To draw anime eyes on the computer, you can use a program like Draw With OekaManga Studio. If you're used to drawing them by hand, however, you'll have to learn a new approach, using the tools that are available to you on the computer. Here's an overview, along with a video tutorial.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Simple Eyes

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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

One Eye

  1. If you do not know what layers are, it is a tool found on many illustrative programs. They can help make outlining and drawing on the computer easier. Set up about 4 layers (you can add more later).
  2. on the first layer. There are different types of anime eyes, however, they all have a shape to them that makes it identified as anime eyes. Search for anime images so you can get an example of what they look like, and use it as a reference. Use a fairly light color to sketch, as you are probably going to outline it in a dark color, and it will contrast. Your sketch does not have to be neat, just neat enough so you can trace over it.
  3. , (the first, second and third will be saved for coloring) and trace over your sketch . Use black to outline your eye, making it as neat as possible. You can choose to use the bezier tool, which would give you clean curves, freehand it, or both.
  4. If you're using the layers properly, only the sketch will erase, and not the black outline.
  5. Then, use layer 3 to color in the white part of the eye. Use a slightly blue gray to color the shadow the top eyelid casts down.
  6. First use a base color, and then use a darker color around the edge and in the shadow; the top right/left,(or wherever the direction the light is coming from, see example). You can choose to blend it in, or not. Then, take a lighter version or the base color and apply it diagonally from the shadow.
  7. Draw your pupil using a dark color, if you did not include it into your outline. Then, add your glint to the eye by using a very light color close to white where the shadow is. Congrats, you're finished!

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    What online program could I use for this if I can't download a program?
    Community Answer
    Try different online drawing pads. They are free, and often allow you to download the finished drawing. I recommend DeviantArt Muro. It is free, allows you to save and download your work, sell it as merchandise, or just post it to DeviantArt to show everyone!
  • Question
    How do Idraw the smudge effect on the eyes?
    Community Answer
    Use the blur tool. Color the eyes using two colors, then blur them together.
  • Question
    Which anime software should I choose?
    Community Answer
    I think Clip Studio Paint is very useful. There is a free trial version available. I also recommend using the Penpower Tooya tablet and pen.
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      • Practice. Ask for constructive criticism.
      • Using layers will give better results.
      • There are different types of anime eyes you can draw. Eyes sometimes can also tell you the personality of the anime character; some mysterious figures having narrow, thinner eyes, while some energetic characters have large eyes.
      Show More Tips



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