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All you need to know about the bond Aquarians and Libras share
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How does freedom-loving and eccentric Aquarius match with beautiful and diplomatic Libra? Since both Aquarius and Libra are air signs, you might suspect that they have a lot in common—and you'd be right. But when these two get together, do sparks fly? We talked to expert astrologers Angel Eyedealism and Stina Garbis to get the inside scoop on how compatible a Libra and an Aquarius really are.

Libra and Aquarius Compatibility

Aquarius and Libra are two air signs that have a lot in common. They're a great match intellectually, emotionally, and sexually. However, Libra and Aquarius may struggle with communication during conflict as they tend to express themselves differently.

Section 1 of 6:

Aquarius and Libra Relationship at a Glance

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  1. As air signs, Aquarius and Libra are naturally compatible. An air-air couple, with their shared sense of intellect and reason, makes a great match. These signs are both sociable, witty, and adventurous, which means they can share an easy chemistry with one another.
    • Eyedealism agrees that both of these signs, as air signs, are primarily attracted to intelligence.
    • Garbis notes that Libra, which is ruled by Venus, is also deeply attracted to physical beauty, while Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, is more likely attracted to people and things that seem different and edgy.
    • These signs are also placed at a harmonious trine angle from one another in the zodiac, which means that they tend to naturally understand each other's needs and desires. [1]
  2. Air signs can seem a bit untethered from daily life—they tend to be more comfortable in the abstract world of ideas and can have trouble staying on top of day-to-day responsibilities. On top of that, Libra is the sign of partnership, which can make freedom-loving Aquarius feel a little stifled.
    • Eyedealism notes that "being in a relationship is extremely important to [Libras]. However, Libras flip flop, so when they're in a relationship... they want to be out of one and when they're out of one, all they can think about is being in one."
    • Air signs are gifted communicators. Setting aside time to talk about important issues, such as money, daily responsibilities, and emotional needs, is a strategy that will likely work well for this pair.
    • In the end, the nature of these signs keeps things functional. As a cardinal sign, Libras are natural leaders. [2] As a fixed sign, Aquarius is steady and stable. [3] These strengths place this couple on track for success.
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Section 2 of 6:

Aquarius and Libra Sexual Compatibility

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  1. Aquarians can take their originality streak into the bedroom and help Libras open up their kinkier side. Libras tend to be about balance in all things, so you can count on them to make sure both partners are having a good time.
    • Air signs can use their strength in communication to clearly state their desires and make sure everything remains fun and exciting between the sheets.
    • If you're new to this relationship, try asking a simple question such as, "What kinds of things do you like in bed?" You can get the conversation ball rolling and enjoy sharing your passions and fantasies from there.
    • And don't worry! Both Libra and Aquarius tend to be really comfortable talking about sexual issues.
    Emily Morse, Author & Sex Therapist

    Embrace intimacy as a conversation topic. "I encourage people to look at sex as something that you get to embrace. You get to decide what works for you, and do your own research with your body."

  2. Libra tends to be much more romantic than Aquarius, and both signs can miss the other's signals that they want physical intimacy. The chemistry they have just enjoying conversation together might cause them to miss out on the physical component of their relationship.
    • An Aquarius tends to over-intellectualize their relationship if they're not given a sign that their partner also finds them sexually attractive.
    • According to Eyedealism, with Aquarius men in particular, you have to be extremely direct about your sexual interest or they just won't see it.
    • If you're the Libra in this coupling, a little physical flirtation can get your Aquarian's attention and help them realize there's more than just ideas to think about.
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Aquarius and Libra Emotional Compatibility

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  1. Since they're both intellectual air signs, they tend to be more than happy to talk about abstract ideas for hours. They typically like to keep things casual, charming, and witty in conversation, which makes them a pleasure to be around. They always seem to have fun when they're connecting on a mental level.
    • Aquarius and Libra connect the most through art. While Libra might be more drawn to the aesthetic beauty of the work, Aquarius is going to be more attracted to the political ideas expressed. But even when they disagree, they enjoy exploring each other's viewpoints.
  2. While both Libras and Aquarians want to help others, Libras tend to care more about the people they're personally close to—their friends and family. Aquarians, on the other hand, or more focused on problems in the world at large. This can cause a disconnect if Libra feels that Aquarius is not taking their concerns seriously enough.
    • This can also come into play if Aquarius feels that Libra's sophisticated taste is meaningless, or if Libra feels suspicious of Aquarius's more moralizing tendencies.
    • Because these two are both great communicators, these differences don't necessarily mean these two aren't compatible. A Libra and an Aquarius could throw a great party with a mix of Libra's artsy friends with Aquarius's political comrades.
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Aquarius and Libra Trust Compatibility

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  1. This match has a lot to offer, but Garbis notes that Aquarians often "blend love and friendships, so there may not be a clear line where one ends and the other begins." Since Libra is the sign of partnership, they might get frustrated when Aquarius doesn't seem to prioritize taking things to the next level.
    • Since Aquarians can sometimes be unclear about what they want in a relationship, it's important for the Libra to step up if they want something more serious.
    • Asking a question such as, "Where do you see this relationship heading?" Is a great way to break the ice on this topic so both partners can get an understanding of each other's thoughts and feelings.
  2. Eyedealism notes that when Libra "become[s] cold and distant, not engaged...that's a really bad sign." Even worse, their Aquarian partner might not realize there's a problem if they're too caught up in their own head. Since Aquarians tend to value freedom, they likely don't mind feeling somewhat free of the obligations of a relationship and might not feel like anything's amiss.
    • The best thing you can do here is pay attention to breakdowns in communication. If you're the Aquarian and notice that your Libra partner isn't reaching out as much, ask them what's wrong.
    • If you're the Libra, try to move past your people-pleasing tendencies so you can instead be more direct about any issues you're having in the relationship. Don't worry—your Aquarian won't begrudge you for coming to them and they'll appreciate your honesty.
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Aquarius and Libra Intellectual Compatibility

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  1. Both Aquarians and Libras tend to love ideas, philosophy, and art. They also tend to love talking about their thoughts and opinions on these subjects. This means that their relationship could be first and foremost an intellectual one, with the two of them sending each other essays, book recommendations, and documentary reviews back and forth.
    • Libras tend to love art, while Aquarians are natural humanitarians. This means there's actually a lot of overlap in their interests. For example, they might both enjoy watching a documentary followed by a discussion, or walking through an avant-garde museum.
  2. Libras tend to be more cautious and diplomatic with their words, while Aquarians are usually more in your face. A Libra is likely to try to find common ground so they can avoid a confrontation, whereas Aquarius seems to thrive in conflict.
    • Even though Libra might be embarrassed by their Aquarian partner's aggressiveness in debate, Aquarius might get frustrated by their Libra's need to keep things polite.
    • Turns out both of these signs can actually learn from each other's strengths to become even better communicators.
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Section 6 of 6:

Aquarius and Libra Compatibility: The Bottom Line

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  1. These signs align on so many key components of compatibility, including intellectual, sexual, and emotional compatibility, that they can find great partners in one another. If they're able to get past the initial hurdle of turning their electric friendship into a real romantic partnership, these signs can become wonderful companions in life.
    Judy Hall, Bestselling New Age Author

    Compatibility stems not from zodiac signs, but from a willingness to grow together. True partners choose each other daily through compromise, communication, and support. They create compatibility where others see division. Approach disagreements with patience and understanding. Celebrate each other's wins. Prioritize kindness, especially when tensions run high. Foster intimacy through vulnerability, trust, and acceptance. In this way, any two dedicated individuals can build a lasting relationship. Compatibility relies not on what we are, but what we become together.

Which Signs Are Most Compatible With Libra?

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    How do I get closer to Aquarius?
    Angel Eyedealism
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings.
    Astrologer & Performance Artist
    Expert Answer
    The best way to get close to an Aquarius is actually by giving them plenty of space. Aquarius really values getting time and space for intellectual detachment.
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