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The best biomes and locations to get watermelon seeds in Minecraft
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Melons are a great resource in Minecraft; but to get them, you first need melon seeds. Thankfully, melon seeds are pretty easy to find in both Java and Bedrock—and we’re here to teach you all the best spots to look. Read on to figure out the best, most efficient way to find melon seeds in your own world so you can save yourself some time in the long run.


Melon Stems

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  1. Whenever you find a wild patch of watermelons, look for an upright stem in an adjacent block. Destroying the stem (especially when it’s already attached to a watermelon) will generate 1-3 stacks of seeds. [1]
    • Melon stems actually go through 8 total stages of growth, even if they look identical to fully-grown stems. If your destroyed stem doesn’t produce any melon seeds, it might’ve been too young.
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Jungle Biomes

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  1. Watermelons grow naturally in jungle biomes—simply hit the melon block until it breaks into 3-7 melon slices. Place one of these melon slices in the center of a crafting table to receive 1 stack of melon seeds in return. [2]
    • Not sure where the nearest jungle biome is in your game? Enter your game’s seed number on this site to get a better look at your game’s map.
    • Find your game’s seed number in your game’s settings.

Savanna Villages

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  1. Wander through the village and try to spot any watermelons. [3] If you do, simply destroy them and place the produced melon slices in the center slot of your crafting table. This will create multiple stacks of melon seeds. [4]
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Wandering Traders

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  1. Occasionally, a wandering trader (dressed in blue robes) and his llama will appear nearby, offering limited wares in exchange for emeralds. Sometimes, this trader offers a stack of melon seeds in exchange for 1 emerald. [5]
    • You can trade for melon seeds up to 12 times before the option goes away.
    • It’s possible to get emeralds by trading with regular villagers, or by mining emerald ore with a weapon that’s at least iron-level strength. [6]

Woodland Mansions

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  1. In any given chest within a woodland mansion, there’s an almost 20% chance that you’ll find 2-4 stacks of melon seeds. By those odds, you have a good chance of finding some melon seeds after exploring 5-6 chests. [7]
    • Not sure where your nearest woodland mansion is? Open up the chat bar and type in one of the following codes to find the coordinates (compared to your current in-game location ):
      • Bedrock: /locate structure mansion true
      • Java: /locate structure mansion
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Abandoned Mineshaft

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  1. Mineshafts typically spawn underground (unless you’re in a badlands biome, where they can spawn above ground), and are filled with wooden platforms, broken-up railways, and mining carts with chests inside (where you’ll find the melon seeds). [8]
    • Not sure where the nearest mineshaft is to your location? Type your seed number in on this site .
  1. These rooms are typically found close to caves, ravines, and similar areas, and are known for having monster spawners (a black cage-like object that allows certain monsters to spawn nearby). [9] There’s only an 18.5% chance of finding melon seeds in the chests though, so your exploring can be hit or miss. [10]
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Bonus Chests (Bedrock Only)

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  1. Minecraft allows you to toggle a “Bonus Chest” when you first spawn into your new Minecraft world. This chest is filled with basic items that help kickstart your adventure, like wooden tools, food, and the like. In Bedrock specifically, there’s a 1 in 3 chance that melon seeds will appear in this starter chest. Follow these instructions to equip a bonus chest for your next game: [11]
    • Java: Choose “ON” for the “Bonus Chest” option in “More World Settings…”
    • Bedrock: Choose “ON” for the “Bonus Chest” option in “Game Settings”

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Are melons found in jungles?
    Community Answer
    Yes, they are sometimes found in jungles, but that is very rare. I would go to a village instead.
  • Question
    What is aqua infinity?
    Community Answer
    Aqua infinity is an enchantment for breathing underwater.
  • Question
    How do I break them down into slices?
    Iris Sullivan
    Community Answer
    It is quite simple to get melon slices. Just break the melon block, and from there you can put the slices into your inventory.
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