. Because they feel so deeply, it can be hard for Cancer to let go of strong feelings like disappointment, anger, or frustration. Plus, the intensity of their emotions can make even a small slight feel like a huge betrayal. As a result, Cancers can be pretty slow to forgive. [7]
    • Cancer’s tendency to hold grudges comes from their commitment to protecting their heart, which can be a positive trait.
    • It’s important, however, to balance this self-preservation with forgiveness. Remember, everyone makes mistakes!
    • Try practicing mindfulness to help you let go of the past. Mindfulness involves focusing on the present moment and observing your thoughts and feelings without judgment. [8]
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They can be controlling or overbearing.

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  1. Maternal Cancers love to be helpful, and they naturally want to take care of their loved ones’ needs. This can be a great trait, but when Cancers insert themselves into other peoples’ problems without being asked, it can cause some problems. In these cases, Cancer can come off as controlling, or even manipulative. Cancer’s loved ones may feel like Cancer is overstepping, which can cause arguments. [9]
    • Cancer’s caring heart is one of their biggest strengths, but it’s important for them to learn how to take a step back when others don’t want their help.
    • Sometimes people need to be free to make their own mistakes or find their own way.
    • Remember, Cancer, this isn’t a rejection of you! Your loved one probably just wants to feel independent and in control of their own life.

They can be jealous in romantic relationships.

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  1. Cancers tend to fall in love easily, but once they do, they can have trouble trusting that their partner will be faithful. [10] When this happens, Cancer's jealousy might make them resort to looking through their partner’s texts or DMs to make sure they aren’t talking to anyone else.
    • If you’re a Cancer in a long-term partnership, work on building trust in your relationship .
    • Your anxieties likely come from a desire to protect your heart, which is completely understandable!
    • It’s important to remember, however, that there’s no true love without trust.
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They can be people-pleasers.

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  1. Conflict-avoidant Cancers are always seeking comfort and harmony in their relationships. Because of this, they'll often avoid saying "no" to others just to avoid having difficult conversations. [11] Though some may appreciate Cancers’ efforts to keep things smooth-sailing in their relationships, it’s important for Cancers to learn to assert themselves when necessary.
    • Practice taking a pause before saying “yes” when someone asks you to do something for them.
    • Ask yourself if you actually have the time and space to do this person a favor, or if your people-pleasing tendencies are pushing you to say yes to avoid conflict.

They can be homebodies.

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  1. Cancers seek comfort above all else. Because of this, they are excellent at building cozy homes. Once they’ve created their oasis-like personal space, however, they struggle to leave it. [12] They’ll often choose the predictability of a night in over just about anything else.
    • Cancer’s talent for making their home cozy and inviting is definitely a strength, but it’s important for them to learn to get out of their comfort zone .
    • Remember, having adventures out in the world makes it all the more satisfying to return to your safe space when you’re done!
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They have trouble dealing with change.

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They can be stubborn.

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  1. Just like their symbol, The Crab, Cancers tend to have an impenetrable outer shell when it comes to their habits. They love routine and familiarity, so they’re unlikely to switch things up. This can make Cancer pretty resistant when others offer them advice or suggest new ideas. [14]
    • If you’re a Cancer struggling with stubbornness, work on being more open-minded .
    • When someone makes a suggestion to you, try not to shut it down just because it’s unfamiliar.
    • Embracing new ideas can lead to surprising and rewarding breakthroughs in your personal or professional life!
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They can be indecisive.

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  1. Cancer has a tendency to overthink, which can leave them paralyzed when faced with tough choices. [15] Because of this, Cancers are often drawn to people with strong personalities who will step in and be decisive for them. [16]
    • Cancers are indecisive because they care deeply about making the right choice, which is admirable.
    • It’s vital, however, for Cancers to learn to trust themselves in order to foster independence.
    • As a Cancer, you’re deeply intuitive, and you have access to all kinds of spiritual wisdom. If you listen to your inner voice, chances are you’ll know exactly what to do! [17]

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        Apr 28

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