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Wow your friends with these slick beginner coin tricks
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Coin tricks are the place to start for any budding magician. These six tricks are easy to perform with a bit of practice, and can liven up any dull moment. With enough practice, even a total magic novice can learn them. We even spoke with professional magicians David Martinez and Suzy Seth for expert advice on pulling off simple coin magic.

How to Do a Coin Magic Trick

  1. Tell a friend you’re going to teleport a coin from one hand to the other.
  2. Close a fist around the coin, leaving a small gap between your fingers.
  3. Wave your fist over your empty palm, subtly dropping the coin through the gap.
  4. Quickly close your palm into a fist around the coin.
  5. Show both fists and ask your friend to pick the hand that has the coin.
  6. Reveal your original hand is empty, and your other hand holds the coin.
Section 1 of 7:

The Teleporting Coin Trick

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  1. Allow them a moment of disbelief. Make it sound convincing, letting them know that you've been practicing the lost art of teleportation for a while now. The more they doubt you, the more fun it will be when the trick works! [1]
    • Magic tricks are all about confidence and distraction. The more you make it "entertaining," the less they'll scrutinize your hands and the tricks you're actually employing.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Simple Coin Magic Trick
    Display your flat palm and place the coin over the bottom section of one of your fingers (above the palm). Close your hand into a fist such that the coin is near a small gap between two of your fingers. [2]
    • The coin is going to fall through your hand without your hand opening up. Make sure the coin is placed just right to be able to access this opening.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Simple Coin Magic Trick
    The audience will believe you’re just quickly waving your fist over your other hand—what they don't see is that the coin drops. As soon as you feel the coin drop, clench your other fist around the coin as fast as you can. [3]
    • The audience shouldn’t see the coin drop because the drop happens fast and they’re distracted by the moving fist.
      • If you’re sitting and they’re standing above you, then your fist will cover the coin drop from their viewing angle.
    • Widen the gap of the starting hand so the coin more easily falls into your hand; otherwise, it might just get stuck in the original hand.
    • While you might be tempted to drop the coin into your shirt sleeve, Martinez warns against this. People assume magicians use their sleeves—you want to be unpredictable.
  4. They will, hopefully, choose the original hand, since it never opened up to deposit the coin in the other hand. [4]
    • If they choose the new hand, demand they explain to you how you could've possibly had the coin change hands if it weren't for your amazing telekinetic powers.
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    If you managed to not move your fingers when the coin dropped and clenched your fist soon enough in catching the coin, your friends will be adequately wowed.
    • If this trick is proving difficult to master, move to a smaller coin. It will more easily fall through any gap you create in your fingers. Plus, it will be harder to spot falling into your palm.
    • To make the trick easier, perform seated at a table so you can drop the coin close to your lap, under the table.
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Section 2 of 7:

The Disappearing Coin Trick

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  1. This isn't the actual trick, but they don't have to know that. This distracts them from your actual trick so they're not as suspicious of what you're about to do. [5]
    • Alternatively, just tell them you're going to make a quarter disappear. That's fine, too, but they may be ready to look out for any sleight of hand.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Simple Coin Magic Trick
    First, take the quarter and place it in your dominant hand. Put your other elbow on the table and rest your head on your non-dominant hand (which should be clenched in a fist). The elbow on the table is the one you're going to rub the quarter into. Instead of changing colors, the quarter is going to mysteriously "disappear."
    • Yes, your hand does have to rest on your chin. It should be clenched into a fist and not palm open for the purposes of the latter part of this trick.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Simple Coin Magic Trick
    After a couple rubs, accidentally drop it on the table in front of you. Whoops, silly you. At this point, you may want to distract them by saying something about how you should practice more, or how quarters are naturally slippery—something that diverts their attention away from your hands. [6]
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Simple Coin Magic Trick
    However, you cannot be seen doing this . You can do it one of two ways:
    • Pretend to hand it back to the rubbing hand and resume rubbing. Just do a fake switch very, very quickly. [7]
    • Scoop the quarter up with your dominant hand, but let it drop into your non-dominant hand underneath the table. This is more about timing and less about hiding, like the above method.
  5. This time your rubbing hand has nothing in it. Rub for a few seconds, telling your audience that something strange is happening. The quarter isn't changing colors...the quarter is...disappearing. You can then reveal your hand to be empty. [8]
    • If people want to check the other hand for the quarter, you can drop it down your collar before showing them that that hand is also empty. [9]
  6. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Simple Coin Magic Trick
    The trick can end at the last step, or you can magically make the quarter reappear. You can do this any number of ways, from scratching your head with your non-dominant hand and acting as if it appears from underneath your hair, to "taking it" from someone else's clothes, or simply "coughing" it up. Whatever you fancy.
    • If you want to be clever about it, wait a while until people have forgotten about the trick. Then mysteriously the quarter reappears. Oh, so that's where it went. Huh. You had no idea. Funny, that.
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Section 3 of 7:

The Psychic Coin Trick

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Simple Coin Magic Trick
    A 10p coin is a good example of this. If you're not sure if any of your country's currency has qualifying coinage, sit down and study them. You may find one has thicker ridges on one side, or identifiable engraving. Make sure you can identify the sides with your eyes closed. [10]
    • You may be able to get away with making a scratch on one side, but if the other person sees it, they may wind up suspicious and figure out your trick. It's better to use a coin with no obvious damage.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Simple Coin Magic Trick
    Now that you know what each side feels like, you'll be able to predict how it lands when you do a coin flip. Just make sure the coin goes across your fingertips before you make the "prediction." Learn how to quickly identify the coin side that’s face-down in your hand based on its feeling. [11]
    • Take some time to practice flipping it, sensing what side it's on, and exposing it by slapping the coin onto your opposite wrist in one swift, natural movement. That second you take to assess the coin shouldn't be visible to an unsuspecting audience.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Simple Coin Magic Trick
    Let them toss it around a few times, showing them that it's not a special or trick coin. Then, ask them to guess which side it'll land on as you flip it. Throw the coin up and catch it. Before you put it on your wrist to reveal it, feel the indentation on the side facing down. [12]
    • You are able to manipulate the coin in your hand to land on the side you want. Call it 5 minutes beforehand, 10 seconds beforehand, or right as you turn it over—and you'll always be right.
    • Buy extra time to feel the coin by asking them to make their own prediction as you discreetly feel it.
  4. Before you put it on your wrist, subtly turn the coin in such a way that it will be exposed facing the direction you guessed (heads or tails). You'll have to be quick—practice makes perfect. After you manipulate the coin (or evaluate that you don't have to), slap it on your opposite wrist for the reveal. That's it. [13]
    • The beauty of this trick is that you can do it over and over and over—unlike many other tricks that require anonymous set-up.
    • However, you can't do it when someone else flips the coin. Tell them that you need to get a good read on the coin for your psychic powers to work, and you can only do this when you have physical contact with the coin.
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Section 4 of 7:

The Vanishing Cloth Coin Trick

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  1. First, find something cloth-like (such as a paper towel). Also find a normal penny and a small piece of double-sided tape. In private, put the piece of double-sided tape on one corner of your cloth. Make sure the penny will stick onto it—if it doesn’t, find stronger tape.
    • For the cloth, you can use a piece of paper, a rag, or a paper towel. The coin doesn't have to be a penny, but a penny is a good, average size and weight.
    • The smaller the piece of tape, the better (it'll be less obvious should you not be skilled in sleight of hand)—however, you risk the penny not sticking to it when the trick is in full gear.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Simple Coin Magic Trick
    Keep the double-sided tape corner concealed and facing you. For all your audience knows, it's just a regular paper towel (or whatever cloth you're using).
    • Be careful putting your finger over the tape. You don't want to remove the adhesive from the tape with the oils from your fingers before the trick even begins.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Simple Coin Magic Trick
    In other words, the penny and tape should be on the same side of the cloth. Show it to your audience. It's just a regular penny inside a paper towel, right? Right.
    • Use your hand to block the piece of tape from view.
    • The flimsier the cloth, the better. This way, when you show the center of the cloth with the penny, the sides naturally fall down away from view.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Simple Coin Magic Trick
    Press the taped corner firmly to make sure the coin adheres to it—but don’t make it obvious what you’re doing. Neatly fold the other corners into the center, one at a time.
    • Ask a person in the audience to feel the coin is still there. It will be, arousing no suspicion.
      • Keep the corners folded in as the person touches it.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Do a Simple Coin Magic Trick
    Unfold the last corner by pinching it to hide the penny. Presto! Show the empty cloth, towel, or sheet of paper to your audience. Wiggle it around, holding it by the same taped corner. Where did the penny go?
    • Remember: if someone asks you how you did it, just say, "A magician never reveals their secrets!"
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Section 5 of 7:

The Coin Through Hand Trick

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  1. 1
    Find two identical coins. You can either purchase identical coins meant to be used for magic, or look for two minted coins that are similar. Pay attention to small details like the issue year, the face on the coin, and any wear or scratches that your audience might notice.
  2. 2
    Hide one of the coins using a palm technique. In magic, palms are ways to hold coins or other objects in your hand discreetly so it looks like your hand is empty. For this trick, do either a classic palm or a finger clip palm. [14] Set up the palm right before the trick, making sure your audience doesn’t see you hiding the coin.
    • To do a classic palm, place the coin in the center of your palm with your thumb slightly held inward and your fingers curled a bit. This will allow your hand muscles to secure the coin in place, though it may take some practice. [15]
      • Be careful not to show your palm to your audience—keep your palms facing down or toward your body.
    • To do a finger clip palm, place the coin between your middle and pointer fingers. Tuck it so it’s not sticking out far on the back-of-your-hand side that’s toward the audience. Squeeze the two fingers together to secure it in place. [16]
      • Hold your fingers slightly bent for a more natural appearance.
  3. 3
    Announce you’re going to make a coin pass through your hand. Once your palm is secured, tell your audience the premise of the trick. You will pass a coin through a solid object: your hand. Specifically, the same hand that is currently palming a coin in secret.
    • This is a valid method to make people believe you’re passing a coin through your hand, confirms Seth.
    • If you have identical coins, show them the coin you’re not palming so they can inspect it. If the coins are only similar, try not to give them a chance to inspect the coin.
  4. 4
    Press the un-palmed coin against the back of your hand. Using your free hand, place the coin on the back of your hand that’s palming the secret coin. Cover the un-palmed coin completely and make struggling sounds as you “press it” through your hand.
  5. 5
    Drop the palmed coin on the table or ground. Leave the hand that’s pressing the back of your other hand in place, but drop the palmed coin as if you’ve pressed it through your hand. Let your audience member pick it up and inspect it.
    • While they’re inspecting it, use a classic palm to hide the coin you pretended to press through. Once the coin is secure, separate your hands and pretend the coin the audience member has is the only one there was.
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Section 6 of 7:

The Levitating Coin Trick

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  1. 1
    Find a coin and some magician’s invisible thread. To levitate a coin (or any object), buy a thin type of string called “invisible thread” that’s used in various magic tricks. At certain angles, the thread appears invisible to the audience, explains Seth. Look online or at magic supply stores to find the magician’s invisible thread .
  2. 2
    Attach the coin to the thread with clear tape. Use a small piece of clear, single-sided tape to secure the coin to the thread. Tape it to one end of the thread. Make sure you have enough thread to work with for the levitating part of the trick—about 2 ft (0.61 m). [17]
  3. 3
    Tape the other end of the thread to your thumbnail. Again, use a small piece of clear tape so it’s harder for your audience to spot your secret. Tape it to the thumbnail of your dominant hand—that way, you’ll have maximum dexterity to help you pull off the trick. [18]
  4. 4
    Run the thread through your hair to set up the trick. First, stand up with both your hands in front of you. Take your dominant hand which has the taped thumbnail and lift it over the center part of your hair, down the back of your head, and forward in front of your body. It’s the same motion as tucking your hair behind your ear. [19]
    • You’re essentially using your head as a pulley that the string can balance on.
  5. 5
    Tell your audience you can make a coin levitate. Hype up the trick while holding the coin in your non-dominant hand. You’ll probably have to lean your head forward and down a little so the coin doesn’t start levitating early.
  6. 6
    Move your dominant hand down to “levitate” the coin. When you lift your dominant hand up, the coin should move down because the thread is getting slack over your face. Lift your dominant hand down to pull the thread backward over your head, causing the coin to lift with it. Your friends will be amazed! [20]
    • When it comes to levitating a coin, “Dexterity is very important,” says Seth. That means practicing constantly, even hundreds of times daily, in order to make the moves look and feel natural.
    • Lower the coin again by lifting your dominant hand up.
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Section 7 of 7:

How to Learn Coin Magic as a Beginner

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  1. 1
    Read classic how-to books that teach coin magic. When you’re first getting into magic, approach it like you would any subject at school: read a book. There are several well-regarded magic books, such as Magic: The Complete Course by Joshua Jay . For coin magic in particular, pick up a copy of Modern Coin Magic by J.W. Bobo . [21]
  2. 2
    Watch YouTube videos to learn basic sleight-of-hand techniques. Reading only teaches you so much—when it comes to magic, sometimes it’s easier to see how it’s done. Watch compilation videos of coin tricks to decide which ones you’re interested in learning. Don’t start with the most complicated trick out there, either. Work your way up from simple tricks to masterful illusions.
    • Watch multiple videos on the same trick to learn different techniques. One method might be easier than the other.
  3. 3
    Practice your tricks in front of a mirror or camera. As the old adage goes, practice makes perfect. Watch yourself perform tricks in front of a mirror—or record yourself on your phone’s camera and review the footage. Notice any mistakes you make so you can work on correcting them before you perform for an audience.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How can I do magic with any object?
    Community Answer
    Hide it between your thumb and index finger and say, "I have nothing in my hands". While you say that rub your hands together, putting your object in position, and open your hand to reveal the object! Simple but so effective!
  • Question
    Do you have any more coin tricks?
    Community Answer
    Check out the wikiHow articles, Make a Coin Disappear , Levitate a Coin, and Pull a Coin Out Of an Ear .
  • Question
    Can I use something else that is the shape of a quarter?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, as long as it’s relatively the same shape and has the strength of a coin.
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      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • Believe in your abilities and exude confidence, even if you make a mistake. Telling yourself "I can do this" leads to success. Self-doubt is visible and can ruin the illusion.
      • Practice the tricks extensively in front of a mirror first to build confidence and avoid mistakes when performing for an audience. Mastering the sleight of hand takes time.
      • Have friends or family be your practice audience before performing for strangers. Their familiarity can help calm nerves, while still allowing you to gauge reactions.
      • Keep practicing and refer back to instructions as needed. Consistent rehearsal ingrains the techniques. Check steps if unsure to avoid obvious mistakes.
      • Don't reveal secrets, especially to gossipy people. The mystery is part of the fun. Say "magicians never share their secrets" if you're asked.
      • If you forget part of a trick, improvise! Add flourishes and misdirection. The show must go on. Don't let the audience know you stumbled.
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      Things You'll Need

      The Teleporting Coin Trick

      • Any coin

      The Disappearing Coin Trick

      • Any coin

      The Psychic Coin Trick

      • Coin with two different sides

      The Vanishing Coin Trick

      • A penny or other small coin
      • Clear double-sided tape
      • A paper towel, cloth rag, or piece of paper

      The Coin Through Hand Trick

      • Two identical coins

      The Levitating Coin Trick

      Expert Interview

      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about magic tricks, check out our in-depth interview with David Martinez .

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      If you want to do a simple coin magic trick, try the Teleporting Coin trick. Tell your audience that you’re going to magically switch a coin from one hand to the other. Close your hand into a fist, but leave a tiny gap between your index and middle fingers. Move your fist over your other hand, and drop the coin between the gap in your fingers. Try to make it look like you’re just having your fist over your other hand, then close your fist around the coin. Make a big show of revealing the teleporting coin to your audience, and remember not to reveal your secrets! If you want to learn how to perform other simple coin tricks, like how to "predict" what side it will land on, keep reading!

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        Jan 19, 2018

        "I tried it and it worked so well, thank you so much! Now I can show that trick to my friends and family and they ..." more
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