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Pinterest is a website where you can share photos onto your own feed. Users describe it as a virtual corkboard, on which you can 'pin' - thus the name Pinterest - various images you want to share with your followers. It Now, you can connect Pinterest to Facebook so that when you share on Pinterest, your posts will also appear on your Facebook timeline.

  1. pinterest.com. Log into your account.
  2. " Place your mouse cursor over your name on the upper-right corner of the Pinterest site and then click on the "Settings" option.
  3. After the settings have loaded, scroll down to the Social Networks section of the page. You’ll see that the “Publish activity to Facebook Timeline” option is off. Click the "Off" button to turn this option on.
  4. A window will pop up asking you to verify your Facebook account. Click on “Go to app.” The window will disappear.
  5. Your Pinterest account is now connected to your Facebook account. Click on "Save Profile" to save your changes.
  6. Advertisement

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  • Question
    My mother wants to share Pinterest posts to her Facebook "business/author" page, not her personal FB page. How does she do that?
    Anastasia Kyrykovych
    Community Answer
    You can share to a different page from Pinterest business account. Choose the pin you want to share, go to the bottom-right corner ("send" sign) - Share this Pin - Facebook. On the top by default you'll see option "Share on News Feed or Story" and from there you can choose different options, including "Share on Page You Manage". If you have more than one Facebook business page, you can choose the one you need.
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      • Make sure that you’re logged into your Facebook account on the same web browser you’re using to connect to Pinterest.
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