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This wikiHow teaches you how to change your character skin on the mobile version of Minecraft (formerly known as Minecraft PE for Pocket Edition). One of the most popular ways to customize Minecraft is by changing the skin of your character. While some different skins come free with the game, others will need to be purchased.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Using The Minecraft App

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  1. The app has an icon that resembles a Minecraft dirt block.
  2. It's on the right side of the title screen below your Minecraft character.
    • If you're not signed in to your Minecraft account, tap Sign In on the left and sign in with the email address and password associated with your Microsoft or Xbox account.
  3. You can have a few different characters to select from. Tap the arrow icons next to your Minecraft character to select a character.
  4. It's the button on the left below your character. This opens the character editor screen.
  5. It's the first tab above the menu on the left. This option allows you to customize your character.
  6. This displays options you can use to edit your character's body.
  7. You can edit the following body parts.
    • Base (skin tone)
    • Hair
    • Eyes
    • Mouth
    • Facial Hair
    • Arms
    • Legs
    • Size
  8. When you see a body part you like, tap it in the menu to the left to select it.
  9. To select a color for the body part, tap the icon that resembles a paint pallet below your character and to the left. Then tap one of the colored swatches to select a color.
  10. It's the icon with an arrow pointing left. It's in the upper-right corner.
  11. It's the second drop-down menu in the menu to the left. This displays clothing options you can add to your character.
  12. This displays options for that clothing in the menu to the left. Clothing options are as follows:
    • Top
    • Bottom
    • Outerwear
    • Headwear
    • Gloves
    • Footwear
    • Face Item
    • Back Item
  13. Clothing options are listed in the menu to the left. Tap a clothing option to select it and add it to your character.
    • Items that have a gold coin icon in the lower-right corner must be purchased with Minecoins. To purchase Minecoins, tap the gold coin icon in the upper-right corner and select a purchase option. Then select a purchase option. Minecoins start at $1.99 for 320 Minecoins.
  14. It's the icon with an arrow pointing left. It's in the upper-right corner.
  15. It's the second tab at the top of the menu on the left. This displays options for changing your skin.
  16. This displays skins that you own. They are listed by package and category.
    • Alternatively, you can tap Purchasable to see a list of skins that are available for purchase. Tap a skin to see what package it is part of and how many Minecoins it costs to buy it.
  17. The menu displays 3 skins from each skin pack in the menu to the left. Tap the icon with plus (+) and a number next to the three skins to see all skins available in that skin pack.
  18. This selects the skin. Your character will wear that skin when you play the game. Tap the back arrow in the upper-right corner to return to the title screen.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Using a Skins for Minecraft PE on Android

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  1. It's the app that has an icon that resembles a colorful triangle.
  2. The search bar is at the top of the Google Play Store, or in the center of the search page on the App Store. This displays a list of apps in the search results.
    • Another app you can install is Skinseed.
  3. It's in the list of search results.
  4. It has a blue icon with three Minecraft characters.
  5. Tap the icon on your home screen or apps menu to open Skins for Minecraft. You can also tap Open next to the app in the Google Play Store or App Store.
  6. There are several pages of skins for you to choose from. Tap < or > to changes pages.
  7. When you see a skin you like, tap on it to display the skin.
  8. It's the button that has an icon that resembles a disk. It's at the bottom of the screen.
  9. This exports the skin to your Gallery as a flat image.
  10. Minecraft on mobile has an icon that resembles a dirt block. Tap the icon on your home screen or apps menu to open Minecraft.
  11. It's on the right side of the title screen below your Minecraft character.
    • If you're not signed in to your Minecraft account, tap Sign In on the left and sign in with the email address and password associated with your Microsoft or Xbox account.
  12. You can have a few different characters to select from. Tap the arrow icons next to your Minecraft character to select a character.
  13. It's the button on the left below your character. This opens the character editor screen.
  14. It's the second tab at the top of the menu on the left. This displays options for changing your skin.
  15. This displays skins that you own. They are listed by package and category.
  16. It's the first option at the top of the Minecraft Skins menu on the left. This allows you to import a Minecraft Skin.
  17. It's the option at the bottom of the screen.
  18. It will be an image that resembles the skin you selected but with all the pieces layed out flat instead of in 3D cube shapes.
  19. Minecraft displays two options for how the skin should be worn. Tap the option that looks best. This selects your skin. You can now wear the skin in the game.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Using a Skinseed on iPhone and iPad

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  1. It has a blue icon with a white capital "A".
  2. It's in the lower-right corner.
  3. This displays a list of apps that resemble you search result.
  4. This installs the app on your iPhone or iPad.
  5. Skinseed has an icon that resembles a green monster head. Tap the icon on your home screen or tap OPEN in the app store to open Skinseed.
    • Tap the "X" icon to close any ads that open while using Skinseed.
  6. There are a variety of skins on the home screen that you can browse. Swipe up and down to browse the different skins. Tap a skin to display it.
    • Alternatively, you can tap the Search tab at the bottom of the screen and use the search bar to search for Minecraft skins by name.
    • Some Minecraft skins in Skinseed come in packs of multiple skins. If you tap a skin pack that displays multiple skins, tap the skin you want to view it.
  7. It's below the display of the skin. This displays options for exporting the skin.
  8. This exports an image file of the skin to your photos.
    • You may be asked to allow Skinseed to access your photos. Tap Allow to grant Skinseed access to your photos.
  9. Minecraft on mobile has an icon that resembles a dirt block. Tap the icon on your home screen or apps menu to open Minecraft.
  10. It's on the right side of the title screen below your Minecraft character.
    • If you're not signed in to your Minecraft account, tap Sign In on the left and sign in with the email address and password associated with your Microsoft or Xbox account.
  11. You can have a few different characters to select from. Tap the arrow icons next to your Minecraft character to select a character.
  12. It's the button on the left below your character. This opens the character editor screen.
  13. It's the second tab at the top of the menu on the left. This displays options for changing your skin.
  14. This displays skins that you own. They are listed by package and category.
  15. It's the first option at the top of the Minecraft Skins menu on the left. This allows you to import a Minecraft Skin.
  16. It's the option at the bottom of the screen.
  17. It will be an image that resembles the skin you selected but with all the pieces layed out flat instead of in 3D cube shapes.
  18. Minecraft displays two options for how the skin should be worn. Tap the option that looks best. This selects your skin. You can now wear the skin in the game.
  19. Advertisement

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Can I do this without downloading skins?
    Community Answer
    You can, but only with the default skins or skin packs that you purchase.
  • Question
    My custom skin option has disappeared. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Are you playing on 1.0.1? If you are, it's still there; just click the blank space next to the Steve (noob) skin, and it will say "change skin" on the top of the skin box.
  • Question
    Do I have to change my skin with an app?
    Community Answer
    No, you can go minecraftskins.com and download the .PNG file of the skin you are looking for. Then, you will launch Minecraft and search for skins. You can choose customizations, and pick the one you want.
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      • Skin packs such as town folk or city folk have skins you could use but you have to download or maybe pay. There are 1 to 3 free skins you could enjoy, along with default skins, such as Steve and Alex. You don't have to download any apps to have fun!
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      1 Open Minecraft.
      2. Tap the clothes hanger icon on the Title Screen.
      3. Tap a skin.
      4. Tap Confirm below your character on the right.

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