What Tech Career Is Right For Me?

Take this quiz to find out!
CourseraThis quiz was independently created by wikiHow and sponsored by Coursera.

So, you’re looking to make a career change. How exciting! There are tons of career paths to choose from, and one of the most exciting, high-potential areas in 2024 is in tech.

Think you might be a good fit for a brand new career in tech? We agree! Below, we’ll help you reflect on your passions, skills, and goals—then, we’ll match you with the tech-focused job of your dreams.

A professional woman sitting smiling at a desk with a laptop.

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Questions Overview

1. What’s your top professional strength?
  1. Strategy
  2. Detail-orientedness
  3. Creativity
  4. People skills
2. Which career focus sounds most exciting to you?
  1. I want to offer others insights and help them fix their problems.
  2. I want to work with totally new technology in a cutting-edge field.
  3. I want to use empathy and artistry to create things that speak to an audience of real people.
  4. I want to wear a lot of hats and use my organizational skills to lead projects.
3. Pick an article to read:
  1. The AI Revolution: What’s On The Horizon?
  2. TikTok Influencing: What Makes A Brand Catch Fire?
  3. New Technology Roundup: 20 Groundbreaking Products from 2024
  4. Leadership 101: Enhance Your Untapped Skills
4. What’s your biggest professional challenge?
  1. I get bored easily. I need constant change, newness, and stimulation.
  2. I struggle to keep things organized when I have many projects happening at once.
  3. I don’t enjoy working on a team and struggle in groups—I would rather work alone.
  4. I find roles that require creativity and flexibility challenging. I’d rather follow a clear set of rules.
5. What classes have you enjoyed most in the past?
  1. Art and design classes
  2. Writing and marketing classes
  3. Coding and technology classes
  4. Math and science classes
6. Choose the statement that best describes you:
  1. I just want to enjoy my day-to-day work and feel fulfilled—and getting to be creative is a big part of that.
  2. I’m willing to put in the time to learn difficult concepts and master hard skills if it leads to an exciting, high-salary career.
  3. I prefer that my day-to-day schedule involves problem-solving and troubleshooting because that’s what I find most rewarding.
  4. I hope that I find work where I get to enjoy meaningful connections and conversations with others every day.
7. How would your friends describe you?
  1. An ambitious person who will do anything to reach their goals.
  2. A creative person who has their finger on the pulse.
  3. A detail-oriented person who loves to help others problem-solve.
  4. A leader who aims to keep things organized and optimized.
8. How technical do you hope your job will be?
  1. Very technical.
  2. Moderately technical.
  3. Only a little technical; not very technical.
  4. I’m not sure.

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Graphic Designers are responsible for enticing, educating, and communicating to customers through visual art. They normally create designs using computer software, but occasionally also work by hand. Typically, companies are most concerned with the quality of a candidate\u2019s portfolio of published work. Do you need to brush up on skills to get your portfolio where it needs to be? Luckily, if your aim is to gain hard skills in design in order to build up your portfolio, there\u2019s a great online resource to get you started\u2014Coursera<\/a><\/b>.

5 Tips To Find Your Dream Job

  • Make a list of your skills, values, and passions. Self-reflection is a huge part of finding a career path that's perfect for you. Generally speaking, if your role aligns with what you're good at, what makes you feel fulfilled, and what is fun for you, you'll be in good shape. Try making a list of things that fall under each category for you (examples would be: I'm organized, I want to help people, and I enjoy talking to others). Once you have your list, get researching! What careers out there have elements of everything?
  • Reflect on what could be improved about your current role. Every role that's not your dream gig still gets you closer to the perfect job for you. Think about the parts of your old (or current) job that don't feel good for you. What do you wish you did less of? When you feel unhappy with work, what's the cause? Make a list of the projects, qualities, and job functions that come to mind. Now, apply that knowledge to your research going forward.
  • Connect with people in the field. Now that you have some career titles in mind, focus on gaining some insider information. The best career insights probably won't come from research. They'll probably come from people actually doing the job you want. If you know someone already, you're in luck! Give them a ring, offer to buy some coffee, and have a list of job questions ready when you go. If you don't know anyone, head to LinkedIn. Try reaching out to people with a personalized note and see if anyone is open to hopping on a quick call.
  • Try gaining similar experiences to find clarity. There are ways to explore adjacent experiences before you actually get the job that you're interested in. If you're looking into content writer jobs, then try writing a few freelance pieces to submit to websites and see how you like it. If you're thinking about teaching, try getting a tutoring job first. You get the idea!
  • Don't be afraid to change your course. It's totally normal to feel pressured to find your perfect, dream role, but the truth is: your dream role might change over time! Be flexible and give yourself permission to explore. If you stay open to change, you'll ensure that you don't just enjoy your dream job when you get it—but you'll enjoy the journey too.