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Everyone views themselves a certain way, but the way everyone else sees you may not match up. If you’re no longer satisfied with the version of yourself that you show to other people, it may be time to alter your public image. Changing your image isn’t about overriding who you are as a person, but embracing certain values and characteristics and making them part of the behavior that you project outwardly. To start, all you need to do is recognize the traits that you want to develop, work on modifying your habits and update your look to reflect your new sense of self.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Zeroing in on a New Image

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  1. Before you can come up with the right new image, put some thought into the image other people have of you now. Reflect on your many interactions and how others often regard you. Identifying your existing image is the first step to making a gradual shift. [1]
    • Ask yourself: What kind of things do people tend to say about you? What are some of your best qualities, according to your friends?
    • See yourself from someone else's eyes. Are you the shy one or the loud joker? This can help you figure out which parts you want to work on. [2]
    • Know that how people see you may not ultimately be your true self—sometimes your parents, your community, and your job can limit you by trying to dictate who you are. [3]
  2. You’re on a quest for a new image, but what should it be, exactly? Decide what characteristics you want people to associate you with. Think about what your idols are like and how you can tailor your public appearance to be more like them. [4]
    • For example, you might wish to be admired for your bravery, like your favorite superhero, or give off the class and sophistication of a classic movie star.
    • Start small. Begin with the basic personality traits you wish to have and make room for them in your life, making sure they're still in line with your personal values and beliefs.
    • One fun way to brainstorm who you might want to be is to use a platform like Pinterest to collect images you enjoy looking at. By noticing visual patterns of characteristics/traits that you're naturally drawn to, you can model yourself accordingly. [5]
  3. Your behavior will affect your image. If you want to change it, you will need to emphasize your good qualities and minimize the negative ones. Think about personality flaws that people have taken issue with in the past, and try to fix them. After a while, people will notice these changes and begin to view you in a new light. [6]
    • For example, if you get defensive and becoming argumentative in disputes, try to keep a level head and acknowledge the opinions of others.
    • Figure out what you've done to earn a tarnished image and try to do the opposite. For example, if you're often seen as insensitive, go out of your way to show more concern for others.
    • Everyone has room for improvement in their interpersonal habits and characteristics, even those commonly perceived as being "nice."
  4. Come up with a projection of how you’d like to change the way people view you in a week, a month, a year, etc. Focus on becoming more outgoing, or make a resolution to keep your cool in stressful situations, one day at a time. Keep your goals and progress written down in a notebook to serve as a reminder to exhibit the characteristics you’re trying to develop. [7]
    • No matter what your long-term goals are, always think day-to-day. It can be helpful to say “Today, I will be more generous and caring” at the start of each day.
    • Try to exercise your desired trait in different circumstances in your everyday life. Eventually, it will become an ingrained part of your personality.
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wikiHow Quiz: What Kind of Reality Check Do I Need?

We all have blind spots, especially when it comes to the ways we treat others (and ourselves). Unfortunately, it can be pretty tough to take an objective look at what your own weak points are. We’re here to help. Take this quiz to rip off the Band-aid and see what your blind spots really are.
1 of 12

Pick a sea creature:

Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Changing Your Habits

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  1. The thoughts and actions of the people we spend time with can affect our own. If the company you keep plays a part in others viewing you negatively, it may be time to make new friends. Look for people who have good images themselves, and reflect on what you and other people like about them.
    • You don't have to completely abandon your old friends. Just make room in your life for people with the kinds of qualities you want to have. [8]
    • Meeting new people can also give you a chance to make a good first impression and settle into your new image right off the bat.
    • Friends tend to think of each other in certain ways, and they tend to expect certain types of behavior. This can make changing yourself for the better more difficult.
  2. Some people might not want to give you a new chance if they think you haven't changed. That's why it's important to change people's minds about you. Rectify as many cases of bad behavior from the past as you can. Offer sincere apologies to people you've offended, resume friendships that were ended over petty disagreements, and erase any gossipy or vindictive posts from social media that might make you look spiteful. [9]
    • Your detractors will be more willing to accept a change in your image if they see that you're making a real effort.
    • Always be the first to apologize, even if you weren't at fault. It shows that you value your relationships more than being right. [10]
    • With a clear conscience, you'll be in a better position to move forward in constructing a new image.
  3. Before you can overhaul your image with others, you have to accept your own self-image by changing your internal language. Consider the traits you want to have, then start thinking about yourself in those terms.
    • For instance, if you’re used to thinking “I can't do this” when faced with obstacles, and you want your new image to be that of a strong, self-assured leader, start telling yourself “I’ve got this!” Your actions will follow the same course as your thoughts.
    • It can be daunting to make such a big change, but remember that many of your thoughts and characteristics are formed through behavioral patterns and can be relearned with enough conditioning.
  4. Take account of your actions to make sure that you’re being the kind of person you want to be seen as. Remind yourself of the goals you set and the traits you’re trying to promote. Modifying your image can be a long, repetitive process of making small corrections to your behavior until they become second nature. You’ll find yourself gradually becoming more comfortable with yourself as you evolve. [11]
    • Audit your behavior constantly. Keep in mind the way you want to come across and choose your words and actions accordingly.
  5. Don’t try to do too much at once. If you've always been the shy, quiet type, there’s no use in trying to immediately transform yourself into the life of the party. Pick one or two characteristics you want to tweak and give those your attention. Once you’ve changed your patterns of thought and behavior, you can use this progress to guide yourself toward bigger, more substantive changes.
    • Be patient. It can be disheartening to feel like people aren’t seeing you the way you want to be seen, but changing your image just takes time.
    • Reward yourself for small successes. Practice positive thinking by encouraging yourself whenever you break a bad habit, or react to something in a way your old self wouldn’t have.
  6. Though changing your image is mostly about altering the way you view and carry yourself, it’s other people that witness the image you put forth. Make sure they notice your development. Let your new characteristics be the ones you use to interact with others. With time, they’ll come to stop thinking of you the way they always have and get used to the new you. [12]
    • No one can read your thoughts, so be mindful of the way you want to come across when presenting your new image. A change of image means a change in the ways you act towards others.
    • Don't be discouraged if some people don't believe in the new you. Because you're stepping up your game and transforming into somebody better, some people can feel challenged by that. [13]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Embodying Your New Image

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  1. Like it or not, the way you feel about yourself, and the way others view you, is closely linked to how you look. When searching for a new image, make clothing and style choices that reflect the attitude you’re trying to display. [14]
    • For example, wearing dark clothing can help you give off an edgier, more confident image if you’re used to wearing brightly colored clothes.
    • Wear clothes that accentuate your new outlook. Take chances. Sometimes, a new wardrobe is all it takes for people to start looking at you differently. [15]
    • Body language is important too. In fact, it speaks more about your inward personality than the way you dress yourself. [16]
  2. Use your new look to advertise your new image. Getting your appearance in order will give you the confidence to implement your new character traits and help you feel more like the person you want others to see. Let your new clothes, style or body language serve as cues to remind you how to carry yourself. Think of it as a kind of uniform that represents your desired image. [17]
    • Take some time to fix your appearance before dealing with people, even if it’s just to practice smiling or keeping an inviting stance. This can make you feel more self-assured.
  3. This could also be written "treat others the way you wish to be seen." The "Golden Rule" is an age-old adage, but it's one that's easy to forget when you're too wrapped up in your own perceptions. If everyone else doesn't seem to be viewing you the way you'd like, it may be a reflection of your actions. Make sure you're living up to the standards you've set for your new image. Remember that people form their impressions of you based on what you show them. [18]
    • Your reputation with others often acts as a kind of mirror for the way you're living.
    • Being more conscientious about how you treat people will not only help you improve your standing but bring you personal satisfaction. [19]
  4. Making changes to your image is not the same as acting like someone you’re not. Be yourself and listen to your intuition. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t do it, even if you want it to be part of your new image. Rather than ignoring who you are at heart, your new image should be sincere, refined by the addition of characteristics and values that you admire. It’s about becoming a better version of yourself and putting that on display to the world, not fabricating a fake persona.
    • Your new image should be authentic in the sense that you act in a way that is consistent with your true feelings.
    • Acting like somebody you’re not can be emotionally exhausting and leave you feeling dissatisfied with yourself and your relationships.
  5. Change is intimidating, but it can be very empowering. Don’t give in to self-consciousness or be afraid of being different. Take pride in being honest and trying something new. Get excited about making positive adjustments to your life. Determination and persistence are necessities for becoming the person you want to be. You have a chance to let people see you in a whole new light—take it!
    • Starting small, being sincere and doing a little at a time is key to gaining confidence in your new image.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I change my personal image?
    Joui Turandot
    Branding Consultant
    Joui Turandot is a Personal and Creative Branding Consultant and the Founder of JTM Consulting, a business that specializes in public persona branding, business branding, creative leadership coaching, and speaking workshops. Joui has more than 10 years of experience as a fashion designer, filmmaker, photographer, costume designer, stylist, and personal development coach. She uses her diverse experience to guide creative leaders and entrepreneurs through a journey of self-discovery and embodied personal expression to help them grow their business and step into the next level of leadership. Joui holds a BA in Media Studies from Mills College and holds credentials in the Somatica Core Training Method by the Somatica Institute and in the Art of Circling Training by The Circling Institute.
    Branding Consultant
    Expert Answer
    Be prepared for the process to occur in baby steps. You're probably not becoming somebody totally new, instead you're just revealing who you are free of the expectations of those around you. You get to decide who you really are.
  • Question
    My friends think I am too friendly with boys, and I should not talk to them as much, and I also think so. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Don't let other people tell you who you can or cannot be friends with. If you think you're too friendly with boys, maybe keep your distance from them for a while, but otherwise, I would just tell your friends that it's none of their business.
  • Question
    How do I change my image when other people are gossiping about me at work?
    Community Answer
    Be bold and kind. Find out what the rumors are about. Then try to act the opposite of what the rumor said. Show people that it’s not true. If this doesn’t work, ignore them. If they are telling rumors and gossiping about you, they aren’t your friends. Try to make new friends that will tell good things. Most likely, the whole reason someone is trying to spread rumors is to get on your nerves. Ignore them and they will stop.
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      • You're not locked into being the person people take you for. Anyone can change at any time. All it takes is willpower and a little confidence.
      • Consider the reasons you have for wanting to change your image. If it's just to fit in or get people to like you, it may not be worth it.
      • Stay focused on the parts of yourself you want to show when interacting with people.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      If you want to change your image to something fresh and more true to yourself, you can start right now. Work on breaking your bad habits and changing things you don't like. For example, if you’re not very sociable and you want to be, join some clubs and meet new people, which will help improve your confidence. Try to work on one thing at a time so you don’t get overwhelmed. You can also update your wardrobe with clothes that reflect your new image. Act confidently and use open body language, like keeping your arms at your sides and facing people, to make yourself more approachable. Most of all, remember to be who you really want to be, and not who people think you should be. For more tips, including how to change people’s negative opinions of you, read on.

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