Radio is still a great technology used to reach a wide audience, whether in your local area or across the country. Radio shows can feature music, interviews, journalism, stories, or other audio content created or curated by a radio DJ or host. This wikiHow article teaches you how to make a radio show and get it on traditional broadcast radio as well as how to broadcast your own internet radio show from home.
Quick Read: How to Make A Radio Show
Decide on a show title, genre, schedule, and format. Pitch your show to a production company to get on traditional broadcast radio. For internet radio, you can sign up for a hosting service and broadcast from your computer using encoding software, a computer and microphone.
Decide on a broadcast method. Today there are a variety of ways you can broadcast a radio show, from online streaming, to traditional broadcasting, and satellite broadcasting. The following are some common broadcasting methods: [1] X Research source
- Internet streaming: Internet streaming and podcasting is the most accessible form of radio broadcasting. It does not require a broadcast license (though it may require a music license). You don't need fancy equipment. You really only need a computer and a microphone. It is also more accessible to audiences since anyone can listen on their smartphone, tablet, or computer. You can also distribute your show to a variety of internet platforms and streaming services.
- Traditional broadcasting: Traditional broadcast is when a radio show is broadcast over the air via AM or FM radio signals. This requires a broadcast license and access to professional radio broadcasting equipment and studio. Audiences need a radio receiver to tune in, although some radio shows are also broadcast online simultaneously. Most traditional radio broadcast shows are broadcasts to a local or regional audience, though more popular radio shows may be picked up for syndication and broadcasts from multiple radio stations across the country or world.
- Digital Audio Broadcast: Digital Audio Broadcast (DAB) is similar to traditional broadcasting, except digital signals are broadcast instead of analog signals. This allows for better audio quality, although area coverage isn't as good in some areas. It can also transmit additional data, such as song and artists titles. Most traditional FM radio stations also broadcast in DAB. An updated version of DAB called DAB+ was launched in 2007 and has the potential to allow for more local radio stations. [2] X Research source
- Satelite: Satelite radio or XM radio is similar to traditional broadcasting, except that it is broadcast over satellite instead of AM or FM radio waves. This allows for better quality and for it to be broadcast to a wider national or international audience. Like traditional broadcasting, satellite radio requires a broadcast license. Audiences also need a satellite radio receiver to listen to satellite radio. Satelite radio is less accessible because it requires expensive equipment to transmit. Most satellite radio broadcasts also require a monthly subscription. This means that in order to broadcast a satellite radio show, you need to be part of an satellite radio network. [3] X Research source
Listen to other radio shows in your genre. Listen to a wide variety of other radio shows of the type that you’re interested in, whether it’s a talk show, documentary style, audio drama, or a music program. Take notice of the elements that other shows have to help guide what you want to do.
- Pay attention to the things that another radio show does that keep you engaged and listening. Does the host give fun facts about the music they’re going to play or just played? Are the interviews interesting and easy to follow? Try emulating these elements in your own show.
- Also take note of the things in a show that make it drag or make you dislike it. Are there too many pauses? Is the host’s voice too monotone or too fast? Think of how you can avoid these things in your own radio show. [4] X Research source
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Decide on the basic components of your show. Think about and write down all the basic information about the radio show you want to create. Decide on the following key elements of your show:
- Title: Consider carefully the name you choose for your show, as it is the only thing that will stay the same in throughout broadcast. Consider a variety of different titles and be willing to change the title during the development process.
- Objective: What do you want to accomplish with your show? Is it to inform (informational programs, documentaries), to entertain (musical shows, radio theatre), to do a public service (interviews, reviews, special programs), etc? Decide what the main objective of your show is.
- Theme: What will you talk about? Decide on a theme or category for the type of content you produce. Is it a political talk show, a true-crime podcast, a comedy talk show, stories of the paranormal, an indie rock showcase? All of these are different themes and categories for a radio show. [5] X Research source
- Schedule: Decide on a length of time for each broadcast, how often it will air, and for how many weeks or months. Of course, this will be decided by a radio station if you broadcast through one.
- Audience: Who’s listening? Consider what age group, location, and other demographic categories you are hoping to have as key listeners.
- Show elements: What are the features of your broadcast? Are there interviews? Music? Live callers? Special guests? Also, think about unique elements that make your show stand out. What makes your show different from the competition?
- Advertising: If you need or want advertising to support your radio show, you’ll need to seek out sponsors, record advertisements, and decide how and when they’ll be placed within your show.
Pick out songs for a music show. Select the songs you’ll play during a radio show that features music selections. Create a playlist or upload songs so that they’re ready to play during a live broadcast or to combine with spoken recordings for a pre-recorded show.
- In general, choose the highest quality studio recording of a song, unless you specify that you’ll be playing a live or unusual version. Remember to find the “clean” edits of songs that omit curse words if you’re broadcasting on live traditional radio. You may also need to find shortened “radio edits” for songs that are too long.
- If taping a show that you will edit and put online, you should also record and prepare “wraps,” which are the spoken segments that introduce or recap the music played. You’ll want to edit the music files slightly, with fades or seconds of silence, so the wraps fit in more seamlessly.
- Talk to radio promoters or publicists. According to social media specialist Isabelle Garson, publicists and radio promoters will often have promotional material from new and upcoming artists that you can play on-air.
Gather material for a news or documentary show. Plan for an informative, educational, or entertainment radio show that uses primarily spoken audio. Arrange interviews, narration, investigative research, and any other elements necessary to put together a complete story or theme. Book guests for your show if you want to have guests.
- Conduct quality interviews by maintaining a casual, conversational style and asking your subject further questions to get more information or simply to find a piece of tape that is memorable or noteworthy for your overall story. [6] X Research source
- Note that if you’re conducting a live interview, as in one with someone live in the studio or calling in over the phone, you should do a pre-interview. This allows you to pose all the questions you will ask in the real interview so your subject is prepared for them and you know how they will answer.
- Write out an outline for the entire “story” you’re trying to build to make it easier to get the interviews you need, information you want, and “scenes” you’d like to create. [7] X Research source
Write a script or outline. Write down what you will say during your show, whether it is narration to tell an overall story, questions to ask an interview subject, or wrap portions between songs in a set. Lay out a basic outline, or a more detailed word-for-word script.
- Even if your show’s dialogue is meant to be spontaneous or improvised, you should still jot down a general guideline for what to say, points to discuss if you draw a blank, and general lengths for each segment so you don’t talk too much and run over your time.
- If you’re hoping to have spontaneous dialogue or fill more time, consider having a co-host, guests, or accepting live callers. A co-host you can get along with provides easy banter and contributions so the pressure isn’t all on you, and live callers provide an element of unexpected content. [8] X Research source
- Book guests that are relevant to your show. If you plan on having guests on your show, reach out to guests that have relevant knowledge of the show’s topic, or guests that have an interest in the topic and an entertaining personality.
Schedule your show's time beforehand. Don't "wing it" in the studio unless you're an experienced broadcaster. Scheduling (or "blocking") out the time you have available for your show is a must, especially if it's your first show. Having a plan beforehand allows you to keep the momentum of the show high and makes it harder for you to run out of things to talk about. During your first few shows, you'll inevitably discover that your schedule doesn't perfectly match with reality — some segments may take longer than you anticipated, while others take less time. Take note of these differences and adjust your schedule as needed.
- Let's say that we've just gotten our first 90-minute political talk radio show. Here's an example of a schedule we might have for our first show:
- (5 minutes) Theme song and introductions.
- (20 minutes) Guest interview: Author Jane Smith.
- (15 minutes) Discussion topic 1: Minimum Wage — too high or too low?
- (5 minutes) Ads.
- (10 minutes) Take calls.
- (15 minutes) Discussion topic 2: Gerrymandering — how big of problem is it in the modern age?
- (5 minutes) Ads.
- (10 minutes) Take calls.
- (5 minutes) Allow guest to plug upcoming events. Follow with farewell and outro music.
- Let's say that we've just gotten our first 90-minute political talk radio show. Here's an example of a schedule we might have for our first show:
Contact local radio stations. Talk to radio stations in your area about buying air time or any open positions they might have for a radio host for their main programming. Talk to them about the type of show you want to have and ask about their process for new radio show hosts.
- Make sure to secure radio time on the same day and time each week or day to help build up a larger listenership of people who can expect to hear your show at a certain time. [9] X Research source
- If you’re looking to be a radio DJ and play music, contact stations that play the type of music you would want to play, i.e. alternative, country, rock, etc. The same goes for spoken audio shows: you will want to reach out to public talk radio stations about your news or documentary-style show.
- If you’re in high school or college, talk to your school’s radio station about hosting your own show and what’s required for you to do so.
EXPERT TIPSocial Media ExpertIsabelle Garson is a Social Media Expert based in the San Francisco Bay Area. With 10 years of experience, she works in social media strategy and content production. She specializes in music and cannabis marketing and has worked with international touring artists. Isabelle studied graphic design at the Academy of Art University. Additionally, she holds a certification from Sprinklr Research Analyst Pro.Look for opportunities at volunteer or non-profit radio organizations. If you are looking to get into radio, there are lots of smaller radio stations that are always looking for support and are often volunteer-run.
Pitch your show idea to a production company. There are a variety of productions companies of all shapes and sizes that cater to variety of different genres. Some work with major broadcast networks, others are smaller networks that cator to niche podcasts and internet radio. Do your research and find a production company that is right for your idea.
- Start by sending a short email to the development team or genre lead. Include a short outline of your idea, any creative experience you have, and let them know why you are interested in working with them. Then ask if they would like arrange a meeting, call, of it they’d like to hear more information.
- Have a sample script, first-episode script, or even a rough recording of your show ready to go incase anyone is interested in your idea and wants to hear more.
- Be ready for rejection. You may get a lot of negative responses or no responses before you find a production company who is interested. You have to be persistent and keep trying.
Make a radio show and enter it into a contest. Create your own independent radio show using equipment available to you. Edit it and submit it to radio show contests for the chance to have it featured on a popular station or outlet, and possibly even secure your own regular broadcast.
- Submit your radio show to a local radio station if they’re holding a contest for amateur radio show hosts, or to a larger network of radio stations like iHeartRadio for even more exposure.
- Find support and the potential for an ongoing podcast series with programs like Radiotopia. [10] X Research source
Record an independent radio show for online broadcast. Tape a radio show using whatever equipment you have available and broadcast it online for the potential of having listeners from all over the world. Broadcast a show live online, or make it available through a podcast service.
- Podcasts are a very popular off-shoot from live radio broadcast, and a great option if you want to produce a radio show but can’t find a source to broadcast it live. Starting a podcast allows you to pre-record and edit a show before releasing it on the internet. [11] X Research source
Get familiar with a station’s equipment. Get a full tour and tutorial of equipment you’ll use for broadcasting your show through a local studio. Learn all of the functions of the technology you’ll use (like microphones, speakers, sound mixers, etc.) during live broadcasts so you feel confident operating them on the air. [12] X Research source
- Ask if you can “shadow” another radio show host to get a better feel for how equipment, signals, and procedures go during a real broadcast to learn each step as they go.
- Or ask if you can do several “dry runs” or demos before going live yourself. This sort of training is typically required by stations anyway.
- Make sure you understand how to troubleshoot or solve problems with the equipment you use. Though there may be a technician around to assist you if something goes wrong during a broadcast, it’s always best to know how you can address the issue yourself to fix it right away.
Speak carefully on a live broadcast. Speak slowly and carefully on the radio so that listeners aren’t guessing at what you say or having to adjust their volume. Remember to follow guidelines for appropriate language on the radio, and consider what’s appropriate content for your target audience.
- Consult the FCC’s guidelines and your station’s own rules for what words are prohibited live on air. This should also inform what song lyrics you need to edit or not use if playing music.
- Note that while your intended audience may be adults commuting to work during your morning show, you may have listening children at that hour as well, for whom adult themes wouldn’t be appropriate. The FCC prohibits obscene content on the radio from 6 am to 10 pm. [13] X Trustworthy Source Federal Communications Commission Independent U.S. government agency responsible for regulating radio, television, and satellite, and phone communications Go to source
- If something goes wrong, like a live caller who’s using inappropriate language or topics, know the procedures in place with your studio and equipment on how to take yourself or a caller off the air and start playing music or another segment.
- Be aware of the policies of the radio station you work for. Some radio stations may have additional rules that aren’t covered by the FCC. Additionally, some smaller radio stations (i.e. college radio stations) aren’t bound by the rules of the FCC. They may have looser rules than a standard radio station, but they’ll still have their own rules regarding profanity and controversial topics.
Remember to announce your station’s call sign and frequency. Make sure to repeat the basic information about the radio station you’re broadcasting from, as well as your name and/or the name of your show. Remember that listeners could tune in at any time during your show segment, and want to identify what they’re listening to.
- A radio call sign is the string of four letters that designates the unique transmitting station. The frequency is the number that listeners dial on their radio to get the station’s broadcast. Usually both of these are used to announce and market the station.
- Consult the staff at your station for their guidelines on how often you should be reiterating the station’s information, as is may vary by station or show. In general, you should introduce the station and your show’s name at the beginning of every wrap portion between music or advertising.
- Even if you have a pre-recorded show or podcast, you may want to repeat your show’s name after any advertisements you may have included. While you aren’t “marketing” your show or a station as you would with live radio, you can still get the name of your show out there to help get more listeners talking about it on social media, blogs, etc.
Purchase recording equipment. To record or broadcast a live internet radio show, you will need to purchase some equipment. The following are some of the things you will need:
- Computer: You will need a computer with a decent processor that can handle multiple tasks.
- Microphone: While you can use your computer’s internal mic, it will sound a lot better if you purchase a decent studio microphone, such as the Shure MV7X , or the Shure SM7B .
- Digital Audio Work Station: You’ll need digital recording software to record any audio clips, voiceovers, or promotional material for your radio show. You may also need it to edit live recordings of your radio show for later use. You can use free apps like Audacity, or professional recording software like Reaper, FL Studio, Adobe Audition, or Sound Forge. [14] X Research source
- Broadcast Encoding Software: This is the software that connects you to your internet radio hosting service.
Record your audio clips. Use your recording equipment to record any audio clips, including any narration, wrap portions, sound clips, or interviews you might include in your show.
- If you’re making a show for music, make sure you have all the music files you want to play available on your computer or other device.
Use editing software to edit your audio clips. Import all of your audio files into an editing program that allows you to cut, move, change, and add effects to your audio to turn it into one complete episode of a radio show. Be sure to make copies and save your work in case you lose something accidentally.
- While the editing will depend on your own content and style, some good practices to keep in mind are to edit out unnecessary or very long clips, create space between songs and sections using fades or music, and don’t leave more than a few seconds of empty silence in a recording.
Sign up for an internet radio hosting platform. Radio hosting platforms provides the infrastructure to stream audio online. They are responsible for maintaining the servers, manage bandwidth, and online security for internet broadcasting. You usually have to pay a monthly fee for internet broadcasting hosts. Find an internet radio hosting provider that fits your needs: [15] X Research source
- Some internet radio hosting sites include AirTime Pro , Live365 , , and SHOUTCast .
Download an internet radio encoder. An encoder is the software that connects your computer and your audio devices the radio hosting servers. Many internet radio hosting services have their own encoders. You can also download a third-party encoder. [16] X Research source
- Some internet radio encoders include Mixxx , RadioBOSS , RadioDJ , BUTT , and OBS Studio .
- Some audio encoders only work with specific internet radio hosting platforms. Make sure an encoder is compatible with your hosting service before you download or purchase it.
- Some internet radio encoders have additional features, such as the ability to automate music, adjust music levels automatically while talking over the music, as well as scheduling, which grants other users access to the encoder at specific times so other people can have their own radio show on your channel.
Connect to your audio encoder. After launching the encoder software, you will generally need to enter your internet radio hosting account information. Then you will need to select your audio input devices. This may include your microphones as well as your music player. Once everything is connected, you just have to click the button to connect to the server and you are live on the air.
Share it on hosting sites and social media. Upload your final episode of a radio show onto any platform that hosts audio files or radio shows. Then distribute it using social media sites, a blog, a website, etc.
- Choose a platform for all sorts of audio by uploading your radio show to a well-known service like YouTube, iTunes, or SoundCloud. These have large audiences for the potential to gain more listeners.
- Try a platform specifically for hosting radio shows, like, Podomatic, and BlogTalkRadio, which may have additional helpful tools to schedule the release of your episodes. [17] X Research source
Community Q&A
QuestionDoes the type of speaking voice matter in a radio show host?Community AnswerYou can have any sort of speaking voice to host a radio show, as long as you speak slowly and clearly in such away that all listeners can understand you. Some people have naturally more animated or varied ways of speaking which can better grasp their audience's attention, but this is a quality that anyone can achieve with practice.
QuestionHow do I find listeners for a new online radio show?Community AnswerSpread the word! Post on your social media, tell your friends, even hand out flyers.
QuestionHow can I do a radio show in English?Community AnswerYou can learn the language, or bring on someone who already speaks English.
- If you're interested in trying some interactive recurring features on your show, consider options like soliciting listeners for certain types of stories and on-air creative comedy/improv exercises.Thanks
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about becoming a radio show host, check out our in-depth interview with Isabelle Garson .
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About This Article
To make a radio show, start by listening to other radio shows in your genre, and taking notes on what you like best. Next, work on coming up with a name and theme for your show. Additionally, decide how long each show will be, how often it'll air, and who the target audience is. Before recording the show, write a script or an outline to help you stay on track. Once your show is recorded, use editing software to put it all together, then share it on a hosting or social media site if you're interested in online broadcasting. To learn how to broadcast a live radio show, keep reading!
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- "The entire series of presentations were professional, and the method of conversational transferring of information excellent. As a newcomer to producing a radio show, this is the best presentation I have read." ..." more