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Essential keys to deciphering a Gemini man in love
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If there’s one thing you can predict about a relationship with an unpredictable Gemini man, it's that he will test you. It’s enough to make you want to forget about ever locking this dynamic charmer down. But don’t give up just yet. We spoke with Vedic Astrologer Tara Divina to put together some tips to help you learn more about the romantic habits of a Gemini man. Read on to learn what we found out about how he can test you, what he likes in women, and how to tell if he’s in love.

How Gemini Men Test Women

A Gemini man may test a woman by blowing hot and cold, canceling plans at the last minute, and giving her the silent treatment. He prefers flexible, independent, and intelligent women who have their own interests and hobbies. When a Gemini man is in love, he’s not afraid to say it outright.

Section 1 of 4:

Ways a Gemini Man Tests Women

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  1. There’s no way to get around it. As the sign of the Twins, a Gemini man brings duality to everything he does…including how he tests the women in his life. When you first meet him, he’ll give you all the attention and affection you could ever want. But once he knows he has you hooked, he’ll turn down the heat so low that you won’t know if he even remembers your name. [1]
    • The best way to deal with this test is to relax and give him the space he needs. He’s testing to see if you’ll be clingy, something that really turns him off.
    • Spend time with friends or on your favorite hobby, and before long, Gemini will wonder where you went and come calling.
  2. When you make plans with the Twins, be sure to write it in your calendar in pencil. Gemini is a Mutable sign, meaning these guys have a go-with-the-flow attitude…and they like to keep their options open. [2] If you make plans in advance, expect that he’ll agree to a date and time and then call you up – probably at the last minute – to tell you he can’t make it.
    • When a Gemini does this, he might be testing whether you’re flexible enough to accommodate his spontaneous lifestyle.
    • Be willing to reschedule, but if he starts to take advantage of your flexibility, it’s okay to set boundaries .
  3. The Air signs of the Zodiac are communicators, and the Gemini man takes his conversations very seriously. He loves a good debate so much that he’ll take the opposite side, whether he agrees with it or not…and then switch sides in the middle if he thinks he’s convinced you. [3] The truth about Gemini is that they might not know what side of the argument they truly land on. "They probably prefer both of everything," Davina says.
    • A Gemini man loves an intelligent debate, but he’ll judge you if you put too much emotion into it. He wants to know if you’re up for the occasional verbal sparring.
    • When you sense he’s ready for a good debate, keep a cool head and support your argument with persuasive points, and you’ll have both Twins wrapped around your little fingers.
  4. As much as they love to talk – and Gemini men really love to talk – these guys will shut down if things get too real. For as talkative as they are when they’re happy, the Twins can be very reserved when it comes to their emotions. [4]
    • If you notice your chatty social butterfly going quiet on you, it can mean that something has upset him.
    • The best way to deal with the Gemini silent treatment is to give him space. He needs to have time to process his emotions.
  5. This behavior from a Gemini is part personality trait and part test. "Geminis are all about joining in to play and pleasure," Davina says. He knows he likes to flirt whether he’s in a relationship or not. He wants to know if you can handle it. If you can’t, it’s better he knows before any of his real feelings are involved.
    • The Twins aren’t interested in a jealous partner. Show him you can handle him being a little flirty. After all, he wouldn’t be so bold about it if he were actually cheating.
    • But…Gemini men are players. If you suspect his eye is really wandering, you don’t have to put up with it. Lay out your expectations clearly without getting emotional so he knows exactly where you stand.
  6. Sometimes, a Gemini man doesn’t even know he’s sending mixed messages. Being ruled by the planet Mercury makes him…well…mercurial. He might not even know how crazy he’s making you. Sometimes, though, he knows exactly what he’s doing, and he’s using mixed messages to see how much control he has over your emotions. [5]
    • Don’t let him have the upper hand when it comes to your emotions. If you suspect he’s playing games, take a step back and give yourself some space.
    • If you want a more active approach, try beating him at his own game . Play hard to get by keeping a lid on your emotions and prioritizing your own life.
  7. The Twins love figuring out what makes other people tick. This can manifest through asking insightful questions that help him learn more about who you are and whether you might be a good match for him.
    • The Gemini’s questioning can feel a little intrusive and uncomfortable. If you aren’t comfortable with a specific question, tell him so. Then tell him why it makes you uncomfortable, which can spark a conversation that’s just as interesting to him.
  8. Another way Gemini sparks deep conversation—one of his favorite hobbies—is to hash out “what if” scenarios with you. He might ask you things like, “What if we moved to Thailand?” or “What if we started a podcast about dating?”
    • Geminis are imaginative. They like to imagine what they’d do in all sorts of situations. When they ask you these “what if” questions, they’re interested in what you say, not whether you want to relocate to the other side of the world.
    • Don’t mistake these types of questions with him planning for a future with you
  9. Waiters, Uber drivers, your grandmother…a Gemini man will flirt with every single one of them. This isn’t the same type of flirting he uses to see if you’re going to get jealous. This lighter, friendly flirting likely won’t feel as threatening to your relationship, but it is constant.
    • Flirting is in the Gemini’s blood. [6] He can’t stop himself, so he might lay it on a little thicker than usual from time to time to see if you get who he really is.
    • If you really want to be with this man, you have to understand his flirting isn’t serious.
  10. As if the flighty, changeable nature of the Gemini man didn’t test you enough, he’s definitely scrutinizing your reactions to his unpredictability. He’s impulsive and frequently late. That’s just how it’s going to be with him.
    • If your Gemini man is constantly rescheduling on you or showing up so late it ruins your plan anyway, you don’t have to grin and bear it.
    • Calmly explain to him that you have made time for him, and it makes you feel disrespected when he doesn’t give you adequate notice.
  11. For a sign known for their talkative natures, Gemini men don’t like to show their feelings because it can make them feel vulnerable and exposed. This can mean that they will call you sweetheart or put their arms around you in public long before they do in private. It lets them gauge how they feel about it without it feeling overwhelming, like it would if you were alone.
    • The best way to handle this is to take his public displays of affection in stride. It is a good sign that he’s showing his emotions.
    • Don’t read too much into it, though. If you start treating it like a commitment, he might decide you’re clingy and run.
  12. Gemini men are intelligent and articulate, but they have a tendency to go off on tangents and then snap back to the original subject fast enough to give you whiplash. [7] If you’re having trouble following his scattered thoughts, it can get more than a little confusing.
    • Try to follow his thought process, and if you’re having trouble, ask him probing questions that will get him back on track.
    • Whatever you do, don’t try to force him back on topic. He’ll see this as a sign that you’re mentally inflexible.
  13. Gemini men like to drop everything and head out on grand adventures. If he invites you along, you can be sure that he’s testing you. While he may genuinely want to spend time with you, he also wants to know if he can share his love of adventure with you.
    • If you go along, he’ll be watching you the entire time to see how you react to experiencing new things.
    • Try to have an upbeat attitude even when the situation is a little uncomfortable.
  14. Men with birthdays between May 21 and June adore deep conversations. You already know he’s a talker, but he can also be a surprisingly good listener. [8] He wants to know if you can express yourself, which is extremely important to him. You don’t have to bare your soul on the first date but try opening up to him a little, and you just might win a place in his life.
  15. Meeting a guy's friends is always a good sign, right? Yes, but with a Gemini, it might not mean what you think it does. The Twins want to see if you can fit in with the people that the most to him. He’s a social being. If you’re in a relationship with him, you’re going to be hanging out with his friend group.
    • If the Gemini introduces you to his friend group, just be friendly. Joke around with them and be yourself.
    • Make no mistake, your Gemini man will ask his friends what they think of you. Making a good first impression is important if you want to be a part of his life.
  16. Geminis hate to be tied down and will run in the opposite direction the moment they think you might try to make them commit…to anything. [9] But even when they decide you’re their one and only(ish), they’ll want to spend a lot of time on their own or hanging out with their friends. It doesn’t mean they don’t want to spend time with you. They just don’t want to be with you all the time.
    • This might make the Twins seem a little distant, but when you think about it, a little space to do your own thing can be very healthy for a relationship. When Gemini takes a step back, call your best friend for a heart-to-heart.
  17. In spite of his flirtatious nature, Gemini values loyalty. He’s the kind of guy who wants you to take his side, whether he’s in the middle of a dispute with his landlord or a fight with his oldest friend. When he first shares something important with you, he wants to know what you’re going to do.
    • If you want to show a Gemini man you are loyal to him, listen to his problems, and make sure you always have his back.
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Section 2 of 4:

What does a Gemini man like in a woman?

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  1. Intelligent conversation is Gemini’s love language. If you want to get his attention, let alone capture his heart, you have to be able to take part in a little witty banter. Divina suggests that you could be playful and creative with words if you want to flirt with a Gemini. These guys really are good at talking about almost any subject.
    • You don’t have to be a genius at everything. If you’re interested and excited about a subject, he’ll be interested, too.
  2. Geminis hate a clingy partner. They want someone who has their own interests and hobbies. This kind of free-spirited independence is almost irresistible to him because he feels that you are just as independent as he is.
    • It can be easy to get caught up in a Gemini man’s excitement over a new adventure, but you need to have interests and friends of your own if you don’t want him to get bored.
    • Don’t move your plans around for him. If you tell him you have something else to do, it only makes him more interested in spending time with you.
  3. With their love of witty banter and deep conversations on a variety of topics, the Gemini man secretly longs for a woman with a brainy side. [10] If you want to make a connection with him, start a witty conversation . "Geminis are also dual-minded about things. And so showing them both sides of a coin or asking, "Hey, do you prefer this or that?" would be a very entertaining conversation for them," Divina suggests. Once you engage his mind, his heart will soon follow.
  4. These guys are always on the move. If you’re a woman with an adventurous spirit who can keep up with him, your Gemini is going to want to go on spending time with you.
    • Show him you’re willing to try new things by suggesting a new hobby or interesting destination. Extra points if you ask him out of the blue.
    • You don’t have to come up with an elaborate trip every time. All it takes to get his attention is to try something he’s never done before, whether it’s a new restaurant or a temporary art exhibit.
  5. The Twins love to figure out a mystery. It’s why they’re always asking so many probing questions. They want to learn everything there is about you. The only problem is that once they feel like they know everything about you, they’re no longer interested. [11]
    • Hold your cards a little closer to the vest when Gemini goes into interrogation mode.
    • It’s okay to reveal a little bit about yourself, just make sure you’re holding something back. You want him to think there’s still more that he doesn’t know.
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Section 3 of 4:

What signs are most compatible with the Gemini man?

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  1. Aquarius, Libra, and – of course – other Geminis are the best matches for this chatty sign. Since Air signs are all known for their ability to communicate, there will never be a lull in the conversation when Gemini is talking to a Libra or Aquarius woman. Air signs also share sharp minds and a love of witty banter.
    • The Twins also find a good match with Sagittarius, the opposite sign in the zodiac, because they each embody the traits the other admires but doesn’t possess.
    • Gemini and Sagittarius are also both mutable signs, making them flexible and easy-going.
  2. Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorns are going to find a relationship with Geminis difficult, if not impossible. These signs love tradition and structure, both completely foreign to the free-wheeling Gemini.
    • Geminis may also have trouble connecting with emotional water signs like Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. These signs can be a little too sensitive for Gemini’s sometimes careless joking.
    • Gemini men can find love with even the most incompatible signs. It just takes extra work and a little luck. [12]
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Section 4 of 4:

How to Tell if a Gemini Man is in Love

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  1. By now, you know that Gemini men love to hear their own voices. So when they close their mouths and really listen to what you’re saying on a regular basis, it means he’s completely smitten.
    • Listening means more than just being a friendly ear. He’ll pay attention to what you’re saying and become more thoughtful and attentive to your needs.
    • You might find that he remembers little things you mention in passing that later become thoughtful gifts or romantic gestures.
  2. A Gemini’s “what if” questions about exciting adventures will become more concrete discussions about a future with you. If he’s talking about what your relationship will be years into the future, he’s ready to commit his heart.
    • When he’s in love with you, he’ll include you in the big decisions about his future, like job changes or moving to a new city.
    • A Gemini in love will also be direct about his desire for a stable relationship with you.
  3. The Gemini man is both charming and a talker. [13] When you put those traits together, you get a man who isn’t shy about telling you exactly what he likes about you whether it’s your beautiful smile or your unbeatable taste in music.
    • He’ll also pay you lots of compliments in public so everyone else knows how much he loves and admires you.
    • When a Gemini is in love with you, you might even hear him bragging about how great you are to his friends.
  4. The Twins tend to be twice as busy as other men. But when you’ve stolen their heart, they’re eager to make time for you in their hectic social schedules.
    • You still may receive a last-minute invitation from a lovestruck Gemini, but it’s more likely that his schedule opened up and you were the first person he wanted to spend time with.
  5. Flirty Geminis don’t get jealous unless they’re truly in love. Once he’s decided you’re the one, he’s going to notice when you’re talking to another guy…and he won’t like it one bit.
    • The jealous Gemini man isn’t going to get angry, but he likes to be the center of attention and may start to toot his own horn a little to remind you want a great guy he is. [14]
  6. When a Gemini man is really in love, you’ll know it. He won’t be able to keep from telling you. As a natural communicator, he uses words when things are serious. They’re even more important than physical affection to this Air sign.
    • When a Gemini man is in love with you, expect to see cute messages from him every day.
    • He’ll get in touch any way he can: calls, texts, or even a megaphone if that’s what it takes. [15]
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Learn How to Attract a Gemini Man with this Expert Series

Gemini men are outgoing, witty, and often flirtatious. This air sign is easily distracted, but we've put together this expert series to help you attract the Gemini of your dreams.

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