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Paksiw na Pata is a traditional Filipino meal that's cooked in vinegar and soy sauce. The term "paksiw" generally refers to something that is cooked in vinegar and garlic, but many versions of Paksiw na Pata actually include soy sauce or fish sauce for flavor and color. The meal will take a little over 2 hours to cook, but the results are well worth the wait!


  • 3.3 pounds (1½ kg) of pork leg, sliced into 1 1 2  in (3.8 cm) sections
  • 4 to 5 (60 to 75 mL) of cooking oil
  • 8 to 10 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 cups (470 mL) of water
  • 1 2 cup (120 mL) of vinegar
  • 1 2 cup (120 mL) of soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of whole peppercorns
  • 4 to 5 dried bay leaves
  • ¼ cup (50 g) of brown sugar
  • ½ cup (100 g) of dried banana blossoms
  • 1 tablespoon of salt

Serves 4 to 6

  • 3.3 pounds (1½ kg) pork leg, sliced into 1 1 2  in (3.8 cm) sections
  • 1 head of garlic, sliced in half crosswise
  • 3 tablespoons of whole peppercorns
  • 3 dried bay leaves
  • 3 green chilies
  • 1 2 cup (120 mL) of cane vinegar
  • 2 medium red onions, peeled and quartered
  • Fish sauce, to taste

Serves 5 to 6

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Making Basic Paksiw Na Pata

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Cook Paksiw Na Pata
    Heat about 4 to 5 tablespoons (60 to 75 mL) of cooking oil in a wok, then add 3.3 pounds (1½ kg) of pork leg, sliced into 1 1 2  in (3.8 cm) sections. Sauté the pork leg pieces until they are lightly browned on all sides.
    • Use metal tongs to turn the pork legs as they cook so that they brown evenly on all sides.
    • If you don’t have a wok, use a heavy-bottomed pot instead. [1]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Cook Paksiw Na Pata
    Don't pour out the oil, however; leave that in the wok or saucepan. Instead, use a pair of metal tongs to take the pork pieces out and set them on a plate.
    • You don't have to drain the fat from the pork; you just need to get it out of the way while you prepare the garlic.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Cook Paksiw Na Pata
    Peel and mince 8 to 10 cloves garlic, then add them into the oiled wok. Sauté them over medium heat, stirring often with a wooden spatula, until they turn fragrant. This will take a few minutes.
    • Alternatively, try 1 medium onion, peeled and sliced and 4 to 5 minced garlic cloves instead. [2]
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Cook Paksiw Na Pata
    Place the pork legs back into the wok or saucepan. Pour in 2 cups (470 mL) of water, 1 2 cup (120 mL) of soy sauce, and 1 4 cup (59 mL) of vinegar.
    • For a more sour flavor, try 1 2 cup (120 mL) of vinegar instead. You’ll need another 1 2 cup (120 mL) later. [3]
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Cook Paksiw Na Pata
    How much you use is really up to you, but around 1 tablespoon of whole peppercorns and 4 to 5 dried bay leaves would work the best.
  6. Watermark wikiHow to Cook Paksiw Na Pata
    The stew is ready when the meat starts to turn tender. Don't overcook it, however; you still have another 15 to 20 minutes of cooking left. Plan accordingly.
    • You can also transfer the stew to a pressure cooker, then cook it for about 30 minutes, or until the meat is tender. [4]
  7. Watermark wikiHow to Cook Paksiw Na Pata
    Pour in the remaining 1 4 cup (59 mL) of vinegar. Add ¼ cup (50 g) of brown sugar and ½ cup (100 g) of dried banana blossoms.
    • If you can’t find dried banana blossoms, try dried lily buds. [5]
    • For a more intense flavor, use 1 2 cup (120 mL) of vinegar instead. [6]
  8. Watermark wikiHow to Cook Paksiw Na Pata
    Keep the heat on low, and allow the stew to simmer until the meat is tender. This will take about 15 to 20 minutes.
    • If you used a pressure cooker, transfer it back into a pot, and let it simmer for 15 to 20 minutes over low heat. [7]
  9. Watermark wikiHow to Cook Paksiw Na Pata
    How much salt you use is up to you, but about 1 tablespoon would be good. Once the stew is to your liking, serve it hot with steamed white rice.
    • Place any leftover stew into an airtight container and refrigerate it. Eat it within 3 to 4 days.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Trying Batangas Style Paksiw na Pata

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Cook Paksiw Na Pata
    Chop 3.3 pounds (1½ kg) of pork leg into 1 1 2  in (3.8 cm) sections. Place the pieces into a large, heavy-bottomed pot, then cover them with water. [8]
    • How much water you use will depend on the size of the pot. About 2 to 3 cups (470 to 710 mL) should be enough, however.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Cook Paksiw Na Pata
    Turn the heat up on the stove to high, then wait for the water to come to a boil. Reduce the heat to a simmer, and let it cook for 5 minutes. Don't worry if the pork pieces aren't fully-cooked at this point. [9]
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Cook Paksiw Na Pata
    Remove the pork pieces with metal tongs and transfer them to a plate first. Next, pour the water out, then scrub the pot clean so that there isn't any pork fat sticking to it. [10]
    • Alternatively, you can pour the water through a strainer, then set the pork pieces caught inside it on a plate.
    • Don’t save the cooking water; you’ll be adding fresh water later.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Cook Paksiw Na Pata
    Place the pork pieces back into the clean pot. Slice 1 head of garlic widthwise, then add it to the pot, along with 3 tablespoons of peppercorns and 3 dried bay leaves. Add enough water to cover the ingredients, about 2 cups (470 mL). [11]
    • Don’t peel the garlic; if you do, the cloves will come apart!
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Cook Paksiw Na Pata
    Bring the water to a boil over high heat first, then reduce it to a simmer. Allow the stew to cook for 45 minutes. Check the water every 10 to 15 minutes, and add more water if it starts to get too low. [12]
    • You need just enough water to cover the pork legs. If you can see the pork legs, add more water.
    • How much water you add depends on how fast it is evaporating. Just use enough to cover the pork legs back up again.
  6. Watermark wikiHow to Cook Paksiw Na Pata
    Toss in 3 green chilies along with 1 2 cup (120 mL) of vinegar. Peel and quarter 2 medium red onions and add them into the pot as well. Finish off with a splash of fish sauce. [13]
    • How much fish sauce you use depends on your personal taste. About 1 tablespoon (15 mL) should be plenty, however.
  7. Watermark wikiHow to Cook Paksiw Na Pata
    If the stew stopped boiling with the addition of the new ingredients, bring it to a boil over high heat first, then reduce it to a simmer over low to medium heat. Allow the stew to cook for another 30 minutes or so. It is ready when the meat turns tender. [14]
    • You don’t have to add more water/vinegar this time.
  8. Watermark wikiHow to Cook Paksiw Na Pata
    Once the stew is seasoned to your liking, transfer it to a serving dish, then serve it alongside some steamed white rice. [15]
    • Keep any leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge. Enjoy them within 3 to 4 days.
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      • The measurements don't have to be exact. You can add more or less of a certain ingredient to suit your personal taste.
      • If you don't have fish sauce, you can try using soy sauce instead. The flavor won't be quite the same, but it is better than nothing.
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      Things You'll Need

      • Wok or heavy-bottomed pot
      • Metal tongs or strainer
      • Chef knife
      • Wooden spatula
      • Plate
      • Measuring cup
      • Measuring spoons
      • Serving bowl

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To cook Paksiw na Pata, start by sauteeing some pork legs over medium heat until they brown. Then, transfer the pork to a plate, and saute garlic in the empty pan until it turns fragrant. Once you're finished cooking the garlic, add the pork back to the pan, along with some water, soy sauce, vinegar, peppercorn, and bay leaves. Next, bring everything to a boil, and then simmer it over low heat for 2 hours. Finally, add vinegar, sugar, and banana blossoms to the pan before simmering everything for 15-20 more minutes. To learn how to make Batangas-style Paksiw na Pata, scroll down!

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