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Hair breakage is frustrating enough, but when it's on the top of your head, you want to find solutions fast. Though you can't necessarily fix the breakage that has already happened, there are several ways to hide the current damage and address its causes so that you don't experience any more going forward. Keep reading for a complete guide to stopping hair breakage on top of your head, along with tips on how to make your current breakage less noticeable.

This article is based on an interview with our licensed cosmetologist, certified hair loss practitioner, and cosmetology educator, Courtney Foster. Check out the full interview here.


Brush your hair from the ends first.

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  1. Anytime you brush your hair , start by detangling the ends. Brushing from the roots first may cause excess pulling at your hair, which can lead to damage. [1] After, brush from the roots very gently after the ends have already been detangled.
    • To make it easier to detangle your hair, try a detangler spray .
    • Avoid overbrushing your hair as well, which can lead to breakage. Stick to brushing once a day unless you notice any knots or tangles.
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Use moisture-rich, sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner.

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  1. That's because they often contain sulfates, which damage the hair cuticle and dry out your hair. [2] To give your hair the hydration it needs, pick a moisture-rich, sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner.

Deep condition your hair once a week.

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  1. Deep conditioning your hair can give your hair more emollients, which moisten dry hair and prevents breakage. To deep condition your hair , purchase a deep conditioner and apply it to your hair weekly.
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Wrap wet hair in a microfiber towel.

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  1. To dry your hair when you step out of the shower, it's important to treat your hair gently. Simply wrap your hair in a microfiber towel and wait for it to dry. [3]
    • If you have time, you can also air-dry your hair as an alternative.

Reduce heat styling.

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  1. As you may know, heat styling damages your hair and can lead to breakage over time. To reduce its impact, use the lowest possible setting on your heat styling tools and keep heat styling to once-a-week tops. [4]
    • When you do heat style, spray heat protectant throughout your hair and at the top of your head to minimize damage.
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Dye your hair less frequently.

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  1. If you regularly dye your hair, try increasing the length of time between touch-ups. Waiting 8 to 10 weeks, especially in the dry, winter months, can prevent future breakage. [5]
    • Hide your roots in between touch-ups by using root concealer .
    • To protect your hair from any further damage, consider growing out your natural hair color.

Use gentle accessories and styling methods.

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  1. If you frequently pull your hair back in a tight ponytail or leave barrettes, hair clips, or bobby pins in all day, your hair may be breaking under the stress. Give your hair a break by tying it back in a scrunchie instead. Then, minimize how often you wear hair accessories that pull your hair. [6]
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Get a hair trim.

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  1. Visit a hairstylist and ask them to even out your hair in the places where breakage is present. Regular trims are also a helpful way to prevent future breakage by trimming split ends and promoting healthy growth. [7]

Use moisturizing hair oil to hide the breakage.

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  1. To oil your hair , opt for one with moisturizing properties like argan oil, rosemary oil, or black seed oil. These hair oils prevent hair loss in addition to moisturizing dry hair.
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Minimize time under the sun.

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  1. Since the top of your head gets the most sunlight, you may experience more breakage there. To reduce hair breakage caused by the sun, spend less time in direct sunlight, wear a wide-brimmed hat when you're out and about, or spray your hair with a UV protectant. [8]
    • UV rays break down the cuticle, which is your hair's outer layer. This can weaken your hair strands and cause them to break over time.
    • If you're looking for a UV protectant that will also give you beachy waves, try Sun Bum Sea Spray . To protect your hair and scalp from UV rays, go for Coola Scalp & Hair Mist .

Reduce stress.

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  1. When you're under a lot of stress, your body triggers your hair follicles to rest (which is a process called telogen effluvium). This causes hair that's in the middle of the growth cycle to break prematurely, and it can lead to hair loss over time. [9] Here are some ways you can reduce stress :
    • Get at least 7 hours of sleep every night [10]
    • Exercise regularly
    • Practice taking deep breaths
    • Journal to clear your head
    • Listen to calming music
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Talk to your doctor.

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  1. If your hair breakage is accompanied by symptoms like thinning hair, hair loss, fatigue, thinning skin, and sudden weight loss, contact your doctor. It's possible you may be living with a thyroid condition like hyperthyroidism. A doctor can give you a proper diagnosis and start you on a treatment plan that is right for you. [11]
    • To diagnose hyperthyroidism, your doctor will examine your thyroid gland to see if it is tender, lumpy, or larger than usual. They may run blood tests to make a formal diagnosis. [12]

Eat a nutrient-rich diet.

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  1. These nutrients are part of a well-balanced diet and can help promote healthy hair growth. Eat healthy by eating nutritious lean proteins like chicken, fish, beans, and nuts. Boost your omega 3 intake by eating foods high in healthy fats like avocado and nut butter. Eating more iron-rich foods and increasing your zinc intake can also help prevent future breakage. [13]
    • Supplement your diet by taking vitamin supplements. Talk to your doctor first about taking biotin, iron, zinc, and omega-3 supplements.
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