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Keeping a diary or journal is a great way to express your emotions on paper and treasure experiences. Years from now, you'll wonder what you were doing years ago. A diary will remind you of the good - and bad - times you had in your past. A diary can also help vent out anger and frustration as well as excitement. It is a great way to express your feelings and pour out your heart when you're sad or when you just need someone (well, something actually) to tell your innermost thoughts to. Many of us started writing journal one time or another but never kept it up. We started during a difficult time and simply abandoned writing when things got better. It doesn't have to be that way. Writing a journal can also be to record happy memories.

Method 1
Method 1 of 1:

Keeping Your Own Diary

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  1. Some of the ways people personalize diaries are: [1]
    • Adding scraps, like movie ticket stubs, receipts, flower petals, etc.
    • Gluing in photographs
    • Making sketches and drawings
    • Writing poems
    • Choosing a quotation or a goal of the day
  2. You could include your name, your age, your best friend , your occupation or school grade, and a few of your hobbies and favorite things. Sometimes people include a "reward if found" note, just in case it gets lost.
  3. Start your first entry by labeling the top with the weekday and date, the time, and possibly where you were when writing that entry. Write your entry as if you were talking to your best friend, or even to yourself, with enough detail to remind you what was going on at that time. Remember that things may be different in the future. [2]
  4. Pretend it is a real person, not a non-living object. This one day may become your best friend!
  5. Write your frustrations and celebrations, but also write everyday things about your schedule, your friends, and the things you like to do. People forget things they think they will always remember, and these everyday things will be very meaningful to you later. Try to write positive in there too. Being positive can help you in the darkest of times. [3]
    • Use your diary to journal about changes in your emotion so you can work through them easier.
  6. If you do skip a day, days, or even weeks, don't worry about it. Just start in again from the current day. Obsessively trying to catch up with all your past events is the quickest way to lose interest a diary. If you're still remembering something weeks later that you didn't write about, it will come up again in your mind later and you can write about it then. Don't worry if you skip a day, week, or even a month. No one's keeping score. [4]
  7. But do this when you are in an accepting mood of yourself! It does not help to be mean and judge your former self and then throw away your diary in disgust. Be nice to yourself and treat your old diaries like letters from your former self to your present self. More importantly, see how much you have grown and learned from your experiences. At the end of the day, that is the true beauty of a diary, of your own personal and emotional growth as you strive to better yourself every day. [5]
  8. Make sure you hide it too . It's a personal diary so it needs to be safe! A hollow book is a good place to hide a diary.
    • You can also hide your diary in other places like between the mattress and the bed frame, stuck up under a table/chair, in a video case, in a shoe packet, or in your jacket.
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Join the Discussion...

One of my resolutions this year is to start a diary, but I've never had one before. Does anyone have any tips on how to get started? Not totally sure what I should write about or how to even format the entries. I'd also love any advice on how to stick to writing in it every day!
Your diary is your personal place to vent, work through emotions, jot down ideas, and write about anything else that comes to mind—there are no rules! Many people like to write about recent life events and their relationships, but it's totally up to you. To format your entries, just flip to a blank new page and put the date (including the year) at the top. Try writing in your diary at the same time each day, like right after you wake up or just before bed, to make it a habit and stick with it.
Rachel Clissold
Certified Life Coach
Try writing about how you feel. Journaling is a powerful tool to get clarity and separate emotion from fact. When you're operating from past patterns and traumas, you carry those emotions, and it's hard to clearly see the truth of the situation. If you're not processing those emotions or feeling them and letting them go, they're going to be sitting dormant in your system. Journaling is about getting that out of the body and processing the emotion. It's about feeling it so you can let it go.

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Do I have to be honest with my diary even if I think someone will read it?
    Community Answer
    You can do whatever you want with your diary, but it seems a bit pointless to write dishonest things in one. The purpose is supposed to be to have a place where you can put your real thoughts and feelings, including ones you wouldn't share with anyone else. Whatever works for you, though! You may want to check out How to Hide Your Diary .
  • Question
    Can I insert photographs?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can.
  • Question
    Why should I keep a diary?
    Community Answer
    The many purposes of a diary can include being used to write letters to those you can't contact directly (ex. God, a parent you never knew, an imaginary friend, etc.), or to keep track of day to day happenings, such as what happened at school, work, or just life. It can be used to confide in, to write secrets or feelings in, ideas for your future, or to preserve memories. You get to decide what you use it for.
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      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • If you always forget to write in your diary, set an alarm on your iPhone for a specific time of day that you can set aside to write in your diary (like after dinner or before school). Make sure to always write in your diary when the alarm goes off, even if it's just for a few minutes.
      • Add things to make writing in your diary more fun, like write in different colored pens or paste in stickers and photos of your friends.
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      • Don't worry about grammar and proper spelling. You're here to write out your thoughts and feelings - not to write a perfect best-selling novel.
      • Don't copy off others, this is your diary so make it your style!
      • Be yourself. You don't want to look back on your life as other people.
      • Write down everything! Censoring your own thoughts means that you are not honest with yourself.
      • Try to be neat so that you'll be able to read what you wrote in the future. You never know how long you'll keep your diary.
      • Don't write a bluff be true to your diary/journal
      • Make sure your ink doesn't leak through the paper!
      • Make sure you know where your diary is at all times, especially if there is important/embarrassing information in it! If it has some ultra-top-secret information, get a lock or get a diary with a lock and then hide it. Be careful not to drop it somewhere and forget about it.
      • Write in pen only. Pencil might fade away.

      Things You'll Need

      • A Nice Notebook : A plain or decorated notebook to use as your diary.
      • A Favorite Pen : ballpoint, gel, and fountain pens are great options to look into. They can have barrels and ink in a variety of colors.
      • Page Decorations : Photographs, tickets, acid-free stickers, cut-outs, a favorite collector's card, ribbons, pressed flowers, acid-free printer paper, and anything else
      • A Lock and Key , a mini combination lock, a locking case, or a very good hiding place for your diary
      • A Special Spot where you can comfortably go to focus and write. Some people actually set up a designated place in their homes for this!

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      Keeping a diary is a great way to clear your head and keep track of the important things in your life. To start each entry, just write the date and where you are at the time to help you find information in the future. Then, write your thoughts, feelings, and the main events from each day. If you’re worried about people finding your diary, use a secret code to refer to different people and events. You can also add scraps like movie tickets, receipts, or photos. Make sure you hide your diary well, like under your mattress or in a shoe box in your closet. Try to write in your diary at the same time every day so you'll remember more easily. If life gets in the way and you miss a few entries, don’t worry. Just pick it back up the next day you can. For more tips, including how to decorate your diary, read on!

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      • Anchor Luk

        Sep 11, 2016

        "I want to have a diary to note down the happy and unhappy things, reminding myself what I am doing right and wrong. ..." more
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