This wikiHow teaches you how to download games on Nintendo Switch. You can download games from the Nintendo eShop. In order to purchase games from the Nintendo eShop, you need to setup a Nintendo account and link it to your Nintendo Switch. [1]


  1. To power on the Nintendo Switch, press the power button on the top-left side of Nintendo Switch. It's the button with a circle and a line through it.
  2. When you power up your Nintendo Switch a news feed is displayed. Press "A" to continue to the Home screen.
    • If you are running another game or app, press the Home button to return to the Home screen. The Home screen is the button that has an image of a house. It's on the right joy-con controller.
  3. The Nintendo eShop is the orange icon that resembles a shopping bag.
    • To select items on the Nintendo Switch, tap them on the screen or navigate to them using the controller and press "A".
    • You must have an internet connection in order to access the Nintendo eShop. Read "How to Connect to Wi-Fi on the Nintendo Switch" to learn how to connect your Nintendo Switch to the internet.
  4. You must sign in to your Nintendo account to purchase games from the Nintendo eShop.
    • If you do not have a Nintendo account, select Create Account and follow the instructions to create a Nintendo Account. If you have a Nintendo account, but it is not linked to your Nintendo Switch, select Sign In and Link and follow the instructions to link your Nintendo account to your Nintendo Switch.
  5. You can use the sidebar menu to browse for new releases, featured games, and best sellers. Select Search to search for a game by name.
  6. When you see a game you want to purchase, tap it to select it, or navigate to it and press "A".
  7. It's the button below the price on the ride side of the screen.
    • If the game has a playable demo available, tap Download Demo to begin download the demo immediately.
  8. You can pay with a credit card, Nintendo eShop card, or a paypal account.
  9. If you are paying with a credit card or paypal account, you can select how much funds you want to add to your Nintendo account. You can tap Required Amount to add only what is needed, or you can add $10, $20, $50, or $100 dollars.
    • If you are using a Nintendo eShop card, enter the number on the card and the funds from the card will be added to your Nintendo account.
  10. If you want to use the card on file, select Use This Credit Card . If you want to use a different card, select Use Another Credit Card and add the credit card information.
  11. You are are required to enter your password again in order to make a purchase on the Nintendo eShop.
  12. It's the orange button in the lower-right corner. The game will start to download automatically.

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  • Question
    Do all the games cost money?
    Community Answer
    No. There are some apps you can get for free.
  • Question
    How big are downloads?
    Community Answer
    Usually, Nintendo Switch games range from five to 15 MB, but some games may be bigger.
  • Question
    Once I download a game form my e-account, can I play with no Internet connection?
    Community Answer
    There are some games that require a internet connection. When downloading a game in the Eshop, it will tell you whether a internet connection is needed down below in the description.
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