Make any type of data chart in Excel
If you're looking for a great way to visualize data in Microsoft Excel, you can create a graph or chart. Whether you're using Windows or macOS, creating a graph from your Excel data is quick and easy, and you can even customize the graph to look exactly how you want. This wikiHow will show you how to create a graph in Excel.
Quick Steps
- Enter the data you want to graph.
- Select your data.
- Click Insert .
- Click Recommended Graphs .
- Select a graph and click OK .
Add your graph's headers. The headers , which determine the labels for individual sections of data, should go in the top row of the spreadsheet , starting with cell B1 and moving right from there.
- For example, to create a set of data called "Number of Lights" and another set called "Power Bill", you would type "Number of Lights" into cell B1 and "Power Bill" into C1
- Always leave cell A1 blank.
Add your graph's labels. The labels that separate rows of data go in the A column (starting in cell A2 ). Things like time (e.g., "Day 1", "Day 2", etc.) are usually used as labels.
- For example, if you're comparing your budget with your friend's budget in a bar graph, you might label each column by week or month.
- You should add a label for each row of data.
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Enter your graph's data . Starting in the cell immediately below your first header and immediately to the right of your first label (most likely B2 ), enter the numbers that you want to use for your graph.
- You can press the Tab key once you're done typing in one cell to enter the data and jump one cell to the right if you're filling in multiple cells in a row.
Select your data. Click and drag your mouse from the top-left corner of the data group (e.g., cell A1 ) to the bottom-right corner, making sure to select the headers and labels as well.
- If you want to create one graph for your entire spreadsheet, press CTRL + A (Windows) or CMD + A (Mac) to select all.
Consider the type of graph you want to make. There are three basic types of graph that you can create in Excel, each of which works best for certain types of data:
- Bar - Displays one or more sets of data using vertical bars. Best for listing differences in data over time or comparing two similar sets of data.
- Line - Displays one or more sets of data using horizontal lines. Best for showing growth or decline in data over time.
- Pie - Displays one set of data as fractions of a whole. Best for showing a visual distribution of data.
- You can also create: Column, Area, X Y (Scatter), Map, Stock, Surface, Radar, Treemap, Sunburst, Histogram, Box & Whisker, Waterfall, Funnel, Combo, and from a Template.
Click Insert . This is the tab at the top, between Home and Page Layout .
Click Recommended Charts . This is the large button in the Charts section.
- A new window will open.
Select a chart. You'll see a few recommended charts based on your data. [1] X Trustworthy Source Microsoft Support Technical support and product information from Microsoft. Go to source
- If you don't see the chart you want, click the All Charts tab at the top. Then, select a new one.
- If prompted, select a design for the chart.
Click OK . This will load your data in the style of the selected graph.
- The graph will be inserted into the spreadsheet.
Add a title to the graph. Double-click the "Chart Title" text at the top of the chart, then delete the "Chart Title" text, replace it with your own, and click a blank space on the graph to save it.
- On a Mac, you'll instead click the Design tab, click Add Chart Element , select Chart Title , click a location, and type in the graph's title.
Edit your graph. Double-click the graph to open the Chart Design tab. From here, you can do the following:
- Click Change Colors to choose a different color theme.
- Click Add Chart Element to add new axes, titles, labels, gridlines, and more.
- Click a template in Chart Styles to select a different style.
- Click Change Chart Type to select a new type of graph.
Save your document . To do so, press CTRL + S (Windows) or CMD + S (Mac). Select a save location, and then click OK .
Community Q&A
QuestionHow do I change the horizontal axis to a vertical axis in Excel?Community AnswerClick "Edit" and then press "Move." If this doesn't work, double click the axis and use the dots to move it.
QuestionHow do I print a graph only in Excel?Community AnswerType control p on your laptop or go to print on the page font of your screen?
QuestionHow do I label a Series?Jayna AkanovaCommunity AnswerRight-click the chart with the data series you want to rename, and click Select Data. In the Select Data Source dialog box, under Legend Entries (Series), select the data series, and click Edit. In the Series name box, type the name you want to use.
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- You can change the graph's visual appearance on the Chart Design tab.Thanks
- Some graph formats won't include all of your data, or will display it in a confusing manner. It's important to choose a graph format that works with your data.Thanks
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Article Summary
1. Enter the graph’s headers.
2. Add the graph’s labels.
3. Enter the graph’s data.
4. Select all data including headers and labels.
5. Click Insert
6. Select a graph type.
7. Select a graph format.
8. Add a title to the graph.
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