Wondering how compatible you are with your significant other? Our quiz will ask you probing questions about you, them, your relationship, and more to determine just how compatible you are—and your odds of having a successful relationship! Hit “Start Quiz” to begin!
Questions Overview
- Definitely true.
- Mostly true.
- Mostly false.
- Definitely false.
- Totally!
- I’ve got a pretty good idea.
- I’m not really sure…
- No clue.
- Definitely!
- Probably!
- Maybe.
- Probably not.
- Absolutely.
- Mostly, yes.
- Sort of.
- No, not really.
- Of course!
- Most likely!
- Maybe.
- Probably not.
- Definitely.
- Most of the time.
- Sometimes.
- Not really.
- I know they do!
- I’m pretty sure they do.
- They might.
- They probably don’t.
- Yes, I love it more than anything!
- Yeah, I really enjoy it.
- Sure, sometimes.
- Not really.
- Almost always!
- Sure—but if we don’t, we just take turns picking a film.
- No, we usually disagree.
- We never agree—we like totally different movies.
- Excited for them! I’ve got plenty to do here and I’ll see them soon.
- A little sad I’m not there, but it’s fine. I hope they’re having a good time.
- I’m kind of bummed. Are they having fun without me?
- I’m really jealous and insecure. Do they even like me?
- We were both patient and tried to understand where the other person was coming from.
- We tried to be calm and respectful, but it’s difficult. We both want to win!
- We got a little rowdy. It felt like we were talking past each other.
- It got pretty chaotic, and we didn’t really resolve the issue.
- Yes, definitely.
- We share a lot of the same values, but there are some things we disagree on.
- We butt heads a lot, but we have a few shared beliefs that connect us.
- We have almost opposite beliefs.
- Very true.
- Pretty true.
- Sort of false.
- Definitely false.
- Yes, they almost always do.
- Probably—they try, anyway.
- Probably not.
- No, they make me feel worse.
- Absolutely nothing. We’ll figure it out and find a compromise.
- It means one of us will have to sacrifice what they want, but it’s no big deal.
- We’ll try to make it work, but this might be the end.
- Our relationship is probably doomed.
- Very compatible.
- Pretty compatible.
- Not very compatible.
- Not at all compatible.
More Quizzes
While you work hard for the success of the relationship, you seem to be pretty good at maintaining your individuality and not sacrificing who you are or your personal dreams for the sake of \u201cmaking things work\u201d\u2014and luckily, you probably don\u2019t have to worry about that anyway, since you and your significant other are so compatible!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Signs-That-You%27re-in-a-Healthy-Relationship"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Weird-Soulmate-Signs"}],"link_data":[{"title":"7+ Signs That You're in a Healthy Relationship","id":12556764,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Signs-That-You%27re-in-a-Healthy-Relationship","relUrl":"\/Signs-That-You%27re-in-a-Healthy-Relationship","image":"\/images\/thumb\/f\/f7\/Signs-That-You%27re-in-a-Healthy-Relationship-Step-8.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Signs-That-You%27re-in-a-Healthy-Relationship-Step-8.jpg","alt":"7+ Signs That You're in a Healthy Relationship"},{"title":"23 Weird Signs You've Found Your Soulmate","id":14163960,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Weird-Soulmate-Signs","relUrl":"\/Weird-Soulmate-Signs","image":"\/images\/thumb\/7\/70\/Weird-Soulmate-Signs-Step-24.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Weird-Soulmate-Signs-Step-24.jpg","alt":"23 Weird Signs You've Found Your Soulmate"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""},{"number":2,"text":"You\u2019re pretty darn compatible.","meaning":"Based on your answers, you and your partner are pretty compatible with one another! Not only do you have a ton in common, but you both put in the work to make your relationship as successful as possible. Maybe there are areas of your relationship where you both clash a little, but you\u2019re great at navigating choppy waters and finding common ground, even where there seems to be none.
In the end, you and your partner know that true love is about more than just having the hots for each other or liking the same TV shows (although that all helps!)\u2014it\u2019s about dedication, loyalty, trust, and shared goals. While you work hard for the success of the relationship, you seem to be pretty good at maintaining your individuality and not sacrificing who you are or your personal dreams for the sake of \u201cmaking things work\u201d\u2014and luckily, you probably don\u2019t have to worry about that anyway, since you and your significant other are pretty compatible and respectful of your differences. That sounds like a good foundation for future bliss to us!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Signs-That-You%27re-in-a-Healthy-Relationship"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Weird-Soulmate-Signs"}],"link_data":[{"title":"7+ Signs That You're in a Healthy Relationship","id":12556764,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Signs-That-You%27re-in-a-Healthy-Relationship","relUrl":"\/Signs-That-You%27re-in-a-Healthy-Relationship","image":"\/images\/thumb\/f\/f7\/Signs-That-You%27re-in-a-Healthy-Relationship-Step-8.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Signs-That-You%27re-in-a-Healthy-Relationship-Step-8.jpg","alt":"7+ Signs That You're in a Healthy Relationship"},{"title":"23 Weird Signs You've Found Your Soulmate","id":14163960,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Weird-Soulmate-Signs","relUrl":"\/Weird-Soulmate-Signs","image":"\/images\/thumb\/7\/70\/Weird-Soulmate-Signs-Step-24.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Weird-Soulmate-Signs-Step-24.jpg","alt":"23 Weird Signs You've Found Your Soulmate"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""},{"number":3,"text":"You\u2019re not as compatible as you could be.","meaning":"Based on your answers, your relationship with your partner probably generates some serious sparks, but you butt heads now and then. \u201cCompatibility\u201d may seem like the end-all-be-all of a relationship, but true love is about more than just having the hots for each other or liking the same TV shows (although that all helps!)\u2014it\u2019s about dedication, loyalty, trust, and shared goals, all of which take effort and intentionality.
While you work hard for the success of the relationship, be sure to maintain your individuality. Don't sacrifice who you are or your personal dreams for the sake of \u201cmaking things work.\u201d Some relationships aren\u2019t compatible enough to \u201cmake it,\u201d but that doesn\u2019t mean they weren\u2019t meaningful, nor that you and your partner did something wrong.
That said, there\u2019s actually a fair amount you can do to make your relationship work, even if you don\u2019t have all that much in common. You can make an extra effort to try to see where your partner is coming from when you feel like you just don\u2019t understand them, or take turns planning date nights if you don\u2019t typically enjoy doing the same things. If you\u2019re both willing to put in the work, your relationship can thrive!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Signs-That-You%27re-in-a-Healthy-Relationship"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Form-a-Strong-Bond-in-Your-Relationship"}],"link_data":[{"title":"7+ Signs That You're in a Healthy Relationship","id":12556764,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Signs-That-You%27re-in-a-Healthy-Relationship","relUrl":"\/Signs-That-You%27re-in-a-Healthy-Relationship","image":"\/images\/thumb\/f\/f7\/Signs-That-You%27re-in-a-Healthy-Relationship-Step-8.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Signs-That-You%27re-in-a-Healthy-Relationship-Step-8.jpg","alt":"7+ Signs That You're in a Healthy Relationship"},{"title":"How to Bond as a Couple & Strengthen Your Relationship","id":1384189,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Form-a-Strong-Bond-in-Your-Relationship","relUrl":"\/Form-a-Strong-Bond-in-Your-Relationship","image":"\/images\/thumb\/3\/39\/Form-a-Strong-Bond-in-Your-Relationship-Step-27.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Form-a-Strong-Bond-in-Your-Relationship-Step-27.jpg","alt":"How to Bond as a Couple & Strengthen Your Relationship"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""},{"number":4,"text":"You\u2019re not that compatible.","meaning":"Based on your answers, it seems like you and your partner might not be very compatible. Your relationship probably generates some serious sparks, and you might even be in love\u2014but maybe you butt heads now and then, or your future goals don\u2019t really align. The good news is, this doesn\u2019t have to be the end of your relationship. There\u2019s actually a lot you can both do to strengthen your bond and help your relationship flourish, even if it feels like you don\u2019t have enough in common. After all, true love is about more than just having the hots for each other or liking the same TV shows (although that all helps!)\u2014it\u2019s about dedication, loyalty, trust, and shared goals, all of which take effort and intentionality. It\u2019s not about never butting heads\u2014it\u2019s about how you repair damage together and move forward after conflict.
While you work hard for the success of the relationship, be sure to maintain your individuality. Don't sacrifice who you are or your personal dreams for the sake of \u201cmaking things work.\u201d Some relationships aren\u2019t compatible enough to \u201cmake it,\u201d but that doesn\u2019t mean they weren\u2019t meaningful, nor that you or your partner did something wrong.
It\u2019s also possible there are things you and your partner can do to make things work even if you don\u2019t have much in common. You can make an extra effort to try to see where your partner is coming from when you feel like you just don\u2019t understand them, or take turns planning date nights if you don\u2019t typically enjoy doing the same things. There\u2019s room for you both to compromise on some of what you want, without sacrificing your personal dreams. If you\u2019re both willing to put in the work, your relationship can thrive!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Find-Your-Soulmate"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Form-a-Strong-Bond-in-Your-Relationship"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Find Your Soulmate","id":131241,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Find-Your-Soulmate","relUrl":"\/Find-Your-Soulmate","image":"\/images\/thumb\/0\/0f\/Find-Your-Soulmate-Step-21.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Find-Your-Soulmate-Step-21.jpg","alt":"How to Find Your Soulmate"},{"title":"How to Bond as a Couple & Strengthen Your Relationship","id":1384189,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Form-a-Strong-Bond-in-Your-Relationship","relUrl":"\/Form-a-Strong-Bond-in-Your-Relationship","image":"\/images\/thumb\/3\/39\/Form-a-Strong-Bond-in-Your-Relationship-Step-27.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Form-a-Strong-Bond-in-Your-Relationship-Step-27.jpg","alt":"How to Bond as a Couple & Strengthen Your Relationship"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""}]" class="quiz_results_data"/><\/picture>","alt":"Magic 8 Ball Answers Quiz"},{"title":"What Fruit Am I Quiz","id":14363353,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/What-Fruit-Am-I","relUrl":"\/What-Fruit-Am-I","image":"
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What Does It Mean To Be Compatible in a Relationship?
While sparks might fly in a relationship, without compatibility, it’ll be pretty hard to keep that flame alive for the long haul. But what is compatibility, anyway, if it’s not sparks?
Compatibility refers to how well-suited you and your partner are for a relationship, as opposed to love, which is more about the feelings you have for your partner. They’re both essential for a relationship to thrive—but while a lack of love may spell doom for a relationship, it is possible to overcome compatibility issues with lots of hard work and compromise.
If you and your partner aren’t as compatible as you wish you were, don’t throw in the towel just yet! It might just be a matter of developing more of a go-with-the-flow mindset and giving up the desire for you and your partner to be more alike. As long as you have love, your goals are more or less aligned, and you’re able to resolve disputes effectively and efficiently, you and your partner have more than a fighting chance.
Want to learn more?
For more information about relationship compatibility, check out these links: