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Your life’s purpose is within you, and we know how to get it out
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Have you been feeling stuck or unsatisfied lately? If so, it may be because you haven't found your life's purpose. Your life’s purpose can help guide you toward the person you want to be and lead you to a happy life! It’s never too late to start looking for a purpose (after all, it can change over time). [1] Check out these easy and efficient ways to find your purpose in life and be the best version of yourself.


Ask yourself questions.

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  1. How can you know what you really want if you don’t ask yourself about it? Being confident in your passions, hopes, and values can help you find your purpose. [2] Take a few moments to ask yourself some of these questions to learn more about yourself: [3]
    • When have you been happiest in your life?
    • What has made you truly proud of yourself?
    • What qualities do you most admire in other people?
    • What makes you feel alive and energized?
    • How happy do you feel on an everyday basis?
    • If you had one week to live, how would you spend that week?
    • What shoulds are overriding your wants ?
    • If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
    • What one change could make your life happier?
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Explore your passions.

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  1. Think about what you enjoy spending the most time doing. Perhaps you like singing, being in nature, cooking, working out, writing, or performing well at work. The things you love to do are your passions. Diving head first into hobbies or other things you enjoy can help you find meaning in life. [4]
    • More often than not, your passions are activities that you often lose track of time while doing.
    • Focus on what makes you happy rather than the materialistic or societal value of something. Your true passions ultimately fill your heart with joy.

Join a club or cause.

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  1. Think about your interests or passions, then join a social club or cause surrounding that activity or thing. This is an excellent way to meet new people and motivate you to be involved in your community or do something important. [5]
    • For instance, if you’re passionate about animals, consider joining a cause to end deforestation.
    • If you value safety, join the neighborhood watch.
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Think about your future.

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  1. Backward planning is the idea of thinking ahead to plan for the present. Take a moment to imagine yourself at 50, 70, or 80 years old. What’s your job? Are you in a relationship? Where are you living? Now, think about what you can do to reach that point right now. [6]
    • For example, say you picture yourself at 80 years old, surrounded by great-grandchildren, happily retired after a successful career helping your community, and living in your own home with a lot of land. This image means you want a family, a career helping others, and to live independently in a rural setting.

Write a personal vision statement.

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  1. Take a moment to write down your hopes, dreams, and goals—what do you want to accomplish in life? Now, hang this paper somewhere you’ll always see it (like on the fridge or above your bed). Use this simple statement as a reminder to work towards your goals and discover your life’s purpose. [7]
    • A personal vision statement describes your values, strengths, and goals.
    • Know that your purpose or statement doesn’t have to revolve around one thing—it’s not absolute! Your statement can explore multiple interests, passions, or dreams.
    • Your personal vision statement could say something like, “I envision a future where I’m a successful entrepreneur with my own business,” “My vision is to live a life where I can prioritize my physical and emotional health while raising a family,” or “I want to become a successful writer and move out of my parent’s house.”
    • Not sure what your values or goals are? That’s okay! Ask a friend to describe you, or take some time to clear your head by meditating or going on a nature walk. [8]
    • Reader Poll: We asked 133 wikiHow readers, and 57% of them agreed that they like to prioritize personal growth and self-improvement the most when setting personal goals. [Take Poll]
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Read more.

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  1. Reading can also help you explore your curiosities and learn new things. [9] A fiction book can bring you to fantastical worlds and ignite your imagination, whereas a nonfiction book can open your eyes to new perspectives. Studies also show that reading improves empathy and creative and critical thinking skills. So, grab a book and dive in. Who knows? You may resonate with a character’s drive and find your own purpose within the pages. [10]
    • Consider joining a book club in your community to meet new people and broaden your reading range.
    • Find book recommendations on social media (Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, etc.) to discover new and exciting titles.
    • Ask a librarian or bookseller for recommendations if you’re not sure what to read next.

Spend time with people who uplift you.

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  1. Who you surround yourself with can greatly impact your life. So, spend time with people who bring out the best in you! Make friends with people who have a realistic and positive outlook on life and aren’t afraid to chase their dreams. Who knows? You may just learn your life’s purpose through them. [11]
    • Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and meet new people . The more people you meet, the more perspectives you’ll encounter; the more perspectives you encounter, the more you’ll learn about life. [12]
    • Similarly, think about public figures who inspire you—if you could be anyone, who would you be? This could be a celebrity, world leader, or historical figure you admire. What could you do in your life to be as inspirational as them?
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Keep a journal.

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  1. Journaling helps you identify your beliefs, goals, and passions. Create a dedicated journal to write down all your thoughts, feelings, and dreams. Letting your emotions flood onto the page can be extremely therapeutic and give you insight into what you want or need most in life—helping you find your life’s purpose. [13]
    • For instance, you might write about what you want to do after school—what are your hopes and dreams for the future, and how can you achieve them?
    • Be open and honest when you write. The more honest you are with yourself, the more likely you are to grow.
    • Don’t worry about how your writing sounds or looks. This journal is just for you.

Develop a growth mindset.

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  1. Embracing change and facing challenges is all a part of growing up, and you can’t find your life’s purpose without a bit of growth. If you have a growth mindset, you believe that hard work and dedication help you become the best version of yourself. Understanding that life is full of learning experiences can help you identify what matters most to you. [14] To develop a growth mindset :
    • Look at challenges or obstacles as new learning opportunities.
    • Accept feedback and criticism with an open mind.
    • Keep moving forward even if you fail.
    Oprah Winfrey, Entertainment Mogul

    Figure out your purpose. "I believe there's a calling for all of us. I know that every human being has value and purpose. The real work of our lives is to become aware and awakened, to answer the call."

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Practice self-acceptance.

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  1. Being aware of what you can and can’t do is a great way to understand what your life purpose may be. Self-acceptance is all about accepting yourself as you are—faults and all. No one’s perfect, and the sooner you accept that, the faster you can give meaning to your life. [15]
    • Believe that you’re worthy of joy and happiness. You can receive and enjoy good things that come your way.
    • Know that it’s okay just to be okay. You don’t have to be exceptional at everything.
    • Shut down societal norms and follow the beat of your own drum. You don’t need to do everything the same way everyone else does.

Make time for self-care.

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  1. How can you fill someone else’s cup without filling your own first? Spending time and money on yourself can help you thrive physically and mentally. Do things that bring you joy on a daily basis to practice self-care . The happier you are, the easier it’ll be to determine what you’re meant to do in life. [16]
    • Go for a walk around the block or schedule a time to go to the gym with a friend.
    • Cook yourself a nice meal after a long day.
    • Read a book before bed to unwind.
    • Make time to chat with a friend or family member during the weekend.
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Focus less on pleasing others.

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WikiCloudWatcher412 posted on 07/13/24 2:03 PM
I’m 21, and I feel hopeless. I’m working full-time at a cafe, barely getting by. I hate it but can’t find anything else to do. I don’t kn... Read More
Michelle Shahbazyan, MS, MA posted on 07/13/24 9:52 PM
Consider the people in your life that you look up to and observe what they do. What are successful people accomplishing and what do they do in th... Read More
WikiSkyDancer042 posted on 07/14/24 10:56 PM
The best advice I ever heard is that “sadness is a lack of options”. You're feeling stuck and sad because you don't have options. So you have... Read More

Expert Q&A

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      • Keep in mind that you may find your purpose in the least likely of places. Sometimes, the best lessons and places for self-discovery are in the journey rather than the destination.
      • Sometimes, it’s easier to know what you don't want than what you want. If you need to, start by listing what you don’t want to do (or be), then work toward figuring out what you do want.

      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • They say it takes 10,000 hours of practice to master something, so if you aren't good at something and you think it's your purpose in life to pursue it, don't let it stop you! Start practicing and you'll soon be good enough to make that your life's work.
      • Courage is not the absence of fear; it's taking action despite fear. If you know what you want and you're not taking the first step, realize that's on you. You must be the one to take the jump into the deep end, so don't hesitate!
      • Picture how you'd spend your time if you had infinite money and no responsibilities. That's probably a good hint as to what your purpose is in life!
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      Expert Interview

      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about emotional abuse, check out our in-depth interview with Adam Dorsay, PsyD .


      1. Nicolette Tura, MA. Empowerment Coach. Expert Interview. 23 January 2020.
      2. Kamal Ravikant. Author, Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It. Expert Interview. 2 December 2019.
      3. https://positivepsychology.com/introspection-self-reflection/
      4. Adam Dorsay, PsyD. Licensed Psychologist & TEDx Speaker. Expert Interview. 11 April 2019.
      5. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2018/11/20/where-americans-find-meaning-in-life/
      6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6923189/
      7. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2019/10/08/five-reasons-why-you-need-a-personal-vision-statement-and-how-to-write-one/?sh=6c4b6eab1ab5
      8. Adam Dorsay, PsyD. Licensed Psychologist & TEDx Speaker. Expert Interview. 11 April 2019.
      9. Nicolette Tura, MA. Empowerment Coach. Expert Interview. 23 January 2020.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      If you feel like you’re struggling to find your purpose in life, write down the things in your professional or personal life that you enjoy doing so you have a clear idea of your passions. You should also try asking yourself questions to find out what makes you happy, like “When was I happiest in my life?” or “Which qualities do I admire most in others?”. To get help answering these questions, try asking close friends what they think your strengths and talents are, which will help you determine what you’re good at. Additionally, try to do activities that put you outside your comfort zone or pose you with new challenges, since it will be easier to see your place in the world when you look at it from a new angle. Once you’ve identified a goal that would help you reach your purpose in life, like changing your career, write down a series of smaller steps to help you get there. For tips from our co-author on how to use backward planning to find out what you want from life, keep reading!

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