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Have you noticed small, annoying flies on or around your houseplants? While they could be fruit flies, it’s just as likely that they’re fungus gnats living in the soil. Fortunately, getting rid of the flies (no matter what they are) is simple with prevention methods and natural remedies. In this article, we’ll share everything you need to know about getting rid of flies and gnats to keep your houseplants fresh and fly-free.

Things You Should Know

  • Make a vinegar trap to quickly catch and kill fruit flies.
  • Let the topsoil dry out before watering your plants again. Point a fan at the soil or add a layer of sand or gravel to help with drainage.
  • Use microbial insecticides to kill flies and gnats with bacteria. Save chemical insecticides for severe infestations.

Make a vinegar trap.

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  1. If you are dealing with fruit flies and not gnats, a vinegar trap is an effective way to get rid of them quickly. Pour about 1 in (2.5 cm) of apple cider vinegar into a jar, then poke 3 to 4 small holes in the lid before screwing it on. Place the trap near your plant or on top of the soil, then wait a couple of days. [1]
    • The fruit flies will crawl into the holes in the lid, but they won’t be able to fly back out. Eventually, they’ll die inside the jar.
    • To make your trap even more effective, add a few drops of dish soap to the vinegar. Dish soap will make the vinegar stickier, so the flies will get stuck in the liquid and drown.
    • This trap isn’t as effective against fungus gnats, but it works really well against fruit flies.
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Let the soil dry out before watering again.

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  1. Most experts recommend waiting until the top 1 to 3 in (2.5 to 7.6 cm) of soil dries out before watering again. [2]
    • You can quickly test your soil by sticking a finger into it. If your finger comes out slightly wet with dirt on it, your soil is still moist, and you don’t need to water. If your finger comes out mostly clean and dry, then it’s time to water your plant.

Point a fan at your plants.

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  1. Fruit flies and fungus gnats are attracted to damp, moist soil. The more you can let your soil dry out, the better. After you water your plants, keep a fan turned on and pointed down at the soil to quickly remove any excess moisture. [3]
    • Be sure to empty out the drainage dish beneath your pot, too. Standing water can attract more flies and gnats.
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Cover the soil with sand or gravel.

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  1. Plus, sand and gravel aren’t great places to lay eggs, so flies may look elsewhere. Sprinkle about 1 2  in (1.3 cm) of sand or gravel on top of the potting soil, then spread it around evenly. [4]
    • Adding gravel and sand won’t affect how you water or care for your plant. When you water your plant, the water will run right through the top layer and into the soil.

Repot the plant in well-draining soil.

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  1. If you’ve noticed that water tends to pool on top of your soil, it may be time to repot your plant. Choose a potting soil mix that contains sand, silt, or loam to ensure that water runs out quickly, then repot your plant . [5]
    • Sensitive plants may go into a slight shock after being replanted. However, most bounce back after a couple of days and a good watering.
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Use yellow sticky traps.

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  1. Sticky traps catch fruit flies and gnats without chemical intervention. Most sticky traps even come with a wooden stake so you can easily submerge them in your potting soil right next to the plant. Keep an eye on the sticky traps, and change them out whenever they get full of bugs. [6]
    • Sticky traps only catch adult fruit flies and gnats; they won’t be able to get the larvae or eggs inside of the soil. However, they’re very effective at stopping the spread of fruit flies in your home.

Mix diatomaceous earth into the soil.

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  1. Diatomaceous earth dries out the soil and may kill fungus gnats. While more research is needed to know if this method works well, experts note that it won’t harm your plants to try. Sprinkle 1 to 2 in (2.5 to 5.1 cm) of diatomaceous earth onto the soil, then work it into your potting soil with your hands. [7]
    • Diatomaceous earth is harmful for insects, but it won’t hurt your plants or any other animals in your home.
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Try a microbial insecticide.

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  1. Microbial insecticides contain Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (Bti), a naturally occuring bacteria that is less toxic than typical insecticides or pesticides. Use an insecticide that contains Bti in your soil, and reapply it every 5 to 7 days until the flies and gnats are gone. [8]
    • Microbial insecticides only target the pests at the larvae stage, so they won’t kill any adult or pupae gnats and flies.

Use chemical insecticides on severe infestations.

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  1. Chemical insecticides are strong, but they’re also fairly toxic. If you’ve tried multiple methods and nothing has worked, pick up an insecticide that’s safe to use for indoor plants. Spray the soil and the roots of your plant to kill flies and gnats right away. Always follow the instructions on the bottle, and keep children and pets away from the area. [9]
    • Chemical treatments are most effective when paired with other prevention methods. If you choose to use chemical insecticides, make sure you’re still letting your soil dry out and using well-draining potting soil to avoid fruit flies and fungus gnats all together.
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How Do You Catch Fruit Flies?

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Over the past couple weeks my house has become infested with fruit flies and I don't know how to get rid of them! I've tried keeping my kitchen as clean as I can and put out a vinegar trap, but it's not working super well. These flies bother me so much and I feel like I can't live in peace with them around. Please help!
Kevin Carrillo
Pest Control Specialist, MMPC
The issue with fruit flies is that they proliferate very quickly and tend to be chronically reintroduced. What that means is that for the most part, in the fruit that you're bringing in, there's a good chance that it probably has fruit fly eggs on it already. If it sits in your home long enough, chances are some of those eggs are going to hatch. What we tend to recommend is that whenever produce is brought in, that it is scrubbed under running water with some sort of brush to help destroy and dislodge any of the eggs that are on there. Alternatively, keep it in airtight containers or in deep refrigeration, because in a lot of these cases when we're exterminating the fruit fly problem, a couple days later there are fruit flies again and it's usually coinciding with the delivery of produce. So all of that being said, the main thing is to identify whenever you're dealing with a flying insect and identify the method of introduction and the food source. And for fruit flies it tends to literally be the fruit. It's a matter of identifying what potential food sources you have that are most likely already affected.

Once you've found that you have a fruit fly infestation, generally you can try to start with the tried and true. You can do a wine trap or a beer trap or a vinegar trap, which is usually filling a glass or dish with a small amount of attractant, putting cellophane over the top, and poking a couple of holes in it. If you're seeing fruit flies in the hundreds, then you've probably already gotten to a point where you're going to need a pest control professional to help you mitigate the population at that point. But if it's low-level and you're just seeing a couple, then generally the tried and true vinegar trap will work well for you.
Wilson Christner
Pest Management Professional
I agree that to get rid of fruit flies, you can create a simple homemade fly trap by filling a shallow dish with a mixture of sugar and vinegar or fruit juice. Cover the dish with plastic wrap and poke small holes in it. Flies will be attracted to the sweet smell and get trapped in the liquid.

You can also hang fly ribbons near doors, windows, or any other entry points where flies may enter your home. This can help catch flies before they have a chance to spread throughout your living space. Also hang fly ribbons in or around your kitchen and dining areas, especially near food preparation areas, dining tables, or where fruits and vegetables are stored. Flies are commonly attracted to food sources, so targeting these areas can be effective.

Expert Q&A

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      Reader Videos


      • You may have heard about using coffee grounds or cinnamon to get rid of fruit flies. These methods aren’t as effective, and you’re better off making a vinegar trap.
      • Use potting soil designed specifically for houseplants so it's less likely to attract bugs and gnats.

      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • Try bottom-watering your plants by placing the bottom of the pot in a container of water. It will absorb up through the soil instead of leaving the topsoil wet.
      • Try using a 50/50 mix of water and hydrogen peroxide. Spray it on the flies when you see them, and it will knock them down without killing your plants.
      • If you see a spider on your plants, leave it there to catch the flies naturally.
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      • Insecticides may harm children and pets. Always read the warning labels, and follow the instructions on the bottle carefully.

      Expert Interview

      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about fruit flies, check out our in-depth interview with Joshua Bloom .

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        Jun 22, 2023

        "It taught me several different methods. And which ones work best. So far they seem to be working great."
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