Emotional Quotient Test

Wondering how emotionally intelligent you are? Take this quiz!

Wondering how emotionally intelligent you are? If you have a high EQ (or emotional quotient —like your IQ, but for emotions instead of intellect), you’re likely very in tune with your emotions and the emotions of others.

By answering just a few quick questions, we can gauge how high your EQ is! Ready? Hit “Start Quiz” to begin!

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Questions Overview

1. Agree or disagree?
I’m hyper aware of the feelings and moods of the people around me.
  1. Totally agree
  2. Somewhat agree
  3. Somewhat disagree
  4. Totally disagree
2. Agree or disagree?
I can tell how people are feeling sometimes just by their body language.
  1. Totally agree
  2. Somewhat agree
  3. Somewhat disagree
  4. Totally disagree
3. Agree or disagree?
I tend to avoid sharing my emotions with others because it makes me feel like a burden.
  1. Totally agree
  2. Somewhat agree
  3. Somewhat disagree
  4. Totally disagree
4. Agree or disagree?
I sometimes have trouble identifying the emotions I am feeling.
  1. Totally agree
  2. Somewhat agree
  3. Somewhat disagree
  4. Totally disagree
5. Agree or disagree?
I easily pick up on the emotions of other people.
  1. Totally agree
  2. Somewhat agree
  3. Somewhat disagree
  4. Totally disagree
6. Agree or disagree?
I’m almost always in control of my emotions.
  1. Totally agree
  2. Somewhat agree
  3. Somewhat disagree
  4. Totally disagree
7. Agree or disagree?
I frequently volunteer my time or donate money to people who need it.
  1. Totally agree
  2. Somewhat agree
  3. Somewhat disagree
  4. Totally disagree
8. Agree or disagree?
I love being around other people and find connecting with others to be really meaningful.
  1. Totally agree
  2. Somewhat agree
  3. Somewhat disagree
  4. Totally disagree
9. Agree or disagree?
How I’m feeling rarely gets in the way of my responsibilities.
  1. Totally agree
  2. Somewhat agree
  3. Somewhat disagree
  4. Totally disagree
10. Agree or disagree?
I don’t always feel like I have my emotions under control.
  1. Totally agree
  2. Somewhat agree
  3. Somewhat disagree
  4. Totally disagree
11. Agree or disagree?
When someone around me is in a bad mood, I get in a bad mood too.
  1. Totally agree
  2. Somewhat agree
  3. Somewhat disagree
  4. Totally disagree
12. Agree or disagree?
I don’t tend to dwell on bad feelings and process my emotions pretty well.
  1. Totally agree
  2. Somewhat agree
  3. Somewhat disagree
  4. Totally disagree
13. Agree or disagree?
When I see someone suffering, I feel motivated to help them.
  1. Totally agree
  2. Somewhat agree
  3. Somewhat disagree
  4. Totally disagree
14. Agree or disagree?
I feel responsible for rescuing other people from their problems.
  1. Totally agree
  2. Somewhat agree
  3. Somewhat disagree
  4. Totally disagree

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The 5 Qualities of EQ:<\/b>

  • Self-Awareness:<\/b> You\u2019re very aware of your own emotions at any given moment. You\u2019re rarely at a loss as to how you\u2019re feeling or why, and if you are, you\u2019re not afraid to do a little self-reflecting to analyze your emotions.<\/li>
  • Other Awareness:<\/b> You\u2019re super in tune with how others feel and aware of others\u2019 moods based on your intuition and their body language.<\/li>
  • Emotional Control:<\/b> As a super emotionally sensitive person, you may get carried away with your emotions now and again! It happens to the best of us, but try to remember that emotions aren\u2019t forever, even when they feel like they are.<\/li>
  • Empathy:<\/b> You\u2019re not just in tune with the feelings of others\u2014you identify with their feelings and needs, and may go out of your way to be there for others. You may have a tendency to take on responsibility for the feelings and problems of others, so don\u2019t be afraid to set healthy boundaries with the people in your life as needed!<\/li>
  • Wellbeing:<\/b> Being this emotionally sensitive can be somewhat draining, so be sure to tend to your own needs now and then\u2014not just the needs of others. Spend time alone to reflect and process your emotions\u2014you may need this more than the average person, but that\u2019s just because your EQ is so high!<\/li><\/ul>","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Develop-Emotional-Intelligence"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Empathize"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence","id":1600185,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Develop-Emotional-Intelligence","relUrl":"\/Develop-Emotional-Intelligence","image":"\/images\/thumb\/5\/59\/Develop-Emotional-Intelligence-Step-11-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Develop-Emotional-Intelligence-Step-11-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence"},{"title":"How to Empathize","id":689005,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Empathize","relUrl":"\/Empathize","image":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/64\/Empathize-Step-15-Version-4.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Empathize-Step-15-Version-4.jpg.png","alt":"How to Empathize"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""},{"number":2,"text":"You\u2019re emotionally balanced!","meaning":"Your EQ is likely high! You\u2019re very in tune with your feelings and the feelings of the people around you, but you\u2019re still your own person and you\u2019re in control of your emotions. Instead, you\u2019re likely pretty good at keeping your emotions in check, and you know that no feeling is final. You\u2019re very aware of your surroundings and sensitive to others\u2019 needs, but you also have a rich inner life, and you guard it and protect it. People likely turn to you for your emotional sensitivity and compassion, and they respect you for your equilibrium and wisdom.

    The 5 Qualities of EQ:<\/b>
    • Self-Awareness:<\/b> You\u2019re usually pretty aware of your own emotions at any given moment, and if you\u2019re not, you\u2019re not afraid to do a little self-reflecting to analyze your feelings.<\/li>
    • Other Awareness:<\/b> You\u2019re pretty in tune with how others feel and aware of others\u2019 moods based on your intuition and their body language.<\/li>
    • Emotional Control:<\/b> You\u2019re emotionally sensitive, but you\u2019re probably pretty good at not getting carried away by your feelings. You\u2019re skilled at regulating your emotions.<\/li>
    • Empathy:<\/b> You\u2019re not just in tune with the feelings of others\u2014you identify with their feelings and needs, and may go out of your way to be there for others. But you likely have some healthy boundaries in place that keep you from overidentifying with others or taking on too much responsibility for them.<\/li>
    • Wellbeing:<\/b> Being this emotionally sensitive can be somewhat draining, so be sure to spend time alone to reflect and process your feelings\u2014you may need this more than the average person, but that\u2019s just because your EQ is so high!<\/li><\/ul>","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Develop-Emotional-Intelligence"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Empathize"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence","id":1600185,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Develop-Emotional-Intelligence","relUrl":"\/Develop-Emotional-Intelligence","image":"\/images\/thumb\/5\/59\/Develop-Emotional-Intelligence-Step-11-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Develop-Emotional-Intelligence-Step-11-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence"},{"title":"How to Empathize","id":689005,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Empathize","relUrl":"\/Empathize","image":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/64\/Empathize-Step-15-Version-4.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Empathize-Step-15-Version-4.jpg.png","alt":"How to Empathize"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""},{"number":3,"text":"You could probably be a little more in touch with your emotions.","meaning":"Based on your answers, you may not be as in touch with your feelings as you could be, and you might struggle to understand the feelings of others, too. Instead, you may take things at face value and rely on logic over emotion. This likely means that you rarely get taken advantage of or take on too much responsibility for the emotions and problems of others\u2014which is great! You know that feelings aren\u2019t facts\u2014that said, try to remember that that doesn\u2019t mean they don\u2019t matter. Don\u2019t be afraid to spend time reflecting on your feelings\u2014it can be intimidating, but it can help you feel more in tune with your needs and more at peace as well as connect with other people in a more enriching and fulfilling way.

      The 5 Qualities of EQ:<\/b>
      • Self-Awareness:<\/b> You may not always be aware of what you\u2019re feeling or why. Emotions may come over you without your fully understanding what they mean or how to handle them.<\/li>
      • Other Awareness:<\/b> You likely take your surroundings at face value, and may not pick up on the underlying feelings of other people.<\/li>
      • Emotional Control:<\/b> Not being totally aware of your feelings may mean that you can get easily overwhelmed by them. It can be scary to face difficult emotions, but remember, facing them head-on will make them easier to manage!<\/li>
      • Empathy:<\/b> You care about others, but you may not overextend yourself to tend to the needs and emotions of other people. You have a pretty firm sense of where \u201cyou\u201d end and \u201cthe world\u201d begins, and you\u2019ve got pretty strong boundaries in place that keep you from draining your emotional energy.<\/li>
      • Wellbeing:<\/b> You may struggle to be in touch with your emotions, but that doesn\u2019t mean they aren\u2019t there. Try to take some alone time now and then to reflect and process your emotions, perhaps through journaling or through art. Talking to a therapist may also help you get in touch with your feelings so you can better understand and manage them.<\/li><\/ul>","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Develop-Emotional-Intelligence"},{"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Empathize"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence","id":1600185,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Develop-Emotional-Intelligence","relUrl":"\/Develop-Emotional-Intelligence","image":"\/images\/thumb\/5\/59\/Develop-Emotional-Intelligence-Step-11-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Develop-Emotional-Intelligence-Step-11-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence"},{"title":"How to Empathize","id":689005,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Empathize","relUrl":"\/Empathize","image":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/64\/Empathize-Step-15-Version-4.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Empathize-Step-15-Version-4.jpg.png","alt":"How to Empathize"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""}]" class="quiz_results_data"/>\"Perfume<\/picture>","alt":"What Perfume Note Am I Quiz"},{"title":"How Attractive Am I Quiz","id":14651698,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Attractiveness-Test","relUrl":"\/Attractiveness-Test","image":"\"Attractiveness<\/picture>","alt":"How Attractive Am I Quiz"},{"title":"What's My Hottest Feature Quiz","id":14578238,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Hottest-Feature-Quiz","relUrl":"\/Hottest-Feature-Quiz","image":"\"Hottest<\/picture>","alt":"What's My Hottest Feature Quiz"}],"number":1},{"text":"Smell fantastic and look like a toad.","result":"Awesome! We found these quizzes just for you:","next_quizzes":[{"title":"What Perfume Note Am I Quiz","id":14709445,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Perfume-Quiz","relUrl":"\/Perfume-Quiz","image":"\"Perfume<\/picture>","alt":"What Perfume Note Am I Quiz"},{"title":"Do I Smell Bad Quiz","id":14670047,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/Do-You-Smell-Bad","relUrl":"\/Do-You-Smell-Bad","image":"\"Do<\/picture>","alt":"Do I Smell Bad Quiz"},{"title":"What Makeup Should I Wear Quiz","id":13240117,"url":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/What-Makeup-Should-I-Wear-Quiz","relUrl":"\/What-Makeup-Should-I-Wear-Quiz","image":"\"What<\/picture>","alt":"What Makeup Should I Wear Quiz"}],"number":2}]}" class="quiz_questionnaire_data"/>

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence—or EQ (emotional quotient)—refers to your ability to understand and regulate your feelings and to connect with other people in a positive, healthy manner. Your emotional intelligence involves a wide spectrum of abilities, including your ability to self-soothe when you’re upset and your skill at detecting others’ emotions and reading body language.

Emotional intelligence is constructed of 5 distinct factors:

  • Self-Awareness: How well you understand your own feelings and motivations.
  • Other Awareness: How well you understand the feelings and motivations of others.
  • Emotional Control: The ability to regulate your emotions and behaviors.
  • Empathy: The ability to comprehend and identify with the feelings of others.
  • Wellbeing: How well you tend to your own mental, physical, and emotional health.

Want to learn more?