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It's easy to fall for a charming Libra lady, but how should you flirt with her? Luckily for you, Libras love to flirt, so it shouldn't be difficult to strike up some playful banter. When you flirt with a Libra, remember that she values good social skills, intelligence, and has an eye for anything aesthetically pleasing. [1] Read on for our complete guide to flirting with a Libra woman!
This article is based on an interview with our professional astrologer, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.


Dress to impress.

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  1. Being ruled by Venus means that your Libra has a soft spot for attractive and visually pleasing partners. [2] Wear flattering clothes and tasteful accessories when you spend time with a Libra lady. She appreciates a sophisticated style and impeccable grooming!
    • For a masculine look, try a dashing and well-put-together look, such as a nice sweater and slacks. For a feminine look, aim for something artistic and whimsical, like a flowing skirt and lace top.
    • Soft, light colors will catch Libra's eye. Try a pastel shade of blue, as it's Libra's lucky color—and blue symbolizes peace and tranquility, which Libra values highly.
    • Dress to suit the occasion and avoid wearing something that looks too impractical. Libras like to see that you're comfortable.
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Compliment her.

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  1. Boost your Libra's confidence with a sincere compliment, especially when you acknowledge her style, intelligence, and sense of fairness and justice. Make her feel like she's the star of the show—because she often is. [3]
    • "Talking to you is so easy. You're sweet, thoughtful, and I always know you're listening to me without judgment!"
    • "You look so put-together every time I see you. I admire your eye for fashion and color coordination!"
    • "Smart, compassionate, AND gorgeous? You really are special."

Show her your artistic side.

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  1. [4] Your Libra likely has a creative mind and appreciates all kinds of artistic expression. Don't worry if you're not naturally artistic—all you need to impress her is the camera in your phone and an eye for picture-worthy moments. Send her an attractive selfie or an aesthetically pleasing landscape photo. She'll love seeing your creative eye in action.
    • When she asks how your day is going, send her a picture rather than saying "good." Take a photo of your artisan latte from a coffee shop or sunlight hitting the book that you're reading.
    • Show her an aesthetic selfie. Have your clothes or makeup match the lighting or capture a certain mood with your photo.
    • If you do have artistic hobbies, tell her about them. "I'd love it if you took a look at my poetry—you're so creative, I bet you could give me some inspiration."
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Have intelligent conversations.

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  1. [5] Engage her with conversations on a wide variety of subjects; Libra will be charmed by big ideas and thoughtful, open-minded discussions about her favorite subjects. Let her take the lead in conversations because she probably has a lot to say!
    • "I think it's awesome that you're such a bookworm—I am, too! What are your favorite titles?"
    • "If you could go back in time and meet someone famous, who would it be?"
    • "What's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?"

Show her you have a social conscience.

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  1. Talk about important humanitarian issues and encourage her to share her ideas on balance and equality. Demonstrate your generosity by donating to a cause you believe in or volunteering your time. Libra ladies love discussing social justice with others who share their passion.
    • "If you could change something about the society that you live in, what would it be?"
    • "I'd love to hang out this weekend, but I'm volunteering for a local food drive. Wanna join me?"
    • "I'd like to start volunteering at the animal shelter. Would you be interested in doing it with me? I think it'd be a great way to give back AND spend time together!"
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Listen to her.

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  1. The issue is that fair-minded Libra often gets so preoccupied pleasing other people she forgets to speak up and make herself heard. Delight her by being a reliable ear and listening when she bounces ideas off of you. Use body language and active listening skills to impress your Libra throughout a conversation.
    • Make eye contact with her and nod your head to show a Libra that you're listening to her.
    • Ask clarifying questions such as, "What did you mean by that?" or "How did you figure that out?" based on what she tells you.
    • Save your questions and comments until she's done talking—avoid interruptions!

Use sweet, classy language.

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  1. Rather than getting suggestive and risque right off the bat, approach a Libra with sweet and thoughtful comments that will make her heart flutter. Let her know that she's on your mind, and tell her how much you like spending time with her. Be forthright enough that she knows you're interested (and not just being a pal), but save the steamier talk for later.
    • Build anticipation for a date without getting explicit. "You're going to love what I wear tonight! Can't wait to see you."
    • Instead of going into detail about an X-rated dream, you could say, "I've been dreaming about you all day!"
    • Send her a thoughtful text. "You look beautiful today. I know that because you're gorgeous every minute of every day! 😘"
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Try some old-fashioned romance.

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  1. Show off your sense of chivalry through gestures that make her feel cherished, and give your Libra the respect she deserves. Make sure your manners are polished and be on your best behavior at all times! [6]
    • Little polite gestures will go a long way with a Libra. Hold the door for her, walk her home, and offer your jacket when she's cold.
    • If you're feeling confident, go the extra mile and offer her flowers or pick up her favorite coffee order before you hang out.

Suggest exciting activities.

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  1. As an air sign, she loves the idea of spontaneity and change. Introduce new enriching activities for her to try, and keep her entertained with spur-of-the-moment gestures. The more you can surprise your Libra, the more fun she'll have with you.
    • "Surprise! I saw your favorite band was in town, so I grabbed tickets."
    • "Ever been to a Renaissance fair? There's one in town this weekend. We should go—and we can even dress up. You'd look amazing as a fairytale princess. 😉"
    • "What's one place in town you'd like to see but haven't had a chance to? Let's check it out together!"
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Stay positive and upbeat.

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  1. Be a force for positivity when you flirt with your Libra lady, and talk about any differences of opinion calmly and logically. Libras are passionate people, but anger, shouting, and unpredictable emotions will cause them to take a step back. [7]

Go with the flow.

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  1. Flirt often and enthusiastically without pushing your Libra to commit. Because she's indecisive, she tends to keep her options open for as long as she can. Show her that you're easygoing and take it in stride gracefully if she reschedules on you.
    • Try asking her to hang out in a low-pressure way. "Any room for me in your schedule this week?"
    • If she postpones plans, say, "No problem. Let me know when you'd like to try again—I just want to spend time with you however I can!"
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Learn How to Date a Libra with this Expert Series

Libras are free-spirited and social, but they crave balance and harmony. We've put together these expert articles to help you build a relationship with the Libra of your dreams.

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      1. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      2. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      3. https://www.refinery29.com/en-ca/how-to-flirt-zodiac-sign
      4. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      5. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      6. https://cafeastrology.com/articles/librawomanlove.html
      7. https://www.astrology.com/libra-woman.html

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