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If you're reading this article, you might feel like something is missing, that you don't have something you love and want to strive for in your life. You’ve probably been told to “follow your passion," but that can definitely be tricky if you aren’t even sure what you’re really passionate about. We’ve all struggled with this at some point in our lives. Don't worry! While you may have trouble knowing your passion right now, it's totally possible to find it. Instead of wishing and waiting for something to come your way, follow these examples to find out what you truly love and pursue your passions!


Brainstorm the activities you find fulfilling and meaningful

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  1. This could include things like your hobbies, your work duties, or anything else that makes you happy. Pay special attention to activities that make you lose track of time since that usually means you’re enjoying them. [1]
    • Ask your friends and family members about what things you’re always talking about. If you’re frequently bringing up specific activities, you have a spark of passion on that topic.
    • Keep in mind aspects of your career that you find rewarding as well. For example, if you like training new employees, your passion may be in educating or working with other people.
    • If you’re looking for your career passion, think about your daily duties that bring you the most joy, such as giving as presentation or training a new employee. [2]
    • Think about the jobs you’ve loved and hated the most so you recognize what careers to go after and which paths to avoid. [3]
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Write down values that are important to you

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  1. When you want to discover your passion, finding something that aligns with your values will make you feel happier and more fulfilled. Brainstorm all of the things that are important in your life so you can find activities, hobbies, or careers that align with them.
    • Some examples of things you may value include loyalty, creativity, compassion, family, or dependability. [4]
    • If you have trouble thinking of things you value, list a few people that you admire and think about what values they follow. For example, you may admire your partner for being a good listener or your friend for their honesty. [5]
    • Consider what problems you want to solve and the people you’d like to help the most if you’re searching for a career you’re passionate about. [6]
    • It also helps to think about what outcomes from a job you’re looking forward to. For example, if you’re passionate about becoming an author, you may be looking forward to the recognition and sharing your specific views. [7]

Consider your talents

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  1. If you’re naturally good at something or worked to develop a skill set, it may be a clue that you’re actually passionate about it. Brainstorm the things that you’re talented in, such as photography, public speaking, or playing an instrument. Even if you don’t think you have a talent, pay attention to when others compliment you on something even when you don’t think it’s good. You may not have noticed that you’re even more talented than you think. [8]
    • Remember you don’t have to be good at something to be passionate about it. For example, you can still have a passion for playing basketball even if you don’t make every shot. As long as you enjoy doing the activity, you can still be passionate about it.
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Look for common themes in your interests

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  1. While not all of your interests will align perfectly, they may be connected by a deeper passion you may not have noticed at first. Consider the books you enjoy reading, hobbies that excite you, and items you spend time and money on to see if they have any similarities. Are they all about a specific subject or do they share any recurring concepts? If they do, they could help point you toward what you’re truly passionate about. [9]
    • For example, if you gravitate toward books about planets and enjoy stargazing, you may be passionate about astronomy and space.

Narrow down your interests

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  1. While you can always come back to other interests later, the ones that you’re most excited about are usually going to be the things that you’re the most passionate for. [10]
    • While it can be tempting to try all of your interests, pursuing too many can get stressful and tiring. You may also not see yourself improve in certain areas if you’re splitting up your time between too many things.
    • You can also narrow down job searches by looking at the duties of each career path you’re considering. Read about what tasks they involve and what your day-to-day life would look like. [11]
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Rekindle a childhood passion

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  1. Think about the activities you enjoyed doing as a child but didn’t continue when you got older. Maybe you loved writing stories, doodling in a sketchbook, or playing sports. Try incorporating those activities back into your life to see if you still get the same kind of enjoyment from them. [12]
    • Ask yourself what your younger self would think of you now. Are you still doing things that were important to you and that you enjoyed back then?

Explore the things you’ve always wanted to try

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  1. Even if you’re afraid or uncomfortable with the activity at first, you’ll never know if you’re really passionate about it until you try it out. Open yourself up to new opportunities so you can maybe find something you didn’t even know you liked. [13]
    • Make a list of experiences or activities you have a slight interest in and find ways to expose yourself to them.
    • Beware of staying closed-minded and not pursuing things just because they make you uncomfortable. If you don’t approach things with an open mind, you may be shutting yourself off from things you’re passionate about.
    • Be open to explore new career paths. Check online for open positions and read the job descriptions thoroughly to see if they align with your passions. [14]
    Follow childhood dreams. "As a child, I always wanted to be a writer. But as I grew older, I drifted away from creative pursuits and took a more practical career path. This article inspired me to revisit my early passion for writing. I've started journaling regularly and aim to work fiction writing back into my schedule. Reconnecting with this childhood dream has brought me immense fulfillment." - Aletta B.
    Turn ideas into action. "I've had the goal to start a community STEM education program for awhile, but wasn't sure how to put this big vision into action. The tips here on surveying niche interests and getting donated books gave me concrete starting points. With this blueprint, I can now make my dream a reality and uplift youth in my area." - Qazi H.
    Find focus amid wandering thoughts. "I often feel distracted and struggle to find purpose or passion. The advice here on sorting through my interests, revisiting childhood hobbies, and scheduling time for self-discovery resolved much of the tangled overthinking in my mind. I'm empowered to hone in on what drives me." - Jen S.
    Improve public speaking skills. "I used to dread giving presentations, but implementing the tip to practice speeches in front of a mirror boosted my confidence tremendously. Seeing where I need refinement makes me feel more prepared to present. My boss even complimented my latest talk!" - Aisha F.
    Connect interests into deeper passions. "As a busy working mom, I flit between hobbies without much depth. Realizing my photography, gardening, and decor projects all center on visual aesthetics helped me see my underlying artistic passion. Instead of dabbling across areas, I can now focus on developing this creative bent more fully." - Jack R.
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Be enthusiastic about everything you do

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  1. path breaks down ways to recognize when you’re developing a deeper passion for a hobby. Passion starts when you’re Curious about something because it captures your attention. If you want to keep pursuing it, you’ll start Learning so you can get a better understanding of what it entails. [16]
    • As you get more Enthusiasm , you’ll want to really get involved with the experiences.
    • Eventually, you’ll become Aware and make a deeper commitment to the activity, such as buying gear or setting aside more time to do it.
    • As you continue down the path, people will start Recognizing your passion because it stands out.

Invest time into your interests

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  1. While you may say you’re passionate about something, you won’t feel that burning desire unless you set time aside to develop those interests. Schedule time every week where you can focus on your hobbies and interests to develop them more. As you learn more about the activity and gain a deeper appreciation for it, you’ll feel more involved and your passion will continue to grow. [17]
    • Finding your passion is a great step, but it will take time for it to develop even further.
    • Try to find a class or coach related to your passion so you have someone to hold you accountable for it.
    • Look for ways to eliminate time-wasters from your schedule. For example, you can spend less time looking at social media so you can dedicate it to your passion.
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Persevere through challenges and failures

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  1. Even if you aren’t naturally good at something you’re passionate about, keep pursuing them and working through the hardships so you can improve and get better. Passions take time and dedication, so make sure you spend time doing the work and use any failures as learning experiences going forward.
    • For example, filmmaker Steven Spielberg was rejected from film school 3 times and still ended up making hit movies like Jaws , Jurassic Park , and Saving Private Ryan .
    • Walt Disney was told multiple times that he lacked imagination before he formed his animation company.
    • While it’s important to persevere, it’s also important to recognize when to stop pursuing something. If you aren’t getting the same level of enjoyment that you were before, then it may be time to move onto something different.

Don’t limit yourself if you enjoy something

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  1. If there are new experiences you want to try, break out of your comfort zone and continue to learn. Try saying “yes” to things more often or doing something new that you haven’t tried before so you can push yourself. [18]
    • Try switching up your daily routine each day so you can experience something slightly different each day.
    • Move toward things you’re afraid of. For example, if you’re passionate about art but scared to work with paints, buy yourself a small paint set and try to make a small piece of art every day to practice.
    • Even though it will seem difficult at first, it will be more rewarding and fulfilling knowing that you’re pursuing what you love.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I know what I like?
    Adrian Klaphaak is a career coach and founder of A Path That Fits, a mindfulness-based boutique career and life coaching company in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is also an accredited Co-Active Professional Coach (CPCC). Klaphaak has used his training with the Coaches Training Institute, Hakomi Somatic Psychology, and Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) to help thousands of people build successful careers and live more purposeful lives.
    Life Coach
    Expert Answer
    Chances are that you may already do something you’re passionate about and just haven’t recognized it yet! I suggest you consider the books you enjoy reading, hobbies that excite you, and items you spend time and money on to see if they have any similarities.
  • Question
    What does a mentor do?
    Adrian Klaphaak is a career coach and founder of A Path That Fits, a mindfulness-based boutique career and life coaching company in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is also an accredited Co-Active Professional Coach (CPCC). Klaphaak has used his training with the Coaches Training Institute, Hakomi Somatic Psychology, and Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) to help thousands of people build successful careers and live more purposeful lives.
    Life Coach
    Expert Answer
    A mentor is someone who has similar interests as you but has a bit more experience. As you get involved with your passion, they're someone you can talk with and ask questions for guidance.
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      • Developing your passion takes time, so be sure you stay focused and put in the effort to follow your dreams.
      • Cut out stressful or time-wasting activities from your schedule since they can distract you from what you’re really passionate about.
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      • Don't just dive into an instinct full force. Everything takes patience, careful planning, and a lot of dedication.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To find your passion, ask yourself questions like, "What times have I felt the happiest in my life and why?" and "What am I proudest of accomplishing in my life so far?" Then, look for patterns in your answers to get an idea of what your passions might be. You can also write a list of all the things you've ever dreamed of doing, even if they're impractical or scary, to get a better sense of what motivates you. Additionally, think about the things you enjoy doing in your free time, like spending time in nature, being creative, or gardening, since these things can give you an idea of what you're passionate about. For more advice from our Counselor co-author, like how to pursue your passions in life, scroll down!

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