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A simple guide to formal and casual handkerchief folding ideas
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Your suit is on, your tie is straight, but there’s one thing missing: your pocket handkerchief. If you’re not sure how to fold this little square of fabric, we’ve got you covered. We’ve compiled the best ways to fold formal, casual, and flamboyant handkerchiefs and provided you with simple step-by-step instructions. If you’re ready to fold your handkerchief, read on!

Things You Should Know

  • Make a simple presidential fold by folding the handkerchief in half horizontally. Then, bring the short edge of the rectangle about 1.5 in (4 cm) down to the bottom.
  • For a 1 point fold, fold the fabric in half diagonally. Then, fold the bottom corners along the middle the long edge of the triangle.
  • To make a puff fold, pinch the fabric in the center. Place your thumb and index finger together, pull the fabric through them, and fold back the corners behind the puff.
Method 1
Method 1 of 11:

Presidential Fold

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  1. Lay your handkerchief on a table, counter, or dresser that is clean and free from clutter. Then, smooth the handkerchief so it is completely flat. [1]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    Bring the top of the handkerchief down to the bottom. This creates a rectangle that’s half the size of your square handkerchief.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    Turn the handkerchief so the rectangle is vertical instead of horizontal. Then, pull down the top edge to the bottom edge, but don’t fold it completely in half. Leave about 1.5 inches of space between the top and bottom edges.
    • The amount of space you leave between the top and bottom edges determines how much the handkerchief peeks out of your pocket. If you want to see more of it, add more space.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    Simply smooth down the exposed part of the handkerchief so it is free of wrinkles and folds.
    • This fold is timeless, classic, and suitable for any occasion.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 11:

1 Point Fold

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    This handkerchief fold is elegant and understated, making it perfect for business and casual settings. Just smooth out your handkerchief on a table or counter to remove any wrinkles or folds. [2]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    Pull 1 corner of the handkerchief completely over to the opposite corner. Then, crease the fold with your hands. This creates a triangle.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    Turn the triangle so the long side is facing you. Then, fold 1 of the side corners over so its point rests a little more than halfway along the long edge. Press the fold with the palm of your hand so it holds its shape.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    Pull the other side point of the triangle along the long edge so it overlaps and lines up with the corner you just folded. Now, your handkerchief looks like an open envelope.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    Slide the handkerchief into your suit pocket so the remaining triangle point pokes out. Then, smooth out any wrinkles or folds. [3]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 11:

2 Point Fold

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    This is a more playful version of the 1 Point Fold, but it’s still suitable for business and formal events. Just lay your handkerchief on a table and smooth it out. [4]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    Rather than lining up the opposing corners perfectly on top of each other to make a triangle, offset the tips about 2 inches (5 cm) apart. This creates 2 slightly overlapping triangles.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    Turn your handkerchief so the long edge of the triangle is towards you and the top point faces away. Then, fold the left corners over and to the right of the triangle. Pull it a little over halfway so the point is slightly past the center of the triangle.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    Pull the right corner over along the bottom edge of the triangle. Tuck any excess material under so the bottom of the handkerchief is in the shape of a rectangle. Your handkerchief now looks slightly like an envelope.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    Pull on the 2 tips to perk them up so they peek out of your pocket. Then smooth out any folds and wrinkles to give your handkerchief a crisp, clean look.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 11:

3 Point Fold

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    This is a snazzy fold that’s appropriate for formal and casual attire; it looks great in a tuxedo, sports coat, or blazer. Just smooth your handkerchief out on a table or counter to get started. [5]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    Pull 1 corner over to the opposing corner, but don’t overlap the points perfectly. Instead, fold the handkerchief so the 2 points are next to each other. This makes 2 overlapping triangles. [6]
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    Turn your handkerchief so the 2 off-center points are facing away from you and the long side is towards you. Then, take one of the side corners and fold it up so it’s next to the 2 points. Now, there are 3 points at the top of the triangle.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    Square off the bottom of the handkerchief by pulling the other corner inward. Then, tuck any excess material under.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    Slide the flat part of the handkerchief into your suit pocket so the 3 tips poke out of the top. Then, smooth out any folds or wrinkles that are showing on the handkerchief.
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Method 5
Method 5 of 11:

4 Point Fold

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    This fold is another variation of the pointed folds, but it’s even snazzier. It’s also great for both formal and laid-back events. Simply place your handkerchief on a flat surface and smooth it down. [7]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    Pull 1 corner up to meet the point of the opposite corner. Just misalign them slightly, so the 2 points are next to each other. [8]
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    Spin the handkerchief so the long edge faces you. Then, fold one of the corners up and diagonally so its point rests next to the 2 off-center corners. [9]
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    Do the same thing with the remaining corner, pulling it up and diagonally so it overlaps the fold you just made. Make sure it is also slightly off-center to the point next to it. [10]
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    Pull on the edges of the handkerchief and the points to adjust its shape and make sure the 4 corners poke out of your pocket. Then, run your fingers inside the pocket to smooth out the handkerchief.
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Method 6
Method 6 of 11:

Puff Fold

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    The puff fold is a great, casual fold that doesn’t need the precision that other types require. To start the fold, lay your handkerchief flat on a table, counter, or dresser. [11]
    • Puff folds look especially stylish with patterned fabrics like paisley and polka dots.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    Simply grab the middle of the handkerchief and pull it up slightly. You’re creating a "fold” that isn’t super angular or crisp. [12]
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    With your other hand, make an “OK” sign around the gathered fabric by pinching your thumb and index finger together. Then, pull up on the fabric to pull the handkerchief through your thumb and index finger. This creates the puff effect and narrows your handkerchief to the width of your suit pocket. [13]
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    Gather the dangling corners under the rounded poof and carefully tuck them behind it. This makes the handkerchief short enough to put in your pocket. [14]
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    Simply pull on and fluff up the rounded top peeking out of your suit pocket so it’s styled to your liking. With this fold, you want creases and wrinkles to show.
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Method 7
Method 7 of 11:

Reverse Puff Fold

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    The Reverse Puff Fold is a fun, more casual fold that looks great in blazers and sport coats. Place the handkerchief on a table and smooth it out to remove any wrinkles. [15]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Fold a Handkerchief
    Use your index finger and thumb to grab the middle of the handkerchief. Then, pull it all the way up so the handkerchief is off of the table, and the fabric hangs down from the pinched point in a tube-like shape. [16]
  3. Use your other hand to grab the corners dangling below your pinched fingers. Then, roll the fabric at the pinched top down to create a straight edge below the corners. [17]
  4. Turn the handkerchief over in your hand so the corners are facing up. Then, grip the bottom of the handkerchief and carefully pull on the corners to splay out the fabric. You’re going for a smooth, petal-like appearance to the handkerchief. [18]
  5. Slide the handkerchief into your suit pocket so the corners poke out of the top. Then, to add some personality to your look, grab one of the points and pull it up so it sits higher than the other corners.
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Method 8
Method 8 of 11:

Dunaway Fold

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  1. This is another poof-like fold that adds style and flair to a more casual occasion. Start making it by laying your handkerchief flat on a table or counter.
  2. Simply grab the middle of the handkerchief and pick it up to create a tubular shape.
  3. Place your thumb and index finger around the handkerchief and under the pinched top. Then, drag your hand down and gather the fabric in the middle. [19]
  4. Hold the cinched portion of the fabric with one hand and use your other to fold the pinched top down. This squares off the bottom of the handkerchief. [20]
  5. Turn the handkerchief in your hands so the corners are facing up. Then, crease and fold back the corners of the fabric to make more points at the top. These points are supposed to look like crisp flower petals.
    • If you want a simpler, cleaner look, simply separate and spread out the 4 corners.
  6. Simply slide the handkerchief into your jacket pocket and pull on the exposed points to fluff them up and adjust them how you like. [21]
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Method 9
Method 9 of 11:

3 Stairs Fold

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  1. This is a more sophisticated fold that adds a touch of elegance to your look. Lay your handkerchief on a table and turn it so it looks like a diamond with one of the corners facing you.
  2. Take the corner at the top of the handkerchief and fold it backwards so the point is under the handkerchief. Just fold the corner down about â…“ from the top. This creates a flat edge at the top of the handkerchief. [22]
  3. Move your fingers about 1 to 2 inches (2-5 cm) below the top, flat edge and pinch the fabric to create a new crease. Slightly lift up this crease and pull it up so it rests just under the top, flat edge. [23]
  4. Do the same fold again, this time under the one you just made. Grab the middle of the fabric about 1 to 2 inches (2-5 cm) below the new fold and lift the crease up. Then, bring it forward so it rests slightly under the second flat edge. [24]
  5. Press your fingers over the middle of the 3 folds you made to keep them secure. Then, fold the right side of the handkerchief under the left. Crease the fold along the edge of the 3 folds—the 3 stairs are taking shape. [25]
  6. To create a straight, creased edge on the other side of the 3 stairs, fold the left side of the fabric under itself. The top of the handkerchief now looks like a triangle with 3 tiers. [26]
  7. Take the excess fabric on the right side of the handkerchief and fold it back and under to create a rectangle under the triangle. Then, fold the bottom back and under too to shorten the handkerchief. [27]
  8. Slide your handkerchief in your pocket and adjust the tiered folds as needed to keep them uniform and sharp. Then, run your fingers through your pocket to smooth out any creases or wrinkles. [28]
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Method 10
Method 10 of 11:

The Scallop Fold

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  1. This is a unique fold that is great for celebrations and weddings. Just smooth out your handkerchief on a table and turn it so it looks like a diamond. [29]
  2. Grab the bottom corner that is facing you and pull it upwards to touch the corner at the top of the handkerchief. Then, crease the fold. This creates a triangle out of your handkerchief. [30]
  3. Take the right side point of the triangle and fold it over to the left. If you want to create more scalloped edges, don’t line up the right and left corners perfectly and leave a sliver of the left corner showing. [31]
  4. Rotate your handkerchief so the long edge of the triangle is facing away from you. Then, take the right corner and pull it down and diagonally over to the other side of the triangle. Rest the point slightly above the tip of the triangle. [32]
  5. Do the same fold on the other side of the triangle. Take the left corner and pull it down and diagonally to the opposite side of the triangle. [33]
  6. Square off the edges of the handkerchief so it fits inside your suit jacket. Just fold back the right side, the left side, and fold the bottom under to create a rectangle shape underneath the scallop fold. [34]
  7. Pull on and adjust the rounded edges of the scalloped folds to make them even. Then, smooth out the handkerchief inside your pocket to remove any wrinkles or creases. [35]
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Method 11
Method 11 of 11:

Rose Fold

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  1. This romantic and classy fold is great for weddings and anniversary parties. Take your non-dominant hand and form your fingers into a circle. Rest your wrist on a table and then lay your handkerchief flat on top of your hand. [36]
  2. Take your other hand and use your index and middle finger to insert the fabric inside the hole in your hand. Push the fabric into the circle about halfway down your fingers. [37]
  3. Grab a piece of fabric between your thumb and index finger and fold it against your fist. Hold the fold in place with your other 3 fingers. Then, take your index finger and thumb to grab another piece of fabric right next to the fold you just made. Fold the new piece of fabric firmly against your hand, using your other 3 fingers to hold both folds in place. Keep making these folds until you’ve wrapped the fabric about â…“ of the way around your hand. [38]
    • The folds you’re pressing against your fist are slowly forming the petals of the rose.
  4. Remove your hand from under the fabric while holding the rose petal folds in place with your other hand. Then, gather the rest of the fabric together underneath the rose. [39]
  5. Straighten off the sides underneath the rose so the handkerchief fits neatly in your suit pocket. Just bend back the fabric on the left and right sides, as well as the bottom. [40]
  6. Press into the center of the rose and into the folds to define the petals. If you want more spread-out petals, carefully pull the folds back. [41]
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do you style a handkerchief?
    Jordan Stolch
    Image Consultant & Style Advisor
    Jordan Stolch is an Image Strategist, Style Advisor, and the Founder of MiKADO - a concierge personal styling firm. With over a decade of experience, Jordan specializes in helping people eliminate the confusion and insecurities associated with how to dress in order to build a powerful image and use clothing to their strategic advantage. Jordan trains entrepreneurs, business leaders, and corporate executives in the foundations of "power dressing", from some of the country's preeminent companies such as Morgan Stanley, Deloitte, Berkshire Hathaway, Universal Music Group, Starbucks, and Disney. She works with clients both in-person and virtually, teaching them how to take the confusion out of style so they can operate at a higher level. Jordan earned her BA in Psychology from the University of Waterloo and studied Merchandise Marketing at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIDM).
    Image Consultant & Style Advisor
    Expert Answer
    A handkerchief can be folded into a square so that a flat perpendicular line comes out of the top of the pocket. You can wear a handkerchief like an accordion or fold it so it's loose poking out the top of the square. You can also get more creative by learning how to fold it in different ways using online videos.
  • Question
    What are some fancy ways to fold a woman's handkerchief?
    Community Answer
    The classic is the squared folding. You could also make the triangle folding.
  • Question
    How do I fold a puff handkerchief for suits?
    Top Answerer
    Begin with the square face up. Pinch and lift up from the center. Run the fabric through your thumb and first finger of the opposite hand. Hold the square at the center. Fold the bottom up and behind the front. Adjust to fit the size of your jacket pocket.
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