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This wikiHow teaches you how to install a modem for your home or workplace Internet. If you want to have Wi-Fi, you will need to buy a router and connect the modem to the router as well.

Connecting a Modem and a Router

Plug one end of the Ethernet cable into the square port on the back of the modem. Plug the other end into the "INTERNET" or "WAN" port on the back of the router. Plug the router into a power source. Wait at least 5 minutes to let the modem and router boot up before connecting it to your Wi-Fi.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Preparing to Install

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  1. While rare, some modems encounter issues when paired with a specific Internet company (e.g., Comcast). Double-check your modem's compatibility with your current Internet subscription before buying (if possible). Calling your ISP is usually the best bet to figure this out.
    • If you find that your modem won't work with your current subscription, try to exchange the modem for a different one that will work, or switch your Internet subscription.
  2. The cable output resembles a metal cylinder with a small hole in the middle and screw threads all around the sides. You'll usually find cable outputs in the wall near the floor in living rooms and bedrooms. [1]
    • In some cases, there will already be a cable connected to the cable outlet.
  3. Decide on a place to mount the modem. The modem should be relatively high up (e.g., on top of a bookshelf), and it will need to be close enough to the cable output that you can connect it without stretching or bending the cable.
    • You'll also need to have a power outlet nearby.
  4. A modem generally requires a coaxial cable to connect to the cable output, as well as a power cable to connect to an electrical outlet. Both of these cables should come with your modem, but if you bought it used, you may need to find replacement cables. [2]
    • If you plan on attaching the modem to a router, you will also need an Ethernet cable.
    • Consider buying a longer coaxial cable if the one that you have is too short to allow you to mount your modem properly.
  5. Each modem is unique, and yours may require additional setup outside of this article's capacity. Reading your modem's manual will help make you aware of any additional steps that you have to take to install the modem. [3]
    • In most cases, it's important to contact your ISP and inform them that you have a new modem. The support professional will ask you for some information regarding the modem to walk you through the first steps.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:


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  1. The coaxial cable has a connection that resembles a needle on each end. This will plug into the cable output. Make sure that you screw the coaxial cable onto the cable outlet to ensure that the connection is solid. [4]
  2. On the back of the modem, you should see an input that resembles the cable output cylinder. Attach the free end of the coaxial cable to this input, making sure to tighten as needed. [5]
  3. A wall socket or a surge protector will do. It's important to plug the cable into the power outlet before connecting it to the modem, since connecting the power cable to the modem first can cause damage. [6]
  4. You'll usually find the power cable input port at the bottom of the back of the modem, but check your modem's documentation to confirm if you can't find the power port. [7]
  5. With the cables attached, gently move your modem into its designated position. [8] You shouldn't feel any resistance from the cables.
  6. If you have a Wi-Fi router that you want to use in conjunction with your modem, plug one end of an Ethernet cable into the square port on the back of the modem, then plug the other end into the "INTERNET", "WAN", or similarly labeled square port on the back of the router. As long as the router is plugged into a power source, the router should immediately light up.
    • Give your modem and router at least five minutes to boot up before attempting to connect to Wi-Fi .
    • You can also connect your computer directly to your modem via Ethernet if you have an Ethernet port enabled computer (ex. A PC or Ethernet Adapter for most Macs)
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How can you setup a router with your phone?
    Luigi Oppido
    Computer & Tech Specialist
    Luigi Oppido is the Owner and Operator of Pleasure Point Computers in Santa Cruz, California. Luigi has over 25 years of experience in general computer repair, data recovery, virus removal, and upgrades. He is also the host of the Computer Man Show! broadcasted on KSQD covering central California for over two years.
    Computer & Tech Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Download the appropriate app and follow the on-screen instructions. After the app is loaded, it will ask you to connect to the network that's being broadcast out of it. A lot of times, the routers have their own name and network password—it's already set up, so you just follow the instructions that the app gives you. At that point, as soon as you're logged in with that unit, it automatically detects the unit and sets up all the protocols for the type of internet you're using, and it'll ask if you want to change your broadcast ID and password. You should now be online and ready to go!
  • Question
    Where do I change the settings in my computer?
    Community Answer
    You should first consult your user manual for the computer and modem. Generally, all the settings will be in "control panel" for windows and "settings" for a Mac. You may also need to enter some settings in a web browser.
  • Question
    Do I need to go through the same process if I replace my modem with the same brand?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how many models up that modem is compared to the last one. It should be generally the same if it is the same brand and not too newer or older than the one you had. Most of the steps should carry over.
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      • There are miniature USB modems that you can connect to your computer by inserting the USB end of the modem into your computer's USB port. These modems typically connect directly to Ethernet cables that are used for phone lines, meaning that your Internet speed will be incredibly slow while using one.
      • If you're running into connection issues, try disconnecting all of your modem's connections and then tightly reconnecting them after a minute. If the connection issues persist, call your Internet Service Provider.
      • When installing a modem, you can extend a cable cord to the ideal location if needed.
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      • Always ensure that your modem's connections are tightly implemented. The coaxial cable, power cord, and Ethernet cable should all be firmly attached to the modem before operation.

      Expert Interview

      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about installing a modem, check out our in-depth interview with Luigi Oppido .

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To install a modem, start by connecting one end of a coaxial cable, which is a cable with a needle on each end, to the cable output in your home. Then, attach the other end of the cable to your modem. Next, plug the power cable that came with your modem into an electrical outlet, and plug the other end of the cable into your modem. Finally, if you have a Wi-Fi router that you want to use, plug one end of an ethernet cable into the back of the modem and the other end into the router. For tips on how to choose the right modem, keep reading!

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