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Mob heads in Minecraft can be worn as helmets or used as decorations on the tops and sides of blocks. You can obtain mob heads using the “/give” command on Minecraft PC, or explode mobs using charged creepers, which forces mobs to drop their heads.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Using the Give Command

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  1. Cheat mode must be enabled so you can enter commands during Minecraft gameplay. Cheats cannot be enabled after creating a Minecraft world.
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  3. [1]
  4. /give @p 397 <amount> 3 {SkullOwner:"MHF_<mob name>"}. Replace “amount” with the number of mob heads you want, and replace “mob name” with the name of the mob whose head you want. For example, if you want 12 Zombie mob heads, enter the following line of code: /give @p 397 12 3 {SkullOwner:”MHF_Zombie”}. [2]
  5. The mob heads will now be added to your inventory.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Using Charged Creepers

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  1. A charged creeper is created when lightning strikes within three or four blocks of a normal creeper, and surrounds the creeper with blue light. Creepers naturally spawn in the Overworld on solid blocks that have a light level of seven or less, and become charged after being struck by lightning in the game. [3]
    • Wait for lightning to strike the creepers, or position the creepers at a high point near water to improve your odds of having them struck by lightning. Alternately, install a custom Minecraft mod that provides you with ready-made charged creepers. [4]
  2. The force of the explosion will cause the mob to drop its own head.
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  • Question
    How do I get a creeper head?
    Community Answer
    You have to find both a creeper and a charged creeper. You will need a flint and steel to ignite the charged creeper to blow up the normal creeper. This will then drop a creeper head. You will also want to have armor to survive the explosion.
  • Question
    Can I get a mob head in PE?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can get it the same way you do it on PC: get a charged creeper, ignite it with flint and steel near the mob whose head you want.
  • Question
    How do I get a Steve head?
    Community Answer
    You can only get a player head (Steve) in creative mode because the player head does not exist in survival mode.
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      • Try forcing mobs into water or lava when given the opportunity, since mob heads will turn into items that can be picked up and added to inventory after coming into contact with water or lava. [5]
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