The one-arm dumbbell row is a great medium-intensity exercise that helps to build muscles in your mid back. All you’ll need to do this exercise are 2 dumbbells (of a weight of your choosing) and a flat exercise bench. You can find both of those items at any gym or, if you prefer, you can easily do this exercise at your home. Focus on maintaining good form by keeping your back straight and contracting the muscles in your lower back to lift up the dumbbell. [1]

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Getting into Position

  1. Set a dumbbell on the bench directly underneath your chest so you don’t have to reach down to the floor. If you want to use 2 dumbbells, place them side by side. The weight that you choose is up to you, and can vary widely with the number of sets and reps you plan to do and your experience with weight training.
    • For beginners, try starting with 5–20 lb (2.3–9.1 kg) weights. If you lift weights regularly and are learning one-arm dumbbell rows to expand your repertoire, try using 20–40 lb (9.1–18.1 kg) weights.
  2. Exercise benches at your local gym will be about 3 feet (0.91 m) long by 1 foot (0.30 m) wide. Standing with the bench on your right, lift your right knee and place it on the bench. Bend forward at the waist to get into a good lifting position. [2]
    • This will allow you to exercise your left arm first. Once you’ve finished, you can switch sides and do dumbbell rows with your right arm.
  3. [3] This will firmly anchor your body on the bench and allow you to keep your back straight while you’re lifting. [4] If you find that it’s a bit of a strain to grab the end of the bench, you can move your hand back towards your knee by about 5 inches (13 cm). Keep your hand flat on the bench so that your hand is aligned with your face when you’re bent over.
    • If your hand is too far back (towards your knee), you’ll be unstable and may fall over as you lift a heavy weight.
  4. In order to maintain good form—and not injure yourself—while performing a dumbbell row, it’s important that you hold your back as flat as possible. [5] Imagine that you’re keeping it completely parallel to the exercise bench. Keep your shoulders and hips square to use your core muscles and avoid twisting your body. Look downward at the bench so you don’t strain your neck by looking upwards. [6]
    • It is particularly important that you pay attention to your form, as moving your upper body while lifting will decrease the effectiveness of the exercise and may result in injury.
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Lifting the Dumbbell

  1. [7] Grasp the weight firmly with your left hand and pull the dumbbell upward until it’s at the same height as your chest or rib cage. Exhale as you lift. [8] Lift with a controlled motion so you don’t injure your elbow and shoulder.
    • If you’re using light weights, it’s okay if you lift with a fuller range motion. You can lift until your elbow is elevated above your back with light weights to exercise middle- and upper-back muscles.
    • With medium to heavy weights, pull the weight to the level of your body and no further.
  2. When the weight is at its highest point, hold it at the level of your chest for 1-2 seconds. You’ll be able to feel which of the muscles in your back are contracting to keep the weight in place. Focus on clenching these muscles to make sure that you’re holding the weight with your back muscles, and not the muscles in your arm. [9]
    • Squeeze your back muscles to help pull your left shoulder blade toward the center of your back.
  3. Keep your back muscles clenched and lower the weight to the position you started from. Never drop the weight and let your elbows snap or your shoulders slump from the falling weight. Keep the weight under control at all times. [10]
    • Do not twist your body or allow your back to round/your shoulders to hunch as you lower the weight.
  4. This is a great number of reps to do if you’re trying to bulk up your back muscles and are lifting with a medium to heavy weight. [11] Performing 5–8 dumbbell row reps will work your back muscles but not to the point of exhaustion. Rest for about 30 seconds between each set, or 60-90 seconds if you’re doing heavy lifting.
    • If you prefer to build endurance, do about 12–15 repetitions for 2-3 sets using light weights.
    • If you’re looking to build muscle, then try using heavier weights for 5-8 reps for 3-6 sets.
    • If you feel exhausted by your final rep, take a longer rest period.
  5. Other than switching up the arm that you’re lifting with, you’ll do the dumbbell rows exactly the same. Keep your back straight and your face looking downward to maintain good form. Use your back muscles to lift the dumbbell 5–8 times, and complete 3 or 4 sets of lifts. [12]
    • To avoid uneven muscle development, make sure that you do the same number of sets and reps with both arms.
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Trying Variations to the Dumbbell Row

  1. For every rep that you do, set the dumbbell down, wait for a second, and then pick up the dumbbell and repeat the lifting motion. This will get rid of any momentum you may build up through the exercise and work your lower back muscles harder. [13]
    • If you’re trying to work your back muscles to the point of exhaustion before dropping down to a lower weight, this is a great variation to try.
  2. If you can’t access a flat exercise bench—or if you’d like to try doing dumbbell rows from a different angle—try leaning on the back of a weight rack. Bend forward until your back is parallel to the ground, using 1 hand to brace yourself in place. Then pick up the dumbbell and lift it up to your rib cage as usual. [14]
    • If you’re doing one-arm dumbbell rows and aren’t at a gym, you could also try leaning on a table or the back of a kitchen chair.
    • You can even do the one-arm rows freestanding if you don’t have anything to lean on.
  3. Instead of lifting a short dumbbell, put a 20 lb (9.1 kg) weight on either end of a barbell (like you’d use for a bench press). Set the weighted barbell on the ground next to your flat exercise bench, and do the one-arm rows by lifting the barbell up to your chest. [15]
    • While this method is unorthodox, it will give you an added challenge since you’ll need to focus not only on lifting the weight (as in a typical dumbbell row) but also on keeping the weight balanced on the long barbell.

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    Can you do a one arm dumbbell row without a bench?
    Greg Maurer
    Health & Fitness Specialist
    Greg Maurer is a Health & Fitness Specialist and the Vice President of Fitness and Education for Workout Anytime. With over a decade of experience, he specializes in functional training, yoga, pilates, exercise and aging, home exercise programs, and numerous fitness diets. Greg holds a BS in Exercise Physiology from Temple University.
    Health & Fitness Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Unless you have a lot of experience, I don't recommend that. The best way to avoid injuries and do the exercise correctly is to support your body on a bench.
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      • Only your arm should move while performing this exercise. Your upper body should remain completely stationary.
      • The one-arm dumbbell row will build muscle and increase strength and flexibility in your mid back, but your upper back will also benefit. Your grip, biceps, and shoulders will also see improvements.
      • In order to start seeing results from the one-arm dumbbell row, aim to do 3–4 sets for 2-3 days a week for 6-8 weeks.


      • Never do this lift on a bench with your body perpendicular to it because the bench could tip over and you could get hurt.
      • If you’re lifting heavy weights, stop lifting once the weight is level with your lower chest. The prime muscle used to lift in the dumbbell row is the latissimus dorsi muscles. Once your upper arm goes past your body, though, the muscles used will be the rear shoulder and upper middle back muscles, which can be damaged if they’re strained in this position.
      • Potential injuries to the lower back may be incurred if this exercise is performed incorrectly; make sure your back is straight at all times.


      3. Greg Maurer. Health & Fitness Specialist. Expert Interview. 13 August 2021.
      5. Greg Maurer. Health & Fitness Specialist. Expert Interview. 13 August 2021.
      7. Greg Maurer. Health & Fitness Specialist. Expert Interview. 13 August 2021.

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