How to Clean a Bathroom, for Kids!

This bathroom cleaning guide comes with animated videos, easy-to-follow steps, and fun badges. Your child will have fun learning an important life skill while you'll be getting some more help around the house!

Featuring Susan Stocker , Green Cleaning Specialist

Every lesson in this downloadable PDF includes step-by-step video instructions led by the wikiHow Blob, along with a cute, printable badge for your child.
We recommend trying one lesson per day, but move at whatever pace makes sense for you and your child!
Each lesson takes around 10 minutes to read (with extra time needed for assignments).

What your child will learn:

  • How to spray and scrub a bathroom shower
  • Easy ways to get the mirror sparkling clean (and tips for dancing in front of it afterwards)
  • How to become a superstar toilet scrubber
  • Multiple creative ways to get a bathroom floor clean
  • Tips for taking out the trash and replacing bathroom towels

Why should you get this course for your child?

  1. So that cleaning the bathroom seems fun, or at least more fun than usual! Give your kid some positive cleaning associations when they learn how to clean a toilet from our cute animated instructor, the wikiHow Blob!
  2. To give your kid life-long practical skills. Help your child become more self-sufficient and give them skills that will serve them well for years to come.
  3. To teach your child responsibility. Learning to clean up messes you’ve made yourself is a huge aspect of growing up and getting more mature!

Course Overview

5 Lessons

Cleaning the Shower
Polishing the Sink & Mirror
Scrubbing the Toilet
Mopping the Floor
Adding the Finishing Touches

Meet the Expert

Susan Stocker
Green Cleaning Expert
Susan Stocker runs and owns Susan’s Green Cleaning, the #1 Green Cleaning Company in Seattle. She is well known in the region for outstanding customer service protocols — winning the 2017 Better Business Torch Award for Ethics & Integrity —and her energetic support of green cleaning practices.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How is this different than having my child read cleaning articles on wikiHow?
How will I receive this course?
What age range is this course best for?
What is wikiHow's refund policy?

What are others saying?


I didn’t know a kid-appropriate way to start teaching this to my child, and wikiHow couldn’t have made it any easier. The videos were super easy to follow. I stood by with my 10-year-old and helped her with anything she was confused about, but tried to let her make her way through it herself. We did it in one Saturday, and it was actually quite fun!


Animated videos are a really good way to teach a kid this kind of thing. Plus, the blob is really cute. Very satisfied with what my 9 year old learned! I would definitely trust wikiHow with a course for my kid again.


No joke, my kid SMILED after cleaning a toilet. I didn’t know it was possible. She loved the badges, and made me teach her how to disco at the end of lesson 5. Really impressed with this course.

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