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A deeper look into the bond between these two energetic signs
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On the outside, it might seem like Leos and Libras don’t have that much in common. Leos tend to be very charismatic and fiery, while Libras have a reputation for being a bit more calm. However, these two signs share a similar energy, and their differences only work to strengthen their bond that much more. Read on to learn all about how compatible these two signs are as friends when it comes to things like their interests, values, communication styles, and more.

Things You Should Know

  • Libra’s and Leo’s personalities differ in many aspects, but their differences balance each other out perfectly to create a very harmonious friendship.
  • Both Libra and Leo are energetic and outgoing individuals who love adventure.
  • Leos tend to be more assertive while Libras are more diplomatic. Leo can help Libra feel more confident while Libra’s calm disposition can balance out Leo’s commanding presence.
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Libra & Leo Friendship Compatibility

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  1. One of the best things about a Libra-Leo friendship is the fact that their differences come together to create a beautiful and balanced harmony. Each possesses different skills and strengths, and they use those to lift the other up where they may be lacking. While, of course, they may face some challenges, Libra and Leo are better when they’re together. [1]
    • A friendship between an Air sign (Libra) and a Fire sign (Leo) is usually full of love and warmth. Like the actual elements, Air and Fire signs only grow stronger when they’re put together and can work together effortlessly.
    • On top of that, Libra is ruled by Venus, and Leo is ruled by the Sun, and they come together in a perfect blend of warmth and passion. Venus’ feminine energy also balances out the Sun’s masculine energy.
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Libra & Leo Interests

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  1. Libras don’t usually like when things turn monotonous and are always on the lookout for new things to try and experience. [2] Leos are naturally extroverted, outgoing, and friendly, and their energy matches perfectly with a Libra’s. When these two come together, there’s likely never going to be a boring moment between them. [3]
    • For Libra: Your Leo friend will enjoy doing activities that cater to their outgoing and social nature. Go out on Friday nights or the weekends to new restaurants, bars, cafes, or clubs—anywhere that allows them to strike up conversations with new people.
    • For Leo: Libras tend to be most interested in things that allow them to be creative or appeal to their sense of aesthetics. Take your Libra friend to an art museum, go to a music festival together, or sign up for an art class together.
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Libra & Leo Emotional Bond

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  1. This pair strikes a near-perfect balance in terms of their personalities, strengths, and values. Rather than being driven away by each other’s differences, Libra and Leo recognize that they’re stronger together, and they both hold a genuine appreciation for the other’s talents and strengths. [4]
    • For Libra: Sometimes, Leos can have a hard time talking about their emotions with others despite their otherwise confident and assertive nature. It may help for you to model vulnerability and show your Leo friend that it’s okay to open up . This can help build even more trust between you two.
    • For Leo: Libras by nature tend to be very concerned with the well-being and happiness of others. They strive for balance and harmony, but this might cause them to sometimes push their own emotions down. If you ever sense that your Libra friend is having a hard time, directly asking what’s wrong and what you can do to help may be the best approach to help them open up and confide in you.
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Libra & Leo Intellectual Bond

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  1. As an Air sign, Libras tend to be natural intellectuals, and the cultivation of knowledge is one of their greatest values. Leos tend to be very eloquent speakers and possess sharp and witty minds that allow them to speak about a vast variety of topics. It’s likely that many riveting conversations will occur between Libra and Leo friends. [5]
    • For Libra: Leos tend to feel most confident and appreciated when they’re given the chance to share their personal opinions, especially about topics they find interesting. Be sure to actively listen when your Leo friend has something they want to say. Give them your full attention and ask them questions to show them that you admire their passion.
    • For Leo: Discussions that revolve around current affairs and culture are usually most interesting to Libras. Entertain your friend by bringing up things like politics, social justice, art, and history.
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Libra & Leo Communication Styles

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  1. Oftentimes, Leos have no issues asserting themselves and speaking their minds. They can be quite expressive and have a knack for storytelling. On the other hand, Libras tend to concern themselves more with maintaining harmony with others. They make excellent listeners who possess very open and empathetic minds. Their diplomatic nature also balances Leo’s more commanding personality, while Leo can help bring Libra out of their shell. [6]
    • For Libra: Sometimes, Libras can have a hard time speaking their minds for fear of upsetting the balance in their relationships with others. While remaining considerate of the people around you, don’t be afraid to speak honestly and be assertive at times. For example, say no to things you don’t like or enjoy and give your honest opinion when asked.
    • For Leo: Leos have a tendency to enjoy being in the spotlight. However, this can sometimes lead them to overshadow others if they’re not careful. Along with expressing your unique thoughts and opinions, remember to step back every now and then and just listen. You never know what you may learn from hearing other people’s perspectives.
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Libra & Leo Values

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  1. Libras place a lot of importance on maintaining balance and fairness. They tend to be incredibly empathetic and compassionate people who are always willing to lend a helping hand. [7] Similarly, Leos are very kind-hearted individuals. They’re incredibly generous and oftentimes feel the need to give more to others than they receive. [8]
    • For Libra: Many Leos love physical affection. To show a Leo friend just how much you cherish and appreciate their friendship, don’t shy away from giving them a hug, cuddling with them, or holding their hand. [9]
    • For Leo: Libras tend to flourish when given genuine and sincere compliments. To show kindness and appreciation toward your Libra friend, pick out the things you admire about them and compliment them whenever you can.
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Libra & Leo Power Dynamics

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  1. It’s a meeting of the mind and heart when Libra and Leo come together. Leos tend to place a lot of confidence in their intuition and instincts, and they make natural leaders because they truly believe in their abilities. [10] On the other hand, Libras tend to work more behind the scenes, and they place more emphasis on teamwork, intellect, and realism. [11]
    • For Libra: While you’re by no means meek, you sometimes might find it hard to assert yourself because you place so much importance on maintaining peace. Your willingness to compromise helps fuel cooperation with others, but always be sure to state your honest opinions and desires so that your voice can be heard.
    • For Leo: While a Leo’s ambition and confidence are certainly admirable, they can sometimes cause an imbalance of power. From time to time, remember that it’s okay to give up control . Be considerate of others’ opinions and be open to compromising . You might be able to learn even more from following others rather than leading.
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Libra & Leo Decision-Making Styles

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  1. As a fixed sign, Leos tend to be more decisive than others and have clear preferences in terms of what they want and how they want things done. On the other hand, while Libras, as cardinal signs, are also quite ambitious, they often prefer to simply go with the flow due to their desire to maintain balance and harmony. They’ll usually be more than happy to compromise with their Leo friend and remain flexible. [12]
    • For Libra: Leos tend to have a lot of pride, and they don’t always like being told what to do. To best compromise with a Leo, be sure to offer them options so that it doesn’t seem like you’re backing them into a corner. Show them that you’re willing to listen to them and respect their personal perspective.
    • For Leo: Sometimes, Libras can struggle with indecisiveness due to their desire to keep everyone happy and satisfied. Be sure to practice patience with Libras and give them gentle encouragement to speak their mind. Instead of pressuring them into making a decision, listen as they explain their thoughts and offer advice if you think it’ll help them. [13]
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Key Takeaways

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  1. All in all, a Libra-Leo friendship is one of the most well-balanced and harmonious out there. Libra’s calm and diplomatic disposition balances perfectly with Leo’s more flamboyant and assertive personality, while Leo’s confidence can help bring Libra out of their shell. They’re also both incredibly warm and passionate people, and they’re equally dedicated to making their friendship last a long time.
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