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What does Libra look for in a soulmate?
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As the sign of balance and justice, Libras are stylish, intelligent forces of nature, but which zodiac signs are destined to be their other half? Ruled by Venus, the planet of love, Libras love to be around people but crave relationships where they can share deep and meaningful conversations. In this article, we’ll give you a list of zodiac signs that are most likely to be Libra’s soulmate so you can start the epic search for love today.

Things You Should Know

  • Libras’ most compatible soulmates are air signs Gemini and Aquarius.
  • Fire signs Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries are also some of the best matches for Libra.
  • Libras can also be a great match for other Libras, cultivating a relationship full of romance, affection, and support.
  1. Geminis bring humor and playfulness, while Libras bring charm, love, and grace. Naturally open-minded and charismatic, they center each other through mentally stimulating conversation, connecting with others, and sharing their interests. This pair can make an incredible, marriage-ready power couple , always laughing and having fun. [1]
    • Geminis can also be one of Libra’s best friends. As outgoing intellectuals, they both process emotions in a similar way and enjoy befriending and interacting with everyone they meet.
    • At times, Libra can feel overwhelmed by Gemini’s indecisiveness, and Gemini might feel held back by Libra’s perfectionism and love for order. However, their ability to talk through anything might help them move through any walls standing in their way.
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  1. Equal parts social and romantic, this pair has a deep relationship of shared intimacy, luxury, style, and socialization. Leo strengthens Libra’s sense of self-confidence and courage, while Libra exposes Leo to new ideas, people, and places. This star-crossed romance has the power to make it long-term. [2]
    • Leo can be bothered by Libra’s indecisive, self-absorbed, superficial personality while Libra can be annoyed by Leo’s controlling, overdramatic, selfish nature. However, as long as Libra controls their jealousy and Libra stops overanalyzing their relationship and lives in the moment, this relationship can be incredibly powerful .
    • Leo is also one of Libra’s best marriage matches. When these two tie the knot, they no longer feel like they have to keep their walls up and they commit to each other without hesitation. [3]
  1. Both love people and have high mental energy, and their relationship is built on the meaningful conversations they share. They both know how to uplift and support each other. While Aquarius brings originality, community, and extremism to the relationship, Libra brings harmony, grace, and diplomacy. They both have the same air element, which makes it easy for them to push each other to explore new things and go outside of their comfort zone. Together, they can create a comfortable relationship full of eccentricity and adventure. [4]
    • Venus-led Libra may force Aquarius into a committed relationship before they’re ready, valuing old-fashioned romance that could seem boring to Aquarius. On the other side, Aquarius might forget to satisfy Libra’s codependency, which could lead to conflict. However, as long as both signs communicate their needs, nothing will stand in this pair’s way.
    • The compatibility of their personalities makes them not only great lovers but incredible best friends. As intellectual equals who both love to talk about art and complex ideas, Aquarius and Libra are bound to have a great time together.
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  1. Both love being around people, entertaining at parties, and going on adventures. They both have a deep desire to learn about the world around them and can spend hours talking about it. Airy Libra is intellectual, witty, social, and playful, while firey Sagittarius is spontaneous, passionate, and can be a little bit of a hothead. As long as they both continue to learn from each other and find hobbies to share, this couple can keep the fire burning bright between them. [5]
    • Tensions can arise when Sagittarius gives unfiltered, passionate opinions that Libra doesn’t care about. Sagittarius and Libra also struggle with indecision, and they may both flitter back and forth for a while before they truly commit to the relationship. But once they do, they’re a natural pair .
  1. As signs on opposite sides of the zodiac wheel, this couple can bring intense emotional chemistry and physical attraction. Aries and Libra are both fun-loving initiators that bring passion and romance to the relationship. Venus-ruled Libra and Mars-ruled Aries also both share a strong desire for physical affection and spoken reassurance. Libra can bring the balance and equality that firey Aries needs. Together, they can create an infatuated, passionate romance. [6]
    • Aries’ aggressive disposition and love for competition might be overwhelming for peacekeeping Libra, who tends to shy away from conflict. However, as long as the two don’t burn each other out, this pair can never be bored .
    • Aries and Libra can also make incredible lifelong marriage partners, making the most of the moments they share together. Their relationship is built on patience, passion, and respect as they support each other emotionally and cooperate to reach their goals.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 720 wikiHow readers who are familiar with Aries-Libra relationships, and 60% of them agreed that honest communication and understanding is the key to this pairing’s success. [Take Poll]
    • Libras and Aries in a relationship should focus on being vulnerable and communicating openly with their partners.
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  1. Both deeply romantic and sentimental, they share an intense appreciation of intellectual beauty. These two can talk (a lot) and never tire of the other’s company or conversation. They both express their emotions with sincerity and sensitivity. As affectionate, people-pleasing signs, they can never run out of loving affection or support. This relationship can be deeply compatible, built on loyalty, devotion, and love. [7]
    • Both signs are Libras, so they might spend a lot of time and energy trying to please one another, sweeping necessary conversations under the rug to avoid any conflicts or uncomfortable discussions.

Which Signs Are Most Compatible With Libra?

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