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Learn how to effectively cram for an exam
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So, it's the night before a big test, and you haven't even cracked open a textbook or skimmed your notes. We've all been there. While cramming isn’t an ideal way to learn, it can help you memorize information in a pinch. In this article, we sat down with academic tutor Jake Adams to teach you everything you need to know to successfully cram the night before a test. Plus, we’ll provide tips on how to avoid needing to cram in the future.

How to Study for a Test in One Night

Study in a quiet spot and put away any distractions, like your phone. Make a schedule to study different topics, starting with the most important information. Use flashcards and practice tests to review and memorize the material. Get a good night’s sleep to increase your chances of retaining the information.

Section 1 of 5:

How to Learn Information Overnight

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  1. When cramming at the last minute, you may feel panicked and think you need to study all night with no breaks. However, this will only lead to more stress. Take a look at everything you need to study and create a schedule for yourself. Dedicate more time to the information you know you struggle with and less time to the information you know pretty well. Give yourself time to relax between these sessions so your brain doesn’t feel overloaded. [1]
    • Committing to a specific schedule can help you stay on task and will relieve a lot of the stress you may be feeling.
    • For example, try the Pomodoro technique; work in 25-minute intervals, then take a 5-minute break. After completing four 25-minute sets, reward yourself with a longer 15-minute break. [2]
    • Adams says building in breaks or rewards can help motivate you. He recommends “[setting a] reward for [yourself] of taking a 15-minute break to go call [a] friend or to go outside and go on a walk.”
  2. This strategy is the most important part of cramming . Realistically, you’re probably not going to memorize every single piece of information in a single night. Instead, focus on the main ideas or key formulas you need to know. Refer to your syllabus and the information you know about the test to determine what to prioritize. [3]
    • Don't attempt to learn everything; focus on things that will get you the most points on the exam. For example, if your professor said the essay will be 75% of your grade, dedicate your time to preparing for that and skip the multiple choice section.
    • Pay attention to what your teacher or professor explicitly said would be on the exam, your syllabus, and information that has frequently come up in your textbook or lectures. If it’s highlighted, bolded, or underlined, it’s probably something you need to know.
  3. Concentrate on the bigger picture—as you read through your textbook or notes, highlight the important facts you think could be on the test. Most textbooks have chapter summaries that do a good job of summarizing important points. If there are no chapter summaries, skim through the text and write down key ideas. [4]
    • Look closely at the vocabulary. Your understanding of the text will be stronger if you know what the words mean.
    • Anything labeled “introduction,” “conclusion,” or “summary” is probably a good place to start.
  4. Taking notes as you go will help your brain process the material better. If you just skim your textbooks or notes, you probably won't remember as much when it’s time for the test. Make sure to write your notes by hand instead of typing them, as research shows typing isn’t as effective for memorization. [5]
    • If you're lucky enough to have an insomniac for a roommate, grab them. Ask them to listen to you spout off about certain concepts. Relaying information to another individual is a surefire way to guarantee you understand the ins and outs of the ideas.
  5. Using flashcards is a good way to quiz yourself, and writing and reading them out loud helps you process the information. Use different colors for different topics or chapters, and mix up the order of the cards to help retain the information. [6]
    • Look for parallels, metaphors, and other memory triggers to help you wrap your brain around complicated concepts. Write the keywords of your metaphor down to jog your memory while studying.
    • Write the information down in mnemonic devices. For example, “Dumb Kids Playing Catch On Freeway Get Squashed” could help you remember Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species . [7]
    • Other visual aids can also help, like mind maps, charts, and graphs. These can help identify connections between the course material.
    • Adams recommends “making a game” of your studying, like using online quiz sites like Sporcle or Quizlet.
  6. Whether your test is multiple choice, short answer, oral, or any other format, try to study based on the format so you’re more prepared for the actual exam. Pull questions from old quizzes, do practice tests in your textbook, or look online for questions that likely resemble what will be on your test. Set a timer and pretend that the practice test is the real thing. Then, review your answers to determine what information you still need to learn. [8]
    • For example, many multiple-choice math questions can be found online. Or, if your teacher or professor gave you a study guide, have a friend or family member pull questions from that to create a quiz for you.
    • If your exam is oral , practice reciting your answers out loud so you’re less likely to fumble your words during the actual test.
    • Adams says to review past exams “and really [take] a look at those questions… Knowing a test is definitely helpful for preventing [stress].”
  7. Remember the study schedule you made earlier? Make sure to take your scheduled breaks. It may seem counter-intuitive, but your brain will be able to process more information if you're not so hard on it. Study in bursts—cramming like the Energizer Bunny is inefficient and saturates your mind, preventing it from taking in more information. Though you're studying a bit less, you'll retain more. [9]
    • After 45 minutes or so, get up. Stretch your body and walk around. Grab a drink, get a snack, and hop back to it in 5 to 10 minutes. You should feel a bit more refreshed and ready for action. [10]
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Section 2 of 5:

Creating a Good Study Environment

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  1. Try to find a quiet, secluded spot away from distractions and other people. Your study space should be a well-lit area that isn’t too comfortable. If it’s too dark or you’re trying to study somewhere cozy, like your bed, you risk falling asleep. If possible, work at a desk or table to get yourself in an academic headspace. [11]
    • While you may be tempted to study with your friends , this isn’t always the best idea, especially if you’re studying for a particularly difficult subject. Your friends might mean well, but studying in a group may make it harder to concentrate.
    • If you do choose to study with other people, make sure you all stay focused and don’t just want to socialize. Don’t be afraid to excuse yourself if it’s too distracting.
  2. These days, it’s super easy to get distracted by texting or social media. To stay focused , turn your phone off. If you don’t need the Internet to study, stay away from your computer, as well, or at least turn off your WiFi. Music can also be a big distraction, so put those headphones away if you think you’re going to be singing instead of studying. [12]
    • It may help to leave your electronics in another room entirely so you’re not tempted to pick them up.
    • Some studies have shown that classical music helps you retain information, so if you can’t study in silence, that may be better than jamming out to your favorite songs. [13]
  3. While it may be tempting to load up on sugar and caffeine, these actually make it harder to concentrate. They may keep you awake initially, but they’ll only make you crash harder later. Opt for healthy snacks , like fruit, instead and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. [14]
    • For example, apples keep you more focused and awake than caffeine does. They’re higher in natural sugars, which are much more nutritious than the sugar found in candy bars.
    • Try to eat before you start studying. If you’re full, you won’t be thinking about food, which will help you focus even more.
  4. All right, so, worse comes to worst: you wake up in a pile of apple cores with ink emblazoned onto your cheek because you fell asleep on your chemistry notes. The good news is, you remembered to set your alarm, so you’re not going to miss your test. It’s a good idea to set your alarm before you start studying in case you forget to do it later or accidentally fall asleep. You’ll likely be grateful that you did. [15]
  5. The more stressed you feel, the harder it will be to focus. Take several deep breaths and try to gather your thoughts. Remember where you left all those textbooks and grab some scrap paper and pens. Highlighters and flashcards are also a good idea. Tell yourself that everything is going to be okay, and get ready to dive into your study session. [16]
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Section 3 of 5:

What to Do After You Cram for a Test

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  1. Pulling an all-nighter may sound like a good idea at first, but if you stay up all night, you’ll be so tired in the morning that you likely won’t remember anything! Instead, aim for 7-8 hours of sleep and get up about 30-45 minutes earlier in the morning to familiarize yourself with the highlighted parts of your notes and textbooks. If you made flashcards, go through them again then. [17]
    • If you can’t get a full 8 hours, try to get in at least 3 hours, which is a full sleep cycle. [18] Waking up in the middle of a cycle may leave you less well-rested and can be detrimental to your test score.
  2. Having a nutritious breakfast before an exam will help you use your brain better. Stick to a fairly normal breakfast (you don’t want to get sick) and don’t load up on anything too heavy if you have anxiety. [19]
    • The more food you eat before your exam, the less you will be thinking about how hungry you are, so help yourself by eating something before your exam so you can stay at least somewhat focused.
  3. Take a deep breath and go through the information a couple of times before or on your way to school. Chances are, if you paid attention in class and got in some good studying, you should be fine. Remember, even if you don’t do as well as you hoped, one bad test grade isn’t the end of the world. [20]
    • Adams says to be realistic about your expectations to take some weight off your shoulders: “If you get through about 80% [of the study material], you’re still probably going to do okay in the class. There’s a good chance that instead of getting an A, you’re going to get a B, but you’ve done the best that you can. At least you’ve put in the full effort and know you’ve done all you possibly can.”
  4. There will likely be a few minutes before the teacher walks in, so utilize them! Grab a friend and take turns asking each other questions. Start with the points you are foggiest on—that way, they’ll be fresh in your memory.
    • Don't do this while you're taking the test—getting caught cheating will result in a much worse score than you’d get otherwise.
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Section 4 of 5:

Is cramming for tests a good idea?

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  1. Cramming may allow you to memorize information short term, but it is one of the most ineffective ways to actually learn and retain information . It also induces a stress response that makes it even more difficult to gain a deeper understanding of the material. Cramming may work in a pinch, but it isn’t something you should do regularly. [21]
Section 5 of 5:

How to Avoid Cramming in the Future

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  1. Getting started is often the hardest part, but it’s important not to procrastinate. As soon as the test is announced, start studying the information. Begin with the information you know you struggle with so you have more time to learn it. [22]
  2. Study the material in shorter sessions. Set aside some time each day to review the information. This time can be as little as 10-15 minutes or up to an hour. Daily recall will make it easier to remember the information long term so you don’t have to memorize everything the night before the test. [23]
    • This also leaves plenty of time for you to relax and do things you enjoy.
    • Try to study a topic or two each day rather than trying to learn all the material in a single session.
  3. Make a schedule to determine what information you study each day. Your schedule will help you stay organized and take a lot of pressure off of you. In turn, you’ll be able to retain the information more easily than if you were stressed. [24]
    • Think about when you prefer to study. Do you learn better in the morning or after dinner? Keep this in mind when building your schedule so you can be as productive as possible.
  4. Because you’ve made a study schedule and stuck to it, you’ll likely feel pretty confident before the test. Don’t let the stress get to you now. Instead of cramming and trying to remember all the material in one night, do a light review session the night before the test. Don’t start studying something new. Instead, focus on reviewing the topics you’re struggling with and get a good night’s sleep. [25]
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  • Question
    What should I do if I'm frustrated with studying?
    Community Answer
    If you are frustrated with studying a boring topic, take a breather to calm yourself down. Next, force yourself to be interested in the topic. Even if you need to prepare for the most boring test, it is easier to remember something if you read it more excitedly than if you stay frustrated and reread the same material over and over because you didn't absorb it.
  • Question
    The biggest exam of my life is coming up in another 3 weeks. Should I start cramming now?
    Community Answer
    Yes. The early you start, the better.
  • Question
    Can I study early in the morning if I don't have time to sit and study the night before?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but try to study the night before if you can, even if it is only for a little bit.You can also study in the car, on the bus, or during your break/lunch.
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      Reader Videos


      • Make sure to stay hydrated! Water is good for your body and will nourish you while you cram.
      • Don't try to memorize everything word for word. Try to understand what you are reading and make sure you get the main point.
      • If you're feeling a bit tired because of so much late-night studying, take a shower (preferably with cold water); it will help you feel refreshed and awake.
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      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • While you study, write down all the important points down in a notebook. Keep reviewing your points before the test. And also revise your text books for better result.
      • Instead of drinking coffee, drink strong black tea. Make sure to stay hydrated with water, too.
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      • Remember that cramming is not ideal. It lessens your chances of actually retaining the material. Cramming for one test is fine, but don't cram for all of them, especially big or important ones.
      • If you can't remember the answer on a test, never cheat, as this may have some serious consequences.
      • If you are going to study on your way to school, make sure you are not the one driving; your concentration needs to be on the road!

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To cram the night before a test, only focus on the main ideas or formulas that will be on the test so you're not wasting time on smaller, less-important details. Also, try to find summaries of any chapters you need to study, or just skim them and write down any key ideas. To help you learn things quickly, try writing them out and reciting them out loud over and over again. You can also make flashcards to quickly learn important vocabulary words or concepts. To learn how to set up a productive studying environment, keep reading!

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      • Kaustubh Jha

        Jun 16, 2016

        "Well, actually, I'm not a night-crammer, and I'm used to studying weeks and months before. My school just ..." more
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