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Connecting your phone to your TV has several merits, including the ability to stream your favorite shows or movies right from your phone. If you're a traditionalist, you can connect your Android to your TV with old-fashioned HDMI cables and a converter for your phone's micro USB port. You can also use a Chromecast USB stick if you'd prefer to wirelessly connect to your TV.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Using an HDMI Cable Converter

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  1. Your phone's charging port--also known as a micro USB outlet--cannot support the same cable that interfaces with your TV by default, so you'll need to purchase a converter. You can do so by typing "micro USB to HDMI" into a search engine and selecting a pertinent option (e.g., something from Amazon). [1]
    • Make sure your device is compatible with your chosen cable before purchasing. You can do this by typing your device's name and the cable's name into a search engine and reviewing the results.
    • If you don't already have an HDMI cable, purchase one now. HDMI cables go for around $10 online.
  2. This should fit into the charging port at the bottom of your phone.
  3. Your HDMI cable will fit in the opposite end of the converter.
  4. The roughly trapezoid-shaped HDMI port(s) should be on the back of your TV. HDMI ports usually have the word "HDMI" printed next to them.
    • Take note of which input is listed below the HDMI port (e.g., Video 3).
    • Your converter may come with a USB power cable. If your TV doesn't have a readily-available USB port near the HDMI port, you can plug the USB power cable into your Android charger unit.
  5. How you do this will depend on your TV model, but you can usually do so by pressing the "Input" button on the top or side of your TV.
    • If your HDMI port is "Video 3", for example, you'll need to change the TV's displayed input to "Video 3".
  6. If you don't see your Android's screen mirrored on your TV after a few seconds, you may have to restart your device.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Using Chromecast

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  1. You can purchase the Chromecast stick from Amazon for around $30. The pertinent app--also entitled "Chromecast"--is free to download from the Google Play Store on your phone.
  2. It should fit into your TV's HDMI port. [2]
    • You'll also need to plug the included Chromecast power cable into both the back of the unit and the USB charger brick (which should be plugged into an electrical socket).
  3. These should be in the Settings app.
  4. This includes the following processes:
    • Selecting a country
    • Adding a name to your Chromecast (optional)
    • Adding a wireless network to your Chromecast
  5. Netflix and YouTube both fit this criterion.
  6. This is the rectangular icon with a series of curving lines in its bottom left corner.
  7. If you gave your Chromecast a name, that name will display here instead.
  8. This may take a few seconds. Once your screen has been successfully mirrored, you can use your phone to pause, skip ahead, or alter the volume of your content.
    • You can also lock your phone while casting if you want to preserve battery life.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Is an SM-J110F supported when using a micro USB-HDMI cable converter?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is.
  • Question
    Do I have to have a smart TV to use Chromecast?
    Community Answer
    No. You need an HDMI port and some means of powering it, since HDMI doesn't also send power. A TV with a USB port OR a longer cord that can connect directly to a power outlet will do the trick. Everything you need should be in the box when you buy it new.
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      • If you're averse to online shopping, you can find HDMI cables and their conversion kits at retail stores such as Best Buy and Walmart.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      1. Purchase a micro USB-to-HDMI converter.
      2. Plug one end of the converter into the Android.
      3. Plug one end of the cable into the converter.
      4. Plug the other end of the cable into the TV's HDMI port.
      5. Turn on the TV.
      6. Switch to the HDMI port on the TV.

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