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If you're looking for Pokémon Glazed cheat codes, look no further! We've gathered a list of the best cheat codes for getting rare candy, unlimited money, infinite trade stones, and more in the VBA-M and My Boy emulators. Pokémon Glazed is built off Pokémon Emerald , so the codes usually work the same across both games.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:


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  1. Enter the following code to be able to walk through solid objects. You'll still only be able to move to different screens if you exit the screen in the correct location: [1]
    7881A409 E2026E0C
    C56CFACA DC167904
  2. Get unlimited Master Balls . Enter this code to get the maximum number of Master Balls for free. After entering this code, you'll find the Master Ball in the first space of your PC storage. [2]
    128898B6 EDA43037
  3. This code will give you the maximum number of Rare Candy, which will level up your Pokemon. They will appear in the first space of your PC storage. [3]
    BFF956FA 2F9EC50D
  4. These items are unique to Glazed Pokemon, and allow you to evolve Pokémon that normally require trading. When this code is enabled, you'll be able to purchase them for free from any Poke Mart. It will replace the first item for sale and won't cost anything: [4]
    82005274 0066
  5. This code allows you to get the maximum amount of money. When you enable it, you'll need to sell any item from your bag at a Poke Mart. The item won't actually be sold, and you'll receive 999999 cash:
    83005E18 270F
  6. When you enable this code, the next wild Pokémon you meet will be the one you specify. This code requires the master code enabled as well as the individual Pokémon code. These should be entered separately. This code only works once per load, so you'll need to disable and re-enable it or enter a different Pokémon for it to work again: [5]
    Master Code
    00006FA7 000A
    1006AF88 0007
    Pokemon Code
    83007CF6 ****
    Replace **** with:

    0001 - BULBASAUR
    0002 - IVYSAUR
    0003 - VENUSAUR
    0004 - CHARMANDER
    0005 - CHARMELEON
    0006 - CHARIZARD
    0007 - SQUIRTLE
    0008 - WARTORTLE
    0009 - BLASTOISE
    000A - CATERPIE
    000B - METAPOD
    000D - WEEDLE
    000E - KAKUNA
    000F - BEEDRILL
    0010 - PIDGEY
    0011 - PIDGEOTTO
    0012 - PIDGEOT
    0013 - RATTATA
    0014 - RATICATE
    0015 - SPEAROW
    0016 - FEAROW
    0017 - EKANS
    0018 - ARBOK
    0019 - PIKACHU
    001A - RAICHU
    001B - SANDSHREW
    001C - SANDSLASH
    001D - NIDORAN
    001E - NIDORINA
    001F - NIDOQUEEN
    0020 - NIDORAN
    0021 - NIDORINO
    0022 - NIDOKING
    0023 - CLEFAIRY
    0024 - CLEFABLE
    0025 - VULPIX
    0026 - NINETALES
    0027 - JIGGLYPUFF
    0028 - WIGGLYTUFF
    0029 - ZUBAT
    002A - GOLBAT
    002B - DEINO
    002C - ZWEILOUS
    002D - HYDREIGON
    002E - PARAS
    002F - PARASECT
    0030 - JOLTIK
    0031 - GALVANTULA
    0032 - DIGLETT
    0033 - DUGTRIO
    0034 - MEOWTH
    0035 - PERSIAN
    0036 - PSYDUCK
    0037 - GOLDUCK
    0038 - MANKEY
    0039 - PRIMEAPE
    003A - GROWLITHE
    003B - ARCANINE
    003C - POLIWAG
    003D - POLIWHIRL
    003E - POLIWRATH
    003F - ABRA
    0040 - KADABRA
    0041 - ALAKAZAM
    0042 - MACHOP
    0043 - MACHOKE
    0044 - MACHAMP
    0045 - BELLSPROUT
    0046 - WEEPINBELL
    0047 - VICTREEBEL
    0048 - TENTACOOL
    0049 - TENTACRUEL
    004A - GEODUDE
    004B - GRAVELER
    004C - GOLEM
    004D - PONYTA
    004E - RAPIDASH
    004F - SLOWPOKE
    0050 - SLOWBRO
    0051 - MAGNEMITE
    0052 - MAGNETON
    0053 - OSHAWOTT
    0054 - DEWOTT
    0055 - SAMUROTT
    0056 - SEEL
    0057 - DEWGONG
    0058 - GRIMER
    0059 - MUK
    005A - SHELLDER
    005B - CLOYSTER
    005C - GASTLY
    005D - HAUNTER
    005E - GENGAR
    005F - ONIX
    0060 - MIENFOO
    0061 - MIENSHAO
    0062 - KRABBY
    0063 - KINGLER
    0064 - GIRATINA
    0065 - HEATRAN
    0066 - SKORUPI
    0067 - DRAPION
    0068 - CUBONE
    0069 - MAROWAK
    006A - HITMONLEE
    006C - LICKITUNG
    006D - KOFFING
    006E - WEEZING
    006F - RHYHORN
    0070 - RHYDON
    0071 - CHANSEY
    0072 - TANGELA
    0073 - KANGASKHAN
    0074 - HORSEA
    0075 - SEADRA
    0076 - GOLDEEN
    0077 - SEAKING
    0078 - STARYU
    0079 - STARMIE
    007A - MANAPHY
    007B - SCYTHER
    007C - JYNX
    007E - MAGMAR
    007F - PINSIR
    0080 - TAUROS
    0081 - MAGIKARP
    0082 - GYARADOS
    0083 - LAPRAS
    0084 - DITTO
    0085 - EEVEE
    0086 - VAPOREON
    0087 - JOLTEON
    0088 - FLAREON
    0089 - PORYGON
    008A - OMANYTE
    008B - OMASTAR
    008C - KABUTO
    008D - KABUTOPS
    008F - SNORLAX
    0090 - ARTICUNO
    0091 - ZAPDOS
    0092 - MOLTRES
    0093 - DRATINI
    0094 - DRAGONAIR
    0095 - DRAGONITE
    0096 - MEWTWO
    0097 - MEW
    0098 - CHIKORITA
    0099 - BAYLEEF
    009A - MEGANIUM
    009B - CYNDAQUIL
    009C - QUILAVA
    009E - TOTODILE
    009F - CROCONAW
    00A1 - SENTRET
    00A2 - FURRET
    00A3 - HOOTHOOT
    00A4 - NOCTOWL
    00A5 - LEDYBA
    00A6 - LEDIAN
    00A7 - SPINARAK
    00A8 - ARIADOS
    00A9 - CROBAT
    00AB - LANTURN
    00AC - PICHU
    00AD - CLEFFA
    00AF - TOGEPI
    00B0 - TOGETIC
    00B1 - FRAXURE
    00B2 - HAXORUS
    00B3 - MAREEP
    00B4 - FLAAFFY
    00B5 - AMPHAROS
    00B6 - AXEW
    00B7 - MARILL
    00B8 - AZUMARILL
    00B9 - SUDOWOODO
    00BB - HOPPIP
    00BE - AIPOM
    00BF - SCRAGGY
    00C0 - SCRAFTY
    00C1 - YANMA
    00C2 - WOOPER
    00C3 - QUAGSIRE
    00C4 - ESPEON
    00C5 - UMBREON
    00C6 - MURKROW
    00C7 - SLOWKING
    00C9 - UNOWN
    00CC - PINECO
    00CF - GLIGAR
    00D0 - STEELIX
    00D1 - SNUBBULL
    00D2 - GRANBULL
    00D3 - QWILFISH
    00D4 - SCIZOR
    00D5 - SHUCKLE
    00D6 - HERACROSS
    00D7 - SNEASEL
    00D8 - TEDDIURSA
    00D9 - URSARING
    00DA - SLUGMA
    00DC - SWINUB
    00DE - CORSOLA
    00E0 - OCTILLERY
    00E1 - DELIBIRD
    00E2 - MANTINE
    00E3 - SKARMORY
    00E4 - HOUNDOUR
    00E5 - HOUNDOOM
    00E6 - KINGDRA
    00E7 - PHANPY
    00E8 - DONPHAN
    00E9 - PORYGON2
    00EC - TYROGUE
    00EF - ELEKID
    00F0 - MAGBY
    00F1 - MILTANK
    00F2 - BLISSEY
    00F3 - RAIKOU
    00F4 - ENTEI
    00F5 - SUICUNE
    00F6 - LARVITAR
    00F7 - PUPITAR
    00F8 - TYRANITAR
    00F9 - LUGIA
    00FA - HO-OH
    00FB - CELEBI
    0115 - TREECKO
    0116 - GROVYLE
    0117 - SCEPTILE
    0118 - TORCHIC
    0119 - COMBUSKEN
    011A - BLAZIKEN
    011B - MUDKIP
    011C - MARSHTOMP
    011D - SWAMPERT
    011E - POOCHYENA
    011F - MIGHTYENA
    0120 - ZIGZAGOON
    0121 - LINOONE
    0122 - SNIVY
    0123 - SERVINE
    0124 - SERPERIOR
    0125 - LEAFEON
    0126 - YANMEGA
    0127 - TURTWIG
    0128 - GROTLE
    0129 - TORTERRA
    012A - CHIMCHAR
    012B - MONFERNO
    012C - INFERNAPE
    012D - NINCADA
    012E - NINJASK
    012F - SHEDINJA
    0130 - TAILLOW
    0131 - SWELLOW
    0132 - SHROOMISH
    0133 - BRELOOM
    0134 - SPINDA
    0135 - WINGULL
    0136 - PELIPPER
    0137 - COBALION
    0138 - TERRAKION
    0139 - VIRIZION
    013A - KELDEO
    013B - RIOLU
    013C - LUCARIO
    013D - KECLEON
    013E - AMBIPOM
    013F - TOGEKISS
    0140 - ZORUA
    0141 - ZOROARK
    0142 - SABLEYE
    0143 - LICKILICKY
    0144 - RHYPERIOR
    0145 - BUIZEL
    0146 - FLOATZEL
    0147 - MAGNEZONE
    0148 - FEEBAS
    0149 - MILOTIC
    014A - GIBLE
    014B - GABITE
    014C - GARCHOMP
    014D - CRESSELIA
    014E - DARKRAI
    014F - SHAYMIN
    0150 - GLACEON
    0151 - ELECTRIKE
    0152 - MANECTRIC
    0153 - ELECTIVIRE
    0154 - MAGMORTAR
    0155 - ELECTRODE
    0156 - PIPLUP
    0157 - PRINPLUP
    0158 - EMPOLEON
    0159 - UXIE
    015A - SNORUNT
    015B - GLALIE
    015C - VICTINI
    015D - VOLTORB
    015E - MESPRIT
    015F - SHINX
    0160 - PALKIA
    0161 - ZEKROM
    0162 - RESHIRAM
    0163 - KYUREM
    0164 - GLISCOR
    0165 - MAMOSWINE
    0166 - PORYGON-Z
    0167 - GALLADE
    0168 - WYNAUT
    0169 - REGIGIGAS
    016A - FROSLASS
    016B - AZELF
    016C - TEPIG
    016D - PIGNITE
    016E - EMBOAR
    016F - CROAGUNK
    0170 - TOXICROAK
    0171 - TANGROWTH
    0172 - DIALGA
    0173 - LUXIO
    0174 - LUXRAY
    0175 - CLAMPERL
    0176 - HUNTAIL
    0177 - GOREBYSS
    0178 - ABSOL
    0179 - SHUPPET
    017A - BANETTE
    017B - SEVIPER
    017C - ZANGOOSE
    017D - MISMAGIUS
    017E - ARON
    017F - LAIRON
    0180 - AGGRON
    0181 - CASTFORM
    0182 - HONCHKROW
    0183 - WEAVILE
    0184 - LILEEP
    0185 - CRADILY
    0186 - ANORITH
    0187 - ARMALDO
    0188 - RALTS
    0189 - KIRLIA
    018A - GARDEVOIR
    018B - BAGON
    018C - SHELGON
    018D - SALAMENCE
    018E - BELDUM
    018F - METANG
    0190 - METAGROSS
    0191 - REGIROCK
    0192 - REGICE
    0193 - REGISTEEL
    0194 - KYOGRE
    0195 - GROUDON
    0196 - RAYQUAZA
    0197 - LATIAS
    0198 - LATIOS
    0199 - JIRACHI
    019A - ARCEUS
    019B - DEOXYS

  7. Since Glazed Pokémon is built on Pokémon Emerald, most codes should work. Be careful, as some codes may not work properly due to the ROM already being hacked. [6]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Using Codes in VBA-M

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  1. The game will need to be running in order to enter cheats for it. The process for entering codes varies slightly if you're using a different emulator, but the codes are the same for all emulators.
    • VBA-M is a popular GBA emulator that you can use to load ROM files. ROM files are copies of the game file, and Pokémon Glazed in a hacked version of the Pokémon Emerald ROM.
  2. This will turn cheats on for the emulator.
  3. This feature is required in order for some codes to work.
  4. This will open a new window.
  5. It looks like a green bookmark.
  6. This is so that you can recognize it. The description has no bearing on if the code works.
  7. Most of the cheat codes listed above are "GameShark Advance" codes, unless otherwise specified. Some emulators will auto-detect the type of cheat, but VBA-M users will need to select GameShark Advance from the drop-down menu.
  8. Make sure that you are only adding the code for a single cheat at a time. Click "OK" once you've pasted the code.
    • You can find a list of codes lower in this article.
    • If the code was multiple lines, you'll see multiple entries on your code list.
  9. Unless specified otherwise (some cheats require a master code enabled as well), you should only run a single cheat at once. Using more than one at once increases the chances that you'll break the game.
  10. You'll be returned to the game and it will unpause.
  11. Once the game is unpaused your your cheats are enabled, you can use them immediately. For example, if you have the Walk Through Walls cheat enabled, you'll immediately be able to pass through normally blocked objects like trees and gates. If you enabled the Unlimited Master Ball cheat, you'll find them in your PC.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Using Codes in My Boy! (Android)

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  1. This is the most popular emulator for Android devices. If you're using a different emulator, the same codes will work but the process will likely be a little different.
  2. You'll find this at the top of the controls in the center.
  3. This will open the Cheats screen.
  4. This will allow you to enter a new cheat.
  5. This will help you identify it later. The name does not have an impact on the cheat itself.
  6. My Boy! will automatically detect what type of cheat code it is. You'll find a list of codes at the bottom of this article.
    • My Boy! already has the real time clock enabled, so you don't need to manually turn it on.
  7. This will save and apply the cheat.
  8. To help reduce crashes, try to stick to one cheat at a time. Adding multiple codes will allow you to switch between them. If you don't need any cheats at the moment, disable any active cheats.
    • Some cheats require a master code as well as the cheat code.
  9. After entering the cheat and returning to the game, you should see your cheat code take effect immediately. The process for using the code will vary depending on the code. For example, if you're using the Unlimited Trade Stones cheat, you'll be able to purchase them for free from any Poke Mart. The Trade Stone will replace the first item the store offers.
    • The cheat code list above describes any special conditions you need to meet to use a cheat.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How can I evolve Eevee to Umbreon?
    Community Answer
    Evolve it at night when it has a lot of friendship. Using the Soothe Bell to get it friendly is recommended.
  • Question
    I used the code for the trade stones, but every time I enter a Poke mart it doesn't show up. Why?
    Community Answer
    It will show the picture for the stone but won't say anything. If it doesn't show the stone then you may have a glitch with your game.
  • Question
    This game is available in the store for Windows Lumia phones, but not played through any emulators. How can I input cheats in this game?
    Community Answer
    I believe that Lumia prohibits any cheats; the only way would be to get an emulator such as MyBoy to be able to use cheats.
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