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Executing the perfect dap so you can express love to all the homies
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If you’ve ever given a nod while your friend is going in for the dap, you know how awkward it can feel afterwards. And while it’s a common mistake, there are a few strategies to help you avoid this situation and respond to their dap flawlessly! In this article, we’ll teach you the most popular ways to dap someone up, including the fist bump, the chest bump, and the (iconic) bro hug . So, if you’re ready to level up your dap, here’s everything you need to know to ace your approach like a pro.

Things You Should Know

  • The dap is a fun, custom handshake that shows solidarity between 2 people.
  • To dap someone up, give your friend a fist bump or pound hug—extend your hand out, interlock thumbs with them, and go in for a quick half-hug.
  • Alternatively, chest bump your friend to celebrate a goal—stand several feet apart, run towards each other, and then jump up and bump chests when you meet in the middle.
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What is dapping?

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  1. The dap is a friendly greeting between 2 people to express solidarity. It includes a wide variety of gestures, but it can be any handshake you have with a close friend. Most people create their own dap with unique snaps, slaps, and fist bumps—there’s no “right” or “wrong” way to dap someone up! [1]
    • Many athletes use the dap to show unity with their teammates before a game, or they use it as a celebratory gesture after they score a goal.
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Ways to Dap Someone Up

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  1. For a foolproof dap, ball your hand into a fist, and place it in front of you (with your knuckles facing forward). When your friend puts their fist up, push your arm forward so your knuckles meet their knuckles. [2]
    • When in doubt, fist bump it out. Unless you and the other person have clearly established a handshake, there’s no way to tell which dap is going down. Fist bumping is the most standard and casual form of the dap so it's appropriate in any situation.
  2. If you want to show your bro some extra love, extend your hand like you're about to give a handshake. When your friend meets your hand, interlock your thumbs and lean in for a quick half-hug—keep holding their hand at chest level, tilt your head to one side of their shoulders, and use your free hand to pat them on the back. [3]
    • Also known as the bro hug, this form of the dap is typically reserved for close friends.
    • If you mess up when your friend goes in for a hug, make a joke out of the situation, or say, “Wait, let’s try that again.” Remember, the situation is only awkward if you make it awkward.
  3. To execute this dap, hold out a fist, thumb facing up. When your friend makes a fist, bump the top with the bottom of your fist, then vice versa. Finally, slap their hand with your hand and slide your hand away from theirs, folding your fingers inward to briefly grip their fingers as you do. [4]
    • This form of the dap is also known as a vertical fist bump.
    • To customize the pound, add an extra fist pound or snap, or say a fun phrase like “Sheesh!” at the end of your handshake.
  4. To celebrate a major win with your homie, look in their eyes and give them the heads up to go in for a chest bump. Stand several feet apart, and then carefully run towards them. When you meet in the middle, jump up and gently bump chests together. [5]
    • Make sure to keep your arms by your side when you jump up so you don’t accidentally elbow your friend.
  5. If you just scored a goal, slap your friend's right hand with your right hand, then slap the back of their hand with the back of your hand. Wrap your thumb around the crook of their thumb and gently squeeze. Let go and straighten your arm, then use your index finger to point to the inner part of their forearm. [6]
    • Lakers basketball player D’Angelo Russel created this dap to celebrate scoring a goal. [7]
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Origins of the Dap

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  1. The dap (an acronym for dignity and pride) became a movement for black soldiers to express solidarity during the Vietnam War—it was another way to say, “I’ve got your back, we’re in this together."
    • While it began as a greeting, the dap quickly evolved into a secret form of communication between black soldiers to convey information about the battlefield.
    • Since white soldiers and officers falsely believed the dap was a symbol of black insurrection, it was banned at all levels of the military, increasing the desire for a symbol of unity and protection among black men.

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