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A guide to installing custom firmware, emulators, and free games on your PSP
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The PlayStation Portable (PSP) is a very popular system in the hacking community. It is easy to access and there are a large number of different homemade programs available. Follow this guide to unlock the full power of your PSP.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Understanding the Basics

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  1. Hacking your PSP will allow you to access a wide variety of custom made software. This software is called Homebrew, and it ranges from games to productivity programs.
    • Hacked PSPs can also run emulators, which are programs that allow you to play games from other consoles on your PSP.
    • Hacked PSPs can run images of PSP games without having to have the original copy. This is for legal backups only.
  2. There have been a lot of variations on hacking the PSP as the years have gone by. Now that the console is no longer supported, a standard hack has appeared that works on all systems running the latest official version.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Preparing to Hack

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  1. The model number will determine the software that you can install during and after the hack. There are essentially two different processes that depend on the model.
    • For older PSPs, open the battery compartment. To the right of the Sony logo, you will see “PSP-XXXX.” All you will need to know is if it is a 1XXX, 2XXX, or 3XXX model.
    • For the PSP Go, you can find the model number by flipping open the display and looking in the upper left-hand corner. It should say N1XXX.
    • The ideal model is 2XXX or older model. 3XXX and the PSP Go can be hacked, but you will be slightly limited in what you can do.
  2. In order to start the hack, you will need to make sure your PSP is updated to version 6.60. You can either use the system update function, or download the file directly from the | Sony site . [1]
    • If you download the update file from the Sony website, copy it to the PSP by connecting the PSP to your computer. Copy the file into the PSP/GAME/UPDATE/ folder and then run the update file from the PSP. [2]
    • To copy files onto a PSP, you will need to put your PSP into USB mode. Once you connect a PSP to your computer, scroll to the left on your PSP’s menu until you reach the settings menu, and then scroll up to select USB mode. Your PSP will then become accessible as a storage device from your computer.
  3. You will need PRO-C, which can be found at multiple places on the internet. Extract the file and copy the firmware onto your PSP using USB mode, into the folder PSP/GAME/. [3]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Installing the Firmware

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  1. Scroll to the Game menu. Find the icon for “PRO Update” and select it with the X button. The screen will go black and a few options will be listed. Press X to install the firmware. After a moment, you will get a Completed message. Press X again to start to firmware. [4]
  2. For PSP 1XXX and 2XXX, you will need to launch the “CIPL Flasher,” found in the Game menu. This will change the IPL (Initial Program Loader), which will set your custom firmware to launch when the system boots.
  3. For PSP 3XXX and PSP Go, you will need to run Fast Recovery after each boot, because the IPL cannot be flashed on these systems. Running Fast Recovery will load your custom firmware after booting. [5]
  4. After flashing the IPL, your PSP is hacked and ready to go. You can delete the CIPL Flasher and PRO Update files. Be sure to keep Fast Recovery if running 3XXX or PSP Go.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    When I extract the files the copy and paste them to the PSP game folder it says data is corrupted! What can I do?
    Reece Orton
    Community Answer
    Try downloading again and use the new files. If still corrupted, try a different PC.
  • Question
    Can I undo the hack when I want to?
    Alfred Sosu Kwame
    Community Answer
    Of course, it is pretty easy. Press and hold Triangle, Square, Start, and Select to reset the console. This only works if you soft-modded the PSP, it does not work for hard-modded.
  • Question
    So now I can install emulators? Any specific ones and where to get them?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can now install emulators, such as for the PSX and GBA, N64 (for example, Daedalus is good for that). Just look up emulator homebrew (console name here) PSP.
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      Things You'll Need

      • A Playstation Portable Console©
      • A Computer
      • USB Cable (To connect PSP to Computer System)
      • Custom Firmware

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