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The easiest ways to add the Silk Touch enchantment to your tools in Minecraft
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Silk Touch is a tool enchantment that lets you harvest blocks to drop themselves rather than their usual drops. These blocks can be used for crafting, building, and more. While you can find this in chests and from mobs, there are more reliable ways of obtaining it with a villager or Enchantment Table. This wikiHow will show you how to get the Silk Touch enchantment in Minecraft Java and Bedrock version.

Things You Should Know

  • Master Librarians from the snowy biomes will trade Silk Touch as their special book.
  • Use an enchantment table to roll enchantments on spare shovels. Continue until you get Silk Touch I, then switch to a better tool.
  • Find Silk Touch in mob drops, chests, or by fishing.
Method 1
Method 1 of 7:

Trading With Villagers After Version 1.20.2

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  1. Locate a snow villager without a profession. This villager must be from a snowy village and is unemployed or is already a librarian. [1]
    • If you are using a villager who is already a librarian, you must locate its lectern. The villager will visit its workstation for set times in a day.
  2. Lecterns can be crafted using a bookshelf and 4 wooden slabs. [2]
    • The villager will turn into a librarian.
    • If your villager is already a librarian, you will need to break its lectern first.
  3. Silk Touch can be obtained from snow librarians who are of the Master rank. Villagers gain XP with every trade, so keep going until you have a master. [3]
    • Master villagers can be identified with a diamond blue square on their front side.
    • Make sure to choose the most cost-effective trades to level up faster. More recently unlocked trades will give more XP, so if they don't cost too much or require that much material, these are generally the trades you use to level up a villager.
  4. When you have a master snow librarian villager, it should offer you a Silk Touch I book. After buying the book, You can now use it to enchant an item , such as a pickaxe.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 7:

Trading With Villagers Before Version 1.20.2

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  1. Locate a villager without a profession. This villager must be unemployed or is already a librarian. [4]
    • If you are using a villager who is already a librarian, you must locate its lectern. The villager will visit its workstation for set times in a day.
  2. Lecterns can be crafted using a bookshelf and 4 wooden slabs. [5]
    • The villager will turn into a librarian.
    • If your villager is already a librarian, you will need to break its lectern first.
  3. You'll get one offer to do this. If the librarian doesn't have the Enchanted Book for Silk Touch I,"' do not'" accept the trade. [6]
    • If you don't see the Silk Touch I book, break the lectern, and place a new one down. This will refresh the librarian's inventory. Repeat this until the librarian has Silk Touch I.
  4. You can now use the enchanted book to enchant an item , such as a pickaxe.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 7:

Using an Enchantment Table

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  1. Before you can get Silk Touch, you'll need to prepare your workstation and materials. Make sure you have the following: [7]
    • Enchantment table with at least 9 bookshelves placed around it
    • 30 levels for EXP
    • Netherite Pickaxe
    • Lapis Lazuli
    • 10+ wooden or stone shovels
  2. When placed, you'll see three enchantments appear. Hover over the options or tap it to view the enchantment. [8]
    • If you don't see Silk Touch I, continue to the next step.
    • If you do see Silk Touch I, continue to step 5.
  3. If you don't see Silk Touch I, pick the cheapest enchantment so you can continue trying for the proper one. When you select the enchantment, the shovel will turn purple.
    • Place the enchanted shovel in your inventory.
  4. This will bring a new set of enchantments. Continue to pick the cheapest enchantment and replace the shovel until you get Silk Touch I.
    • When you get Silk Touch I, don't confirm any enchantments just yet.
  5. You can enchant the shovel, but it's recommended to use a better tool first.
  6. Select Silk Touch I to enchant your pickaxe. If desired, you can continue repeating these steps for the Silk Touch enchantment for other tools.
    • You can now use Silk Touch. [9]
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Method 4
Method 4 of 7:

Looting Chests

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  1. Like other enchantments, you can find the Silk Touch enchantment inside a chest. Be sure to bring lots of food to safely explore . [10]
Method 5
Method 5 of 7:

Fishing for Enchanted Books

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  1. Go fishing for enchanted books. When you use a fishing rod on the water, you can find fish, mobs, and even treasure. There's a chance you could find Silk Touch in the wild. [11]
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Method 6
Method 6 of 7:

Using Enchant Command

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  1. This method is not available on Xbox 360, PS3, or Wii U editions of Minecraft. Keep in mind you must enable cheats for this to work.
    • Use the command: /enchant @p silk_touch 1
Method 7
Method 7 of 7:

Fighting Mobs from Raids

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  1. Though rare, it's possible to obtain the enchanted book for Silk Touch from certain mobs during raids. If you live in a village , be sure to protect your villagers and loot the drops you obtain.
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