This quiz said I'm bisexual...

This discussion is for readers who took the Am I Bisexual Quiz .
11/15/24 6:22pm
My result said I might be bisexual and like...what does that mean? Am I bisexual or not? I just feel so confused.

11/16/24 8:38am
I also got the same result and it's refreshing, I've called myself straight most of my life because everyone around me acted like I could only be either straight or a lesbian but realizing I can be into guys and girls and that that's a valid thing to be has been life changing. if you aren't sure if you're actually bisexual.. well, you don't have to know, that's okay, a quiz won't determine your life even if it can get you to think more about this stuff. take your time, don't feel like you need to claim an identity tonight
Anonymous WikiChinchilla
Anonymous WikiChinchilla
12/11/24 7:36pm
I felt like that people just assumed I was straight up heterosexual but then I had a secret girlfriend and it became obvious that I weren’t heterosexual
12/12/24 3:52am
..................... what- um, I surely didn't think of that before I knew when to tell my friends if I was bisexual.......but still, I'm happy to be called bisexual and be part of the lgbt+ :3
Anonymous WikiCave
Anonymous WikiCave
12/15/24 3:33am
I'm probably lesbian bit ppl thought I was straight😬 so when I told them some of my friends didn't like it. But they thought I was les but still left but one of them liked me and I got a girlfriend in the same day😐 solo win-win
Anonymous WikiCassowary
Anonymous WikiCassowary
12/19/24 10:41am
Lots of people arnt fans of LGBTQ in my school anybody help??
Anonymous WikiKoala
Anonymous WikiKoala
01/01/25 8:24am
I was in the same boat as you, a lot of people at my school weren't privy to the idea of gay-ness or even having a gay girl at school with them, it will be hard for a bit. But, if you have a group of humans who support you wheather it be friends, family, or anthing else than feel free to some out to them! You don't have to do it all at once, you don't even have to ever come out to some people, it's all up to you. And even if you can't find anyone in your life right now who supports you at least you have us randos on the internet, good luck!
Anonymous WikiBird
Anonymous WikiBird
01/06/25 1:05am
They are not your friends and should support you no matter what
11/17/24 6:57pm
Mine also says I might be bisexual, but it also says than I could be pansexual as well. I had always heard the term "pan" but I never really grasped what that meant, but I think that's actually what I identify with the most. I care more about the person, their values, and how they treat me regardless of their gender, so it's the perfect label for me.
11/18/24 10:09am
First of all, welcome to the club! :) Just allowing yourself to challenge your assumptions of yourself is brave and inspiring, even if you are confused. Take a deep breath and realize whatever sexuality you embrace, it's all good! You don't have to make any decisions today, or this week, or ever. And anyway, even if you do know for certain in this moment that you are bisexual, sexuality is so fluid that it couold change by this time next year or this time tomorrow. Now, do you have any people you could go to to talk about this with? Somebody you trust who you could talk through your feelings with--or even just sit near and feel safe with even if you don't want to talk? For me, having a supportive network of friends has been essential to navigating my sexuality. I am still not fully confident any label fits me (but this quiz seems to think i'm bi or queer haha), but I feel loved and valued and worthy, which in the end is really what matters to me. Sending love!
11/18/24 3:45pm
I thought I was going to take this and have it tell me I was straight, but I was surprised that it said I was potentially aromantic. I guess I felt like I was straight by default even thought I never wanted to date anyone, and now it's all starting to make sense.
Anonymous WikiLynx
Anonymous WikiLynx
11/22/24 9:17pm
omggg i’ve been waiting for some sort of confirmation
Anonymous WikiFox
Anonymous WikiFox
11/23/24 5:59am
I’m bi E+P 😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩
Anonymous WikiFox
Anonymous WikiFox
11/23/24 6:00am
My dad will kill meeeeee I’m cooked!!!!!!!!
Anonymous WikiButterfly
Anonymous WikiButterfly
12/07/24 5:41am
😭 this took me out! But wishing you the best!!
Anonymous WikiGorilla
Anonymous WikiGorilla
12/08/24 4:44am
Anonymous WikiFawn
Anonymous WikiFawn
12/13/24 6:39am
Real!! My dad is homophobic and has said it himself. My mom says she doesn't care,but she doesn't like it. And for some reason I'm still trying to seek my parents approval😭
01/04/25 10:12am
im going though the same stage as you thats why i ran away its really sad
Anonymous WikiCassowary
Anonymous WikiCassowary
12/19/24 10:42am
Wdym ur dad will kill u
Anonymous WikiGorilla
Anonymous WikiGorilla
11/23/24 8:24am
Mine says I'm a sexual.....I was thinking about it long time ago that I am not getting enough sexual attraction towards people and yesterday I heard the term a sexual and Googled it and I felt the meaning of the word is matching and I got desperate and took the quiz ...and the results says so and I'm fine with it if I'm a sexual
11/23/24 7:50pm
i might be i don't know that's what the quiz says.I'm demi so it's hard to tell
Anonymous WikiGorilla
Anonymous WikiGorilla
11/24/24 5:09am
I’m gay
Anonymous WikiLynx
Anonymous WikiLynx
11/24/24 8:12pm
Yeah mine said I might be bisexual or queer? Like yes or no?
Anonymous WikiOwl
Anonymous WikiOwl
11/27/24 10:28pm
Same!!! 😭
Anonymous WikiGlade
Anonymous WikiGlade
12/02/24 8:15am
12/04/24 11:45pm
same whyyy 🥺😫
Anonymous WikiNarwhal
Anonymous WikiNarwhal
11/30/24 6:59pm
pan or bi for me
12/02/24 3:17am
Mine too!😊
12/04/24 6:07pm
Same for me, But, mine said Bisexual or Pan like what? Which one is it???😭😭😭
Anonymous WikiBadger
Anonymous WikiBadger
12/13/24 7:29pm
It's a very grey area. I'm 60 and I still don't know
Anonymous WikiOcelot
Anonymous WikiOcelot
11/25/24 9:18pm
It said I might be bisexual, but I’ve referred to myself as bisexual a lot, so, I guess i am?
11/26/24 2:47am
my result said I am bisexual and is it ok to be proud that I am bisexual???
12/02/24 11:37pm
I'd say yes!
Anonymous WikiEagle
Anonymous WikiEagle
12/11/24 9:02pm
Of course it is!
Anonymous WikiZebra
Anonymous WikiZebra
11/26/24 8:59pm
well obviously, it is an online quiz. they are NOT going to be accurate. i suggest doing research.
Anonymous WikiBandicoot
Anonymous WikiBandicoot
11/26/24 11:23pm
It said I was bi I said I was straight all my life but now I identify as bi and have a same sex date and I feel great about it
12/02/24 3:20am
I hope that would happen to me. Have fun!
12/03/24 12:02am
How did you meet your date? I'm in a similar assessment, but haven't met a like minded guy yet. How did you meet your date? Just curious (for real😍)
11/27/24 9:31am
If you are sexually attracted to both males and females, then you are bisexual. It doesn't have to be equal attraction to both - you could be 80% into guys and only 20% into girls, that's okay. Also, there's a difference between being sexually attracted to both sexes and romantically attracted to both sexes
Anonymous WikiKoala
Anonymous WikiKoala
11/27/24 1:50pm
Its best if anybody does there own research. Everbodys exprercine is diffrent!! im saying this as a bi girl
Anonymous WikiKoala
Anonymous WikiKoala
11/28/24 6:12pm
I am very confused over my sexuality tbh. I have only liked boys irl, but once I see a woman, idk AAAA (aleandra frerk, Yelena Bolova, with wolf cuts and eyeliner) I die. I just think damn. Hot. I have no idea anymore 🙃
11/28/24 8:13pm
I have realised that I am definitely Bi now.
11/29/24 8:20am
It said I may be Bisexual, but I know I am because I have a crush on one of my friends, and I’m not sure how to tell her or my parents. I don’t know how they’d take it, but we’re a LGBTQ+ supportive family so I think they’d be supportive, yet a little bit confused. How do I tell them?
12/01/24 3:53pm
I had that answer right now because I don't know anymore I called myself straight all of my life because I was mostly living with straight people almost all my life and I feel Pansexual might fit me because I wouldn't really care about their gender or identity, or orientation, as long they would treat me right it would be fine then.
12/01/24 5:29pm
My results said I might be bi or queer, and I’m thinking to myself “What does that mean?” And “Am I bisexual?” I’ll have to figure it out.
12/01/24 7:29pm
Same, But mine said I might be Bisexual or Pansexual, which made me very confused
Anonymous WikiZebra
Anonymous WikiZebra
12/01/24 8:01pm
I hate the idea of dating a man, they are icky and disgusting, but women are so beautiful and kind and attractive, and I'd love to date a woman. But I've never had a crush on a woman or seen a women I desire to date. I've had crushes on many men, but I csnt imagine actually dating them for a long period of time
Raymond Machnig
12/02/24 11:42am
I think you are and you have nothing to be ashamed off.
Anonymous WikiCassowary
Anonymous WikiCassowary
12/03/24 4:52am
My results say I’m bi aswelll I really get turned on by same sex
Anonymous WikiTapir
Anonymous WikiTapir
12/04/24 2:11am
A quiz can’t tell you your sexuality, but if you feel romantically and/or sexually attracted to both genders, then you’re probably bi. Don’t worry about it too much though. Labels are supposed to fit you, you’re not supposed to make yourself fit a label.
Anonymous WikiFerret
Anonymous WikiFerret
12/04/24 3:54pm
it says i might be bisexual or qeer.. im in love with my girl bestie and dont know what to do
Anonymous WikiFox
Anonymous WikiFox
12/04/24 11:44pm
it said I might be bi or queer. I need a answer yes or no, hello?
Anonymous WikiLoris
Anonymous WikiLoris
12/05/24 5:35pm
idrk mine said same thats why i am taking this quiz 6th time but always same
Anonymous WikiLlama
Anonymous WikiLlama
12/06/24 1:01am
Just take your Took me a long time to Figure out I am bi so it's ok\(^-^)/
Anonymous WikiGorilla
Anonymous WikiGorilla
12/08/24 4:47am
ive been wondering this and i've always known i wasnt straight, i just didnt know what my label was. i was leaning towards bi, but i think after this i'll be labeled as bi now. but idk when to come out or if i ever will cus i live in a really homophobic community (in texas ugh) so idk if theres any point in having a label if i wont tell anyone. but if i do, how do i? idk how to come out to people
Anonymous WikiBandicoot
Anonymous WikiBandicoot
12/10/24 12:21pm
My result said I am bisexual. I thought I was and just the thought of being bisexual makes me excited.
Anonymous WikiChinchilla
Anonymous WikiChinchilla
12/11/24 7:33pm
At first I had a couple crushes but then I had a crush on a girl (I’m a girl) I didn’t know about lgbt as much as now and I was scared to admit it but now I’m not even if my family might be homophobic I just don’t tell them my mates know but I just don’t know how illl tell my family
12/12/24 3:48am
Oh, you are, maybe I don't know but I know because I've been bisexual since 3rd I was making sure I still am :3
12/13/24 12:35am
I've been looking at genders and orientations, I thought I was pansexaul for the longest time. Turns out, I'm absolutely comfortable with this, I'm bisexual! I just want to say, thanks for the quiz!
Anonymous WikiAxolotl
Anonymous WikiAxolotl
12/14/24 1:43pm
Mine isn't even saying what I am! But I know I'm straight
Anonymous WikiStoat
Anonymous WikiStoat
12/15/24 1:29am
Yes I am bisexual and I am looking for someone to have a relationship with.
But I am not sure how to go about meeting up with someone and explore what it is like to be with another man or transgender.
Anonymous WikiFerret
Anonymous WikiFerret
12/15/24 1:33pm
I got the same thing
12/15/24 10:08pm
Mine said I might be bisexual. I've always been immediatelly attracted to women physically. But I've realised there has been some homo erotic elements within male friendships. But these have tended to be based on intelligence. I've never looked at a man and had sexual urges in the same way as I happens with women. But I think when I've got to know some male friends very well, and really clicked there has been something else which is more psychological than physical. Once in my life I nearly kissed a friend at college who I really liked as a person. That seemed to be quite mutual. But we both had girlfriends, and I was really in love with the girl I was with.
Anonymous WikiGiraffe
Anonymous WikiGiraffe
12/18/24 11:40pm
idk if i’m bi or whatever, i just don’t want to be confused 😭. like low-key i’m crushing on someone of the opposite gender but i also like ppl of the same gender, but i have never liked anyone specifically. is it that i’m straight or that i haven’t met the right person?
Anonymous WikiDesert
Anonymous WikiDesert
12/19/24 5:44am
My result said I might be bisexual
Anonymous WikiMongoose
Anonymous WikiMongoose
12/19/24 1:15pm
i got the same result... i just want a clear answer
12/24/24 10:50pm
it means that you're probably bisexual
Anonymous WikiCloud
Anonymous WikiCloud
12/26/24 12:43am
I am asexual
Anonymous WikiCloud
Anonymous WikiCloud
12/26/24 11:40pm
I don’t want my friends and family to look at me differently or feel uncomfortable around me because I might be attracted to there gender any help???
Anonymous WikiGopher
Anonymous WikiGopher
12/30/24 9:02pm
The quiz said I might be Bi or Queer, does Queer mean strange? or am I just stupid???
Anonymous WikiBadger
Anonymous WikiBadger
01/01/25 8:31am
I've taken the quiz so many times, I've gotten lesbian, pan, straight, and bi (actually mostly bi) so the quiz is just as confused as I am . . . great.
Anonymous WikiLynx
Anonymous WikiLynx
01/01/25 5:42pm
I got asexual
Anonymous WikiSalamander
Anonymous WikiSalamander
01/03/25 7:43am
I used to think that I'm lesbian, but at that time I didn't really know what lesbian meant. I've kissed three girls ( all of them I knew and still know to this day,) but I don't think I'm lesbian anymore. I went to bed last evening, and I suddenly thought " oh my gosh, I think I'm bisexual! " I used to have a really big crush on my friend( I'm keeping their name anonymous for privacy reasons,) and I'm starting to feel attracted to them a bit. I've kissed them before, and it felt good, and whenever I think about it, I blush a bit. I've also crushed on boys before, and I currently have a tiny crush on a bit in my class ( not saying his name.) At this point, I think I'm either bisexual or queer, even though I don't what which.
Anonymous WikiBadger
Anonymous WikiBadger
01/03/25 8:11am
I do too because it told me the same thing
Anonymous WikiOwl
Anonymous WikiOwl
01/04/25 12:02am
Maybe, but you shouldn’t let a quiz determine that. If you really want to know, you’ll just have to experiment or fantasize. In the end, this is just a random test and not an actually accurate sexuality reader.
01/04/25 10:07am
i have a boyfriend but i thought i was going to be gay but i like females to
Anonymous WikiPanda
Anonymous WikiPanda
01/04/25 11:02am
I took this just for fun and I know for some years that I’m bi but it only said I might be bisexual. So don’t take it so seriously.
Anonymous WikiGorilla
Anonymous WikiGorilla
01/04/25 6:33pm
im aroace and i just took this quiz for fun and i didnt know there was a result for aroace and now i feel called out 😭🙏
Anonymous WikiChinchilla
Anonymous WikiChinchilla
01/05/25 6:05am
I’m bi and I don’t know how to feel about it
01/06/25 8:23am
Just be you!
Anonymous WikiRiver
Anonymous WikiRiver
01/07/25 5:24am
im confused it said i might be aromantic or asexual but i HAVE had crushes on ppl
im so confused help
01/08/25 11:10pm
Well u can have a crush or even a few and still call yourself an aromatic bc an aromatic can fell some or no attraction same with asexual hope this helps even a bit

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